GEG-XXI - Gaudí, Estructures, Geometria
GEG-XXI és un grup integrat per arquitectes (especialistes en estructures) i matemàtics que vol desenvolupar la seva recerca sobre els aspectes científics i tècnics que es troben en l'obra i en les idees d'Antoni Gaudí.
Tots els integrants del grup tenen un coneixement profund de Gaudí i experiència en el tema, ja que molts d'ells són col·laboradors en les obres del temple de la Sagrada Família i són autors de diverses publicacions i llibres, nacionals i internacionals, sobre el tema. L'exposició de l'Any Gaudí "Gaudí: la recerca de la forma", avui itinerant arreu del món, és una mostra del potencial del GEG-XXI.
Cal remarcar que la recerca del grup versarà sobre:
1. Aspectes d'anàlisi històrica de les aportacions estructurals i geomètriques de Gaudí, on encara hi ha molts temes per aprofundir.
2. Aspectes estructurals i geomètrics associats a l'actual construcció de la Sagrada Família, on hi ha molts problemes importants que cal resoldre.
3. Noves aportacions a l'arquitectura del segle XXI basades en in
The Gaudí Structures and Geometry Group (GEG-XXI), which is composed of architects (specialists in structures) and mathematicians, carries out research in the scientific and technical aspects of the buildings and ideas of Antoni Gaudí. All the members of the group have extensive knowledge and experience in this area, as most of them are directly involved in the construction of the Sagrada Família and are the authors of theses, research papers and books on Gaudí's work. The "Gaudí: Exploring Form" exhibition, held in Barcelona to celebrate the Gaudí Year (2002), which is currently on a world tour, is a good example of the GEG-XXI?s potential.
The main topics of the group's research are the following:
1. Historical analysis of the structural and geometrical contributions of Gaudí. This topic includes a number of open questions.
2. Structural and geometrical factors related to the current construction of the Sagrada Família temple, where there are significant problems to be solved.
3. New contributions to t
The Gaudí Structures and Geometry Group (GEG-XXI), which is composed of architects (specialists in structures) and mathematicians, carries out research in the scientific and technical aspects of the buildings and ideas of Antoni Gaudí. All the members of the group have extensive knowledge and experience in this area, as most of them are directly involved in the construction of the Sagrada Família and are the authors of theses, research papers and books on Gaudí's work. The "Gaudí: Exploring Form" exhibition, held in Barcelona to celebrate the Gaudí Year (2002), which is currently on a world tour, is a good example of the GEG-XXI?s potential.
The main topics of the group's research are the following:
1. Historical analysis of the structural and geometrical contributions of Gaudí. This topic includes a number of open questions.
2. Structural and geometrical factors related to the current construction of the Sagrada Família temple, where there are significant problems to be solved.
3. New contributions to t
Collections in this community
Articles de revista [14]
Recent Submissions
Gaudí, geométricamente
(Real Sociedad Matemática Española, 2002-09)
Restricted access - publisher's policyEn el 2002 celebramos el 150 aniversario del nacimiento de nuestro arquitecto más universal: Antoni Gaudí Cornet (1852-1926). Nuestro objetivo aquí es mostrar como la visión gaudiniana de la geometría es el resultado de ... -
Patrón de fisuración de un apeo de una pared de obra de fábrica
(Edita CIDEM, 2010)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyUna parte importante del parque edificado español, que en muchos de los casos incluye gran cantidad de edificios catalogados como patrimonio histórico, está formado por estructuras portantes constituidas por obra de fábrica ... -
A note on logical connectives with weak duality
Open AccessWe study the weak duality S(x, N(x)) = N(T (x, N(x))) where S is a continuous t-conorm, T is a continuous t-norm and N is a strong negation. We characterize completely the strict cases and show that in all other cases there ... -
Estudio para la optimización de mallas estructurales de acero envolventes de edificios en altura según sus solicitaciones, en base al análisis de sus líneas isostáticas
(Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), 2014-12-23)
Open Access[CASTELLÀ] El objetivo del presente estudio es determinar si las mallas estructurales de acero, envolventes de edificios en altura (entramado en tubo), son más óptimas y eficientes cuando su diseño se adapta a la trayectoria ... -
Ensayos con túnel de viento de edificios "romo" de base circular para optimizar mallas espaciales envolventes de edificios en altura
Conference report
Restricted access - author's decisionEl creciente interés en el uso de las mallas espaciales de acero como elementos estructurales envolventes de edificios en altura conlleva a que actualmente el concepto estructural adquiera un papel de mayor relevancia en ... -
Aproximaciones al análisis de la resistencia al fuego (REI) de un forjado unidireccional
Open AccessLa normativa Española es cada vez más exigente en el control y la prevención de incendios. Especialmente en edificios de cierta altura. En nuestro país, está ahora vigente la DB-SI del Código Técnico 1 . Ade - más, ... -
The use of concrete in Gaudi's Sagrada Familia
Restricted access - publisher's policyDespite its unfinished state, the Temple of the Holy Family, or Sagrada Familia, is Antoni Gaudi’s most widely recognized work and one of the most important milestones in the development of Catalan Modernism at the beginning ... -
La reconstrucción virtual del Obrador de Gaudí
Restricted access - publisher's policyLa observación del material fotográfico relacionado con el Templo de la Sagrada Familia ha permitido descubrir el taller que Gaudi se había construido a pie de obra y ha despertado un gran interés debido a la modernidad ... -
Gaudi and reinforced concrete in construction
Restricted access - publisher's policyThe first two decades of the 20th century witnessed the introduction and expansion of reinforced concrete as a building material in Spain. Few years passed between the introduction of the first patents in the most ... -
Evolution of the formwork used in the temple of the Sagrada Familia
Restricted access - confidentiality agreementThe Sagrada Família is Gaudi's unfinished work, to which he exclusively dedicated his last years of life. Even though he only got to build a small part of the total, he defined the rest through models and photographs. ... -
A model for CAGD using fuzzy logic
Restricted access - publisher's policyThis paper presents a first approach to a system based on fuzzy logic for the design of curves and surfaces in the context of computer aided geometric design. Bézier curves and surfaces can be seen as particular cases of ... -
Proyecto y construccion del cierre del ábside de la Sagrada Familia
Open Access