Recent Submissions

  • Ground movement control in the construction of a new metro line in Barcelona 

    Gens Solé, Antonio; Mariano, Alessandra di; Gesto Beiroa, José Manuel; Schwarz, H (CRC Press, 2005)
    Conference report
    Restricted access - publisher's policy
    Ground movement control is of paramount importance in the construction of a new Metro line in Barcelona given the large diameter of the excavation and the need to cross heavily built areas. A variety of construction ...
  • La función de Green y el índice de Kirchhoff de redes cluster 

    Arauz Lombardía, Cristina; Bendito Pérez, Enrique; Carmona Mejías, Ángeles; Encinas Bachiller, Andrés Marcos (2010)
    Conference lecture
    Open Access
    En este trabajo determinamos las Funciones de Green, respecto de un peso fijado sobre los vértices, en una amplia clase de redes compuestas que se engloban bajo la denominación de redes cluster. También aplicamos las ...
  • Green function on product networks 

    Arauz Lombardía, Cristina; Carmona Mejías, Ángeles; Encinas Bachiller, Andrés Marcos (2012)
    Conference lecture
    Restricted access - publisher's policy
    Our objective is to determine the Green function of product networks in terms of the Green function of one of the factor networks and the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the Schr odinger operator of the other factor ...
  • Two-side boundary value problems in distance-regular graphs 

    Carmona Mejías, Ángeles; Encinas Bachiller, Andrés Marcos; Gago Álvarez, Silvia (Universidad de Almería, 2012)
    Conference lecture
    Open Access
    In this work we analyze regular boundary value problems on a distanceregular graph associated with Schr¨odinger operators in the case that the boundary has two vertices. Moreover, we obtain the Green matrix for each ...
  • The Green function of a perturbed network 

    Carmona Mejías, Ángeles; Encinas Bachiller, Andrés Marcos; Mitjana Riera, Margarida (2012)
    Conference lecture
    Open Access
    The díscrete Green functions and their relationship whit discrete Laplace equations have deserved the interest of many researchs useing different approac. In this work we derive the Green function of a perturbed network ...
  • Generalized linear polyominoes, Green functions and Green matrices 

    Carmona Mejías, Ángeles; Encinas Bachiller, Andrés Marcos; Mitjana Riera, Margarida (2012)
    Conference lecture
    Open Access
    In this work we derive the Creen function of a generalized linear Polyomino as a suitable perturbation of the Creen function of a Hamiltonian path on it. So, our study encompasses previous work:; on polyomino-like chains.
  • Smoothing of yield surfaces and a reformulation of multi-surface plasticity 

    Gesto Beiroa, José Manuel; Gens Solé, Antonio; Vaunat, Jean (Centro Internacional de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería (CIMNE), 2011)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    In this work we describe a procedure for the smoothing of non-regular yield surfaces and plastic potential functions. We also present several application examples corresponding to different well-known cases. Moreover, we ...
  • M-Matrix Inverse problem for distance-regular graphs 

    Bendito Pérez, Enrique; Carmona Mejías, Ángeles; Encinas Bachiller, Andrés Marcos; Mitjana Riera, Margarida (2010)
    Conference lecture
    Open Access