10. X Jornadas sobre Innovación Docente en Arquitectura (JIDA'22) | X Workshop on Educational Innovation in Architecture (JIDA'22) | X Jornades sobre Innovació Docent en Arquitectura (JIDA '22), Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Reus, 17 y 18 de Noviembre de 2022
Libro de actas completo: http://hdl.handle.net/2117/376896
Programa: http://hdl.handle.net/2117/405059
Call for papers: http://hdl.handle.net/2117/405062
Póster: http://hdl.handle.net/2117/405063
Taller integrado: gemelos digitales y fabricación a escala natural
Conference report
Open AccessIn this paper we present a pedagogical practice carried out, transversally, between several subjects of the first year of the Degrees in Architecture and Digital Design and Creative Technologies throughout the second ... -
Acercamiento al ejercicio profesional a través de visitas a obras de arquitectura y entornos inmersivos
Conference report
Open AccessOne of the main difficulties faced by architecture students is the lack of access to practical resources for the understanding of the building process as a whole, from the conception of the architectural project to the ... -
El levantamiento urbano morfotipológico como experiencia docente
Conference report
Open AccessIn order to define specific management criteria for populations in rural environments, it is necessary to deepen the knowledge of their form and building typologies. The experience collected in this text summarizes the ... -
Dibujando el espacio: modelos de aprendizaje colaborativo para alumnos y profesores
Conference report
Open AccessThe return to face-to-face teaching has served to value those social dynamics that foster a climate of collaborative learning within the classroom. We defined collaborative learning as a set of activities that transcend ... -
Enseñanza de la iluminación: metodología de aprendizaje basado en proyectos
Conference report
Open AccessLight is part of the Architecture project, but it entails a very specific design and technical complexity. The teaching of lighting requires the use of project teaching methodologies adapted to these specificities. In our ... -
Rituales culinarios: una investigación virtual piloto para una pedagogía emocional
Conference report
Open AccessCulinary rituals and their associated spaces are a pretext to propose a line of a collaborative study of end-of-cycle projects that relies on travel as a research tool. In April 2021, a team of European and Latina American ... -
Redes verticales docentes en Proyectos Arquitectónicos: Arquitectura y Agua
Conference report
Open AccessArchitectural Projects is the only area present throughout the Degree in Fundamentals of Architecture. Compared to other areas that figure their training as a ladder of knowledge, Architectural Projects has a more intertwined ... -
A(t)BP: aprendizaje técnico basado en proyectos
Conference report
Open AccessFact-based knowledge prevails in the teaching of technical subjects, but the professional practice of architecture requires that we give the same importance to know-how. This paper presents a proposal that seeks to emulate ... -
De vuelta al pueblo: el Erasmus
Conference report
Open AccessThe text presents the results of a teaching experience linked to the agreement signed between the Provincial Council of Huesca and a Spanish University for the development of the program called Rural Erasmus. Participating ... -
El libro de artista como vehículo de la emoción del proyecto arquitectónico
Conference report
Open AccessThe choice of the artist/s book as a communication tool seeks to make visible the relationship between architecture and other disciplines and to redefine the student’s view of his or her process. The connections with a ... -
SIG y mejora energética de un grupo de viviendas: una propuesta de transformación a nZEB
Conference report
Open AccessIn line with the policies of climate neutrality and energy self-sufficiency of cities, the objective of the innovation practice is to incorporate in the teaching program of two subjects of the degree of Architecture ... -
“Volver al pueblo”: reuso de edificaciones en el medio rural aragonés
Conference report
Open AccessBased on a proposal made by the Architecture and Rehabilitation Service of the Department of Vertebration of the Territory, Mobility and Housing of the Government of Aragon and in collaboration with the City Council of ... -
Pedagogía de la construcción: combinación de técnicas de aprendizaje
Conference report
Open AccessNew generations present an attention deficit which, together with the lack of spatial visualisation, makes it difficult to teach construction where construction units and systems must be spatially identified, represented ... -
BIM en el Grado en Fundamentos de Arquitectura: encuestas y resultados 2018-2021
Conference report
Open AccessThe BIM methodology has been used as a project design and development system within the construction sector for several years. Today's architects, but especially future architects, have to adapt to this technology in order ... -
