CIRCUIT - Grup de Recerca en Circuits i Sistemes de Comunicació
L'objectiu del grup és desenvolupar activitats de recerca en l'àmbit dels circuits i sistemes de comunicació. Aquest grup aborda l'anàlisi i el disseny de circuits en els seus vessants: lineals, no lineals, variants, invariants i commutats amb paràmetres concentrats o distribuïts mitjançant eines convencionals o desenvolupades específicament. També es duen a terme estudis d'estabilitat i bifurcacions en aquests circuits. De forma especialment significativa, en el grup es desenvolupen tècniques de baix consum per a receptors de radiocomunicacions amb modulacions convencionals, d'espectre eixamplat i UWB i es dissenyen sistemes de comunicació sobre aquesta base, amb èmfasi en xarxes de sensors. Es treballa en l'estudi i la modelització del microscopi de força atòmica, descrit per equacions formalment idèntiques a les de la teoria de circuits i s'exploren tècniques per millorar les seves prestacions.
El objetivo del grupo es desarrollar actividades de investigación en el ámbito de los circuitos y sistemas de comunicación. Este grupo aborda el análisis y el diseño de circuitos en sus vertientes: lineales, no lineales, variantes, invariantes y conmutados con parámetros concentrados o distribuidos mediante herramientas convencionales o desarrolladas específicamente. También se realizan estudios de estabilidad y bifurcaciones en estos circuitos. En el grupo se desarrollan técnicas de bajo consumo para receptores de comunicaciones con modulaciones convencionales, de espectro ensanchado y UWB y se diseñan sistemas de comunicación sobre esta base.
The aim of the research group is to carry out research related to communication circuits and systems. This group focuses on circuit analysis and design. Specifically, linear, nonlinear, variant, invariant and switched circuits with concentrated or distributed parameters are addressed making use of conventional or specifically developed techniques. Stability and bifurcation analysis of this kind of circuits is carried out. Low power techniques for communication receivers making use of conventional, spread spectrum and UWB modulations are developed and communication systems are designed on this base.
The aim of the research group is to carry out research related to communication circuits and systems. This group focuses on circuit analysis and design. Specifically, linear, nonlinear, variant, invariant and switched circuits with concentrated or distributed parameters are addressed making use of conventional or specifically developed techniques. Stability and bifurcation analysis of this kind of circuits is carried out. Low power techniques for communication receivers making use of conventional, spread spectrum and UWB modulations are developed and communication systems are designed on this base.
Collections in this community
Articles de revista [29]
Llibres [2]
Recent Submissions
Sparking the interest of girls in computer science via chemical experimentation and robotics: the Qui-Bot H2O case study
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2022-05-13)
Open AccessWe report a new learning approach in science and technology through the Qui-Bot H2O project: a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary project developed with the main objective of inclusively increasing interest in computer ... -
Synchronization in real time of two Stewart platforms
(Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, 2020)
Conference report
Open AccessThis paper presents two mechanisms that have been designed, built and put into operation by our research team at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona (Spain) which have many practical applications in ... -
Effect of receiver shape and volume on the Alzheimer disease for molecular communication via diffusion
Open Access -
Multi-connectivity in mobile networks: challenges and benefits
Open AccessSatisfying the stringent 5G quality of service requirements necessitates efficient resource utilization by mobile networks. Consequently, we argue that multi-connectivity (MC) is an effective solution to leverage the limited ... -
User association and resource allocation in 5G (AURA-5G): a joint optimization framework
Open Access5G wireless networks will be extremely dense, given the projected increase in the number of users and access points (APs), as well as heterogeneous, given the different types of APs and the applications being accessed by ... -
Capacity and congestion aware flow control mechanism for efficient traffic aggregation in multi-radio dual connectivity
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2021-08-16)
Open AccessMulti-Radio Dual Connectivity (MR-DC) is a key 3GPP technology that enables traffic aggregation between two base stations (BSs), and thus, increasing the per-user data rate. However, the schemes for traffic aggregation ... -
Quí-Bot-H2O challenge: integration of computational thinking with chemical experimentation in early ages including gender, inclusive and diversity patterns
(Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2021)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyThis multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary project is developed with the main objective of increasing interest in science and technology among children and young people in an inclusive way, breaking stereotypes and ... -
Quí-Bot-H2O challenge: integration of computational thinking with chemical experimentation and robotics through a web-based platform for early ages including gender, inclusive and diversity patterns
Conference report
Open AccessQuí-Bot-H2O is a research project in teaching innovation and scientific dissemination that joins two disciplines with high potential and demand of professionals in our society: chemistry and programming. The project includes ... -
Preventing RLC buffer sojourn delays in 5G
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2021-03-04)
Open AccessThe 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) is investing a notable effort to mitigate the endogenous stack and protocol delays (e.g., introducing new numerology, through preemptive scheduling or providing uplink granted ... -
Advances in dynamic AFM: from nanoscale energy dissipation to material properties in the nanoscale
Open AccessSince the inception of the atomic force microscope (AFM), dynamic methods (dynamic atomic force microscopy) have been very fruitful by establishing methods to quantify dissipative and conservative forces in the nanoscale ... -
Los desprendimientos de rocas en la montaña de Montserrat. Un riesgo geológico relevante
(Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya, 2016-07)
Part of book or chapter of book
Open Access -
A model for a multiresolution time series database system
(WSEAS Press, 2013)
Conference report
Open AccessIn this paper we propose a model for multiresolution time series database management systems. Thismodel stores compactly a time series and manages consistently its temporal dimension. This is achieved byextracting different ...