Polyamide waste thermal and acoustic properties: experimental and numerical investigation on possible reuse for indoor comfort improvement
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Document typeConference report
Defense date2022
Rights accessOpen Access
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Referring to the circular economy model, end-of-life household materials (EoLHM) such as packaging, and clothes, could be converted into building elements – for example panels - with thermal and acoustic properties. Given the high availability almost anywhere, EoLHM represents an alternative to commercial insulating materials that, even though relatively cheap, cannot be afforded by disadvantaged people. The panels are intended for the refurbishment of existing buildings and, therefore, to be installed indoor. This paper presents a multidisciplinary analysis aimed at the characterization of polyamide 6.6 waste from the production of non surgical face masks. The analysis focuses on thermal and acoustic aspects that have determined experimentally by means of the hot plate with guard ring test, and the impedance tube technique respectively. Then, the influence of the panel position on the indoor operative temperature and the reverberation time has been analysed numerically. Results show that, from the thermal and acoustic point of view, this waste is suitable for the realization of building panels and the performance depends on the density and the thickness of the material. However, aspects such as the fire-resistance and the containment of the material need further investigation.
CitationNeri, M. [et al.]. Polyamide waste thermal and acoustic properties: experimental and numerical investigation on possible reuse for indoor comfort improvement. A: Building Simulation Applications Conference. "5th BSA - Building Simulation Applications Conference". 2022,
Publisher versionhttps://bsa.events.unibz.it/conference_proceedings/
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