Los concursos para estudiantes: análisis de los resultados desde una perspectiva de género
Conference report
Open AccessAt the University of Valladolid there is a Teaching Innovation Group (GID) formed by professors from the areas of construction and architectural projects with the aim of collaborating and tutoring students who decide to ... -
Una experiencia de aprendizaje en un máster arquitectónico basada en un proyecto al servicio de la comunidad
Conference report
Open AccessEsta experiencia que aquí se presenta viene propiciada por la concurrencia de diversas oportunidades que han facilitado el desencadenamiento de un proceso de aprendizaje que ha incorporado simultáneamente aspectos de ApS ... -
La casa que habito
Conference report
Open AccessThis text summarizes the methodology used and some considerations derived from the experience of Taller de Arquitectura I (Universidad San Sebastián, Concepción) in order to reflect about this inevitable intersection between ... -
Observación y crítica: sobre un punto de partida en el aprendizaje de Proyectos
Conference report
Open AccessThis text focuses on the starting point of learning in Architectural Design, that which corresponds to the first weeks of the students' training in the Degree. Its goal is to offer, through the presentation of a specific ... -
STArq (semana de tecnología en arquitectura): taller ABP que trasciende fronteras
Conference report
Open AccessAl segon any de l'esdeveniment mundial de pandèmia 2021 i amb restriccions encara vigents, aprofitant les oportunitats que les tecnologies de la informació (TIC) brinden a l'activitat docent, es va organitzar un projecte ... -
Simulacros para la reactivación territorial y la redensificación urbana
Conference report
Open AccessObjectius El curs planteja una revisió crítica de l’ocupació del territori a partir de l’estudi pràctic de models de creixement diversos: el polígon residencial, el polígon industrial, la ciutat jardí, i les vores entòpiques ... -
Tocar la arquitectura
Conference report
Open AccessThe sounds of our hands and feet on objects, materials and architecture itself, allow us a high knowledge of them if we have the precise sound education. For this reason, this workshop of touching architecture is proposed, ... -
Construyendo aprendizajes desde el conocimiento del cerebro
Conference report
Open AccessIt presents an educational experience carried out in a building subject of a degree in architecture. Its foundation is based on neuroeducation, which is the application of cognitive psychology to education. Through the ... -
Murales para hogares de acogida: una experiencia de ApS, PBL y docencia integrada
Conference report
Open AccessThe teaching experience to be analyzed is a teaching innovation project, developed with Project-Based Learning (PBL) and Service-Learning (ApS) methodology, in which two first-year subjects, an art center, an NGO and a ... -
Hacia adentro
Conference report
Open AccessThe interior is a core concept of architecture, and in turn, constitutes its most fragile area, an area that can be altered and adapted to stylistic, temporal, social, climatic, economic and use changes. The interior becomes ... -
Comunicación y dibujo: experiencia de un modelo de aprendizaje autónomo
Conference report
Open AccessLearning autonomy involves the student as an active agent, makes them assume a dynamic role in the classroom and take responsibility for their learning. Their ideas are the protagonists of the sessions and the teacher ... -
Inmunoterapias costeras: aprendizaje a través de la investigación
Conference report
Open AccessIn the light of the comprehensive nature of teaching architecture, it is conceivable to use teaching strategies that specifically prioritise certain aspects or components of the design process over others. After a cross ... -
Taller Integrado: articulando práctica y teoría desde una apuesta curricular
Conference report
Open AccessThe communication presents a critical and reflective approach to the Integrated Studio (2012) of the School of Architecture developed in the University of Valparaíso, Chile. This curricular proposal, as remarkable as ... -
Atmósfera de resultados cualitativos sobre el aprendizaje por competencias en España
Conference report
Open AccessA tool for the analysis of quantitative and qualitative is formulated by data obtained from interviews and questionnaires carried out with more than 1,200 architecture students and 220 qualified professionals. The ... -
La universidad en la calle: el Taller Integral de Arquitectura Autogobierno (1973-1985)
Conference report
Open AccessThis article is part of a series of historical investigations that discuss the teaching traditions in Mexico. It is based on the original bibliographic review of the Autogobierno and on an interview with one of the main ... -
