STNB - Seminari de Teoria de Nombres de Barcelona
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Ressenyes [1]
Recent Submissions
On a radical extension of the field of rational functions in several variables
(American Mathematical Society (AMS), 2023-09)
Open AccessReview of On a radical extension of the field of rational functions in several variables, Xiang-dong Hou and Christopher Sze, Linear and multilinear algebra, 71 (6), (2023), 1015-1025 -
Problèmes de plongement finis sur les corps non commutatifs
(American Mathematical Society (AMS), 2023)
Open AccessReview of Problèmes de plongement finis sur les corps non commutatifs, A. Behajaina, B.Deschamps and F. Legrand, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 249, (2022), 617-650. -
A survey on the group of points arising from Elliptic Curves with a Weierstrass model over a ring
(American Mathematical Society (AMS), 2023-06)
Open AccessReview of " A survey on the group of points arising from Elliptic Curves with a Weierstrass model over a ring, Massimiliano Sala and Daniele Taufer, International Journal of Group Theory, 12 (3), (2023),177-196. " -
Statistics inquiry and the students’ engagement in the change of paradigm
(Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), 2023)
Conference lecture
Open AccessThe Anthropological Theory of the Didactic introduces an instructional proposal called “study and research paths” (SRPs) based on the study of open questions that integrates inquiry processes with the study of new content ... -
Valuations with an infinite limit-depth
Open AccessWe construct a field K and a valuation-algebraic valuation on K[x] , whose underlying Maclane–Vaquié chain consists of an infinite (countable) number of limit augmentations. -
Inducing braces and Hopf Galois structures
Open AccessLet p be a prime number and let n be an integer not divisible by p and such that every group of order np has a normal subgroup of order p. (This holds in particular for .) Under these hypotheses, we obtain a one-to-one ... -
Square-free OM computation of global integral bases
Open AccessFor a prime p, the OM algorithm finds the p-adic factorization of an irreducible polynomial f¿Z[x]¿¿Z[¿] in polynomial time. This may be applied to construct p-integral bases in the number field K defined by f. In this ... -
Incorporating a study and research path into a statistics course for engineering students
Conference lecture
Restricted access - publisher's policyThis paper describes a teaching proposal in engineering education based on the introduction of a study and research path (SRP) in the subject of Statistics of a Bachelor’s Degree in ICT Systems Engineering. The conditions ... -
How does noise affect our health? Analysing a project-based activity in statistics at secondary level
Conference lecture
Open AccessTeaching statistics through projects brings to life in the classroom aspects of working with data that are not usually part of traditional paper-and-pencil activities. There exists a generalized agreement about the positive ... -
Left braces of size 8 p
Open AccessWe describe all left braces aof size 8 p for an odd p diferent from 3 and 7. -
A practical approach to statistics through SRP
Conference lecture
Open AccessThe paper explains the design and the first part of the implementation of a project within the subject of Statistics with first year students in a Bachelor’s degree in ICT Systems Engineering in Manresa School of Engineering, ... -
Service-learning in engineering: analysis of students experiences in development cooperation
Conference lecture
Open Access