Recent Submissions

  • A micro Lie theory for state estimation in robotics 

    Solà Ortega, Joan; Deray, Jeremie; Atchuthan, Dinseh (2018)
    Research report
    Open Access
    A Lie group is an old mathematical abstract object dating back to the XIX century, when mathematician Sophus Lie laid the foundations of the theory of continuous transformation groups. As it often happens, its usage has ...
  • Towards SLAM with an events-based camera 

    Clavera Gilaberte, Ignasi; Solà Ortega, Joan; Andrade-Cetto, Juan (2016)
    Research report
    Open Access
    Event-based cameras have an incredible potential in real-time and real-world robotics. They would enable more efficient algorithms in applications where high demanding requirements, such as rapid dynamic motion and high ...
  • Comparing error minimized extreme learning machines and support vector sequential feed-forward neural networks 

    Romero Merino, Enrique; Alquézar Mancho, René (2010-06)
    Research report
    Open Access
    Recently, error minimized extreme learning machines (EM-ELMs) have been proposed as a simple and efficient approach to build single-hidden-layer feed-forward networks (SLFNs) sequentially. They add random hidden nodes one ...
  • Augmented regular expressions: a formalism to describe, recognize, and learn a class of context-sensitive languages 

    Alquézar Mancho, René; Sanfeliu, A. (1995-01-01)
    Research report
    Open Access
    In order to extend the potential of application of the syntactic approach to pattern recognition, the efficient use of models capable of describing context-sensitive structural relationships is needed. Moreover, the ability ...
  • Competitive function approximation for reinforcement learning 

    Agostini, Alejandro Gabriel; Celaya Llover, Enric (2014)
    Research report
    Open Access
    The application of reinforcement learning to problems with continuous domains requires representing the value function by means of function approximation. We identify two aspects of reinforcement learning that make the ...
  • Modelling of tidal power with EasyJava simulations 

    Baranger, Pierre; Grau Saldes, Antoni; Bolea Monte, Yolanda (2013-10)
    Research report
    Open Access
    This report is devoted to the study of a mathematical model to simulte the behaviour of a power generation plant from the ocean tidals. The simulation has been implemented with EasyJava Simulations (EJS) environment.
  • Etude d'un canal d'irrigation MIMO 

    Chefdor, Nicolas; Bolea Monte, Yolanda; Grau Saldes, Antoni (2011-09-30)
    Research report
    Restricted access - confidentiality agreement
    Treball de recerca fet per l'alumne Nicolas Chefdor durant la seva estada al laboratori de recerca VIS-ESAII a la UPC. Dirigit pels Dr. Yolanda Bolea i Dr. Antoni Grau. Estada del 1/06/2011-30/09/2011
  • Stochastic approximations of average values using proportions of samples 

    Agostini, Alejandro Gabriel; Celaya Llover, Enric (2011)
    Research report
    Open Access
    In this work we explain how the stochastic approximation of the average of a random variable is carried out when the observations used in the updates consist in proportion of samples rather than complete samples.
  • Registration of 3d point clouds for urban robot mapping 

    Teniente Avilés, Ernesto; Andrade-Cetto, Juan (2008)
    Research report
    Open Access
    We consider the task of mapping pedestrian urban areas for a robotic guidance and surveillance application. This mapping is performed by registering three-dimensional laser range scans acquired with two different robots. To ...
  • Path planning with pose SLAM 

    Valencia Carreño, Rafael; Andrade-Cetto, Juan; Porta Pleite, Josep Maria (2010)
    Research report
    Open Access
    The probabilistic belief networks that result from standard feature-based simultaneous localization and map building (SLAM) approaches cannot be directly used to plan trajectories. The reason is that they produce a sparse ...
  • Estudi de la transformació de l'espai de color RGB a l'espai de color HSV 

    Grau Gotés, Maria Àngela; Grau Sánchez, Miguel; Montseny Masip, Eduard; Sobrevilla Frisón, Pilar (2008-09-26)
    Research report
    Open Access
    S’apliquen les tècniques clàssiques de propagació de l’error a la transformació de l’espai de color RGB en l’espai de color HSV a un conjunt de 1098 imatges test. El conjunt d’imatges test són 183 paletes de color i sis ...
  • Audio localization for mobile robots 

    de Guillebon, Thibaut; Grau Saldes, Antoni; Bolea Monte, Yolanda (2009-09-30)
    Research report
    Open Access
    The department of the University for which I worked is developing a project based on the interaction with robots in the environment. My work was to define an audio system for the robot. This audio system that I have to ...