Metodologías activas en el urbanismo: de las aulas universitarias a la intervención urbana
Conference report
Open AccessCoombs (1978) exposava una crisi mundial important de l'educació que, diverses dècades després, es manté. El seu autor ho definia en funció de tres qüestions: canvi, adaptació i disparitat. Pel que fa a l'última, esmentava ... -
Inteligencia colaborativa y realidad extendida: nuevas estrategias de visualización
Conference report
Open AccessFrom the experience gained since the beginning of the pandemic, we can affirm that not everything can be taught online or everything in person. Now, there is a gap that it is important to identify in a teaching that ... -
Espacios para la innovación docente: la arquitectura educa
Conference report
Open AccessThis communication focuses on the exhibition of the creation of new spaces of the School of Architecture of Malaga as spaces for teaching innovation. From the conception of the same, the selection of the design team, the ... -
El futuro de la digitalización: integrando conocimientos gracias a los alumnos internos
Conference report
Open AccessThe challenges presented by digitization in the world of architecture have increased in recent decades due to the advance of new software. The present study seeks to be an instrument for the management of the adaptation ... -
La geometría de las letras: proyecto integrado en primer curso de arquitectura
Conference report
Open AccessTrying to solve problems detected in the students who start the Architecture degree (difficulties in reading comprehension and written expression and lack of knowledge of graphic design) we have been carrying out an exercise ... -
Cartografía colaborativa de los espacios para los cuidados en la ciudad
Conference report
Open AccessThis paper presents the design and implementation of a transdisciplinary didactic proposal based on controversy mapping, as a pedagogical technique to address controversies about socially acute questions such as space for ... -
Las extensiones del cuerpo
Conference report
Open AccessIf we think of the human body as the origin and end of architecture (origin as the starting point of the needs that we have to cover in our relationship with the environment, and end as the receiver of the environmental ... -
Aprendizaje transversal: una arquitectura de coexistencia entre lo antrópico y lo biótico
Conference report
Open AccessThe pedagogical project presented here deals with how architecture students in the second year of the Architectural Projects subject have developed an architecture mainly for non-human sentient animals and where humans ... -
El papel de la arquitectura en el diseño urbano eficiente: inicio a la reflexión crítica
Conference report
Open AccessThe role of architects in urban design is quite unknown in society and the significance of architecture is relegated, in most cases, to the building. Fundamental aspects such as the width of the streets, the vegetation, ... -
¿Cuánto mide? Una experiencia reflexiva previa como inicio de los estudios de arquitectura
Conference report
Open AccessTo be familiar with exact measurements in architecture is not always an easy task, even more so at the beginning of the profession. This educational experience aims to make new students think about how the size of other ... -
El collage como medio de expresión gráfico plástico ante los bloqueos creativos
Conference report
Open AccessHow does creativity arise, and are there keys, rules, mechanisms to keep it in check so that it never fails? Often, when human beings face the challenge of creating something from scratch to solve a problem, doubts arise. ... -
Fenomenografías arquitectónicas: el diseño de cajas impregnadas de afectividad
Conference report
Open AccessBased on a phenomenological approach, this current communication seeks to showcase the experiences of an architectural project studio. Building on the potential found on the topic of affective atmospheres, freshman students ... -
Aprendizaje arquitectónico en tiempos de emergencia: ideas para una movilidad post-Covid
Conference report
Open AccessThe 2019/2020 academic year began with a climate emergency declaration in many universities and ended in a health emergency declaration. We dedicated the first term of our Concept Drawing Course to work on ideas for a ... -
Experiencia docente conectada en Taller de Proyectos: “pensar con las manos”
Conference report
Open AccessThe use of learning-by-doing and learning-by-building methodologies, in the intermediate-superior year of the career in architectural projects workshop, brings the student closer to future professional practice. The ... -
Laboratorio de Elementos: aprendiendo de la disección de la arquitectura
Conference report
Open AccessA laboratory is defined as a place equipped with the necessary means to carry out research, experimentation and diagnostic procedures on a case, under controlled conditions. If we establish that in architecture our case ... -
