SISBIO - Senyals i Sistemes Biomèdics
L'objectiu principal consisteix a dissenyar i desenvolupar tècniques avançades de processament de senyals biomèdics per al monitoratge, el diagnòstic i la teràpia de patologies. Els objectius parcials són: a) L'estudi d'aspectes teòrics de l'anàlisi del senyal i de la seva aplicabilitat a la interpretació de senyals biomèdics per poder millorar el processament de la informació mèdica; b) El desenvolupament d'aplicacions tecnològiques per utilitzar-les en l'entorn hospitalari, que inclouen la utilització d'instrumentació mèdica real; c) La modelització i simulació de sistemes biològics per conèixer millor els sistemes fisiològics i per dissenyar millores terapèutiques. Els camps d'aplicació són: electrocardiografia, monitoratge ambulatori, activitat muscular respiratòria, sons respiratoris, senyals de ronc, variabilitat del patró respiratori, acoblament cardiorespiratori, electroencefalografia, senyals polisomnogràfics, etc.
To design and develop advanced biomedical signal processing techniques for the monitoring, diagnosis and therapy of pathologies. The specific objectives are as follows: a) the study of theoretical aspects of signal processing techniques and their applicability to the interpretation of biomedical signals to improve the processing of medical information; b) the development of technological applications to be used in clinical environments, including the use of medical instrumentation; and c) the modelling and simulation of biological systems to improve knowledge of physiological systems and to design new therapeutic procedures. The fields of application are electrocardiography, mobile monitoring equipment, respiratory muscle activity, respiratory sounds, snoring signals, respiratory pattern variability, cardiorespiratory coupling, electroencephalography, polysomnographic signals, etc.
To design and develop advanced biomedical signal processing techniques for the monitoring, diagnosis and therapy of pathologies. The specific objectives are as follows: a) the study of theoretical aspects of signal processing techniques and their applicability to the interpretation of biomedical signals to improve the processing of medical information; b) the development of technological applications to be used in clinical environments, including the use of medical instrumentation; and c) the modelling and simulation of biological systems to improve knowledge of physiological systems and to design new therapeutic procedures. The fields of application are electrocardiography, mobile monitoring equipment, respiratory muscle activity, respiratory sounds, snoring signals, respiratory pattern variability, cardiorespiratory coupling, electroencephalography, polysomnographic signals, etc.
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Articles de revista [70]
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Recent Submissions
Time-frequency features for impedance cardiography signals during anesthesia using different distribution kernels
Open AccessObjective: This works investigates the time-frequency content of impedance cardiography signals during a propofol-remifentanil anesthesia. Materials and Methods: In the last years, impedance cardiography (ICG) is a ... -
Assessment of heart rate variability during an ultra-endurance mountain trail race by multi-scale entropy analysis
Open AccessThe aim of the study was to analyze heart rate variability (HRV) response to high-intensity exercise during a 35-km mountain trail race and to ascertain whether fitness level could influence autonomic nervous system (ANS) ... -
Selección del tiempo de retardo en el gráfico de Poincaré aplicado al electroencefalograma para medir el nivel de sedación y analgesia
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policy -
Medición de la variabilidad del ritmo cardíaco, la impedancia de la piel y el EEG para la cuantificación del dolor
Conference lecture
Restricted access - publisher's policyEn la actualidad, la monitorización del dolor es un tema muy investigado. La preocupación del paciente en todas las áreas de la salud siempre es la misma, ¿me dolerá? El dolor es una sensación completamente subjetiva y ... -
Analysis of heart rate variability indices after selective acute atrial ischemia in humans
(Computing in Cardiology, 2018)
Conference lecture
Open AccessThe purpose of this work is to analyze the effect of selective atrial coronary artery occlusion on heart rate variability (HRV). Twelve-hour, Holter recording were studied in 109 patients undergoing elective percutaneous ... -
Time-frequency analysis of the autonomic response to head-up tilt testing in Brugada syndrome
(Computing in Cardiology, 2017)
Conference report
Open AccessCardiac events in Brugada syndrome (BS) usually occur at rest and mainly at night-time, commonly relating changes in autonomic modulation to arrhythmogenesis. A major challenge today is to differentiate symptomatic and ... -
diffuStats: an R package to compute diffusion-based scores on biological networks
Open AccessLabel propagation and diffusion over biological networks are a common mathematical formalism in computational biology for giving context to molecular entities and prioritising novel candidates in the area of study. There ... -
Assessment of heart rate variability during an endurance mountain trail race by multi-scale entropy analysis
Open Access© 2017 by the authors. The aim of the study was to analyze heart rate variability (HRV) response to high-intensity exercise during a 35-km mountain trail race and to ascertain whether fitness level could influence autonomic ... -
Multiview and multifeature spectral clustering using common eigenvectors
(Elsevier, 2018-01-15)
Open AccessAn ever-increasing number of data analysis problems include more than one view of the data, i.e. differ- ent measurement approaches to the population under study. In consequence, pattern analysis methods that deal ... -
Null diffusion-based enrichment for metabolomics data
Open AccessMetabolomics experiments identify metabolites whose abundance varies as the conditions under study change. Pathway enrichment tools help in the identification of key metabolic processes and in building a plausible biological ... -
Affected pathways and transcriptional regulators in gene expression response to an ultra-marathon trail: Global and independent activity approaches
Open AccessGene expression (GE) analyses on blood samples from marathon and half-marathon runners have reported significant impacts on the immune and inflammatory systems. An ultra-marathon trail (UMT) represents a greater effort due ... -
How to merge observational and physiological data? A case study of motor skills patterns and heart rate in exercise programs for adult women
Open AccessThe present study analyzes individual and group heart rate responses in exercising adult women. The specific aim was to compare responses during routine workout sessions within a community exercise program with responses ...