SEPAs: una experiencia de Aprendizaje y Servicio en materia de pobreza energética de verano
Conference report
Open AccessThe Service Learning project presented here is part of the H2020-Cooltorise project, aimed at raising awareness of the problem of summer energy poverty in southern European countries and reducing the cooling demands of the ... -
La madera (del material al territorio): docencia vinculada con el medio
Conference report
Open AccessThe forestry character of southern Chile and how this generates values associated with the timber industry, architecture and communities, has defined the agenda of the Practice Studio of the Universidad San Sebastian’s ... -
Resignificando espacios urbanos invisibles: invisibilizados mediante proyectos de ApS
Conference report
Open AccessThe touristization of Lagos, Portugal, has brought the well-known processes of economic transformation, gentrification, loss of local population and abandonment of touristically "invisible" areas. In collaboration with the ... -
En femenino: otro relato del arte para arquitectos
Conference report
Open AccessThe presence of women is already the majority in architecture students, with a growing trend for years; not so, for now, in the teaching staff. Architecture, like other disciplines in the Western world, has traditionally ... -
AppQuitectura: aplicación móvil para la gamificación en el área de Composición Arquitectónica
Conference report
Open AccessAppQuitectura is an educational innovation project conceived to design a mobile application which will be used as a reinforcement tool in the acquisition of architectural knowledge by students. Based on ICT and financed ... -
AppQuitectura: primeros resultados y próximos retos
Conference report
Open AccessAppQuitectura is a reinforcement tool for learning the subjects of the Architectural Composition Knowledge Area, which uses the game to encourage the approach to the more theoretical subjects of architectural studies. ... -
Sympoiesis method for robotic fabrication: collectively prototyping in architecture education
Conference report
Open AccessThis paper considers how research by design and innovative technologies can join in the development of a collective project in Architectural Education. Based on the book Staying with the Trouble by Donna J. Haraway, this ... -
Feeling (at) Home: construir un hogar en nuevos fragmentos urbanos
Conference report
Open AccessThe course is based on a Learning by Design and Project-Based Learning methodology, on which the project is the basis of the student’s education. The design course –architectural design– aims to offer critical reflections ... -
Bienestar en torno a parques: tópicos multidisciplinares entre arquitectura y medicina
Conference report
Open AccessDespite the evidence of the impact that nature has on people's health, a sectoral view continues to prevail in the design of public policies. Part of this resistance is explained by the sectoral environment in the professional ... -
Mapping como herramienta de pensamiento visual para la toma de decisiones proyectuales
Conference report
Open AccessFrom a reflection on the importance of visual thinking (VP) and critical observation in the architect’s education, this paper investigates mapping as a mechanism of graphic facilitation that allows an approach to the ... -
Mejora de las destrezas profesionales en el proyecto de estructuras del Máster habilitante
Conference report
Open AccessAmong the competencies set out in Section 5 of the Annex to Orden EDU/2075/2010 on the university degree that officially qualifies for the practice of the profession of architect, express mention is made of "CE01(E). ... -
La investigación narrativa como forma de investigación del taller de proyectos
Conference report
Open AccessThe following text is part of the results of a dissertation in Education about teaching and learning in the design studio. It is taken as a dynamic structure that links tradition, normative and institutional provisions, ... -
Taller vertical social: ejercicio didáctico colectivo en la apropiación del espacio público
Conference report
Open AccessEl treball proposat per a aquest Taller Vertical Social planteja el reconeixement d'un territori en expansió, que en la majoria dels casos creix sense la planificació adequada, en condicions d'autogestió que a poc a poc ... -
Superorganismo: mutaciones en el proceso proyectual
Conference report
Open AccessThe year 2020 was marked by virtuality, a situation derived from the pandemic caused by the Covid-19 virus. This situation brought with it an infinity of structural problems in terms of the digital and spatial divide. From ... -
Cartografías enhebradas: resiguiendo la cuenca del Ebro contracorriente
Conference report
Open AccessThe precise and detailed exploration of any territory reveals a plethora of geographical, urban, and architectural sedimentated lessons awaiting to be descovered. After an apparent consistency forged by time, constant and ...