TRANSMAR - Grup de recerca de transport marítim i logística portuària
L’activitat científica del grup, està dividida en dues línies d’actuació principals:
- Anàlisi de costos i l’impacte mediambiental de rutes marítimes a partir d’algoritmes d’optimització (específicament en línies de transport marítim de curta distància), per tal de reduir la congestió viària i la contaminació. L’algoritme d’optimització de rutes considera, entre d’altres, les condicions meteorològiques de la ruta, els costos del vaixell i les emissions contaminants.
- Anàlisi de les característiques de la maniobra de vaixells (distància a la paret del moll, distància de les hèlix al fons, ús de les hèlix de popa o de proa) i obtenció d’una formulació que permeti relacionar les característiques físiques del vaixell amb l’evolució de l’erosió generada en les dàrsenes per poder preveure els danys en les estructures.
Collections in this community
Altres [5]
Articles de revista [99]
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Reports de recerca [67]
Recent Submissions
Data alternatives for marine efficiency monitoring
(International Association of Maritime Universities, 2017)
Restricted access - publisher's policyThe implementation of measures to increase the energy efficiency of ships is not so successful as expected. A benchmark is needed to gain insight in the present state of the energy efficiency of ships. That can be used to ... -
An experience with different teaching methodologies at mechanical engineering program
(Tempus Publications, 2018)
Open AccessThis article present a college course experience taught in second year of Mechanical Engineering program, ‘Strength of Materials’ a course of 6 ECTS points. With the aim to improve the learning process, to develop competences ... -
DLT-based sustainable business models for the shipping industry
(Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali, 2022-05-17)
Open AccessThis paper explores how distributed ledger technology (DLT), aka blockchain, might function as the technological basis for sustainable business models (SBM) in the shipping industry. More specifically, it examines the role ... -
Barcelona coastal monitoring with the “Patí a vela”, a traditional sailboat turned into an oceanographic platform
(MDPI, 2022-05-01)
Open AccessShelf waters near large cities, such as Barcelona, are affected not only by meteorological episodes but also by anthropogenic influence. Scientists usually use data from on-site coastal platforms to analyze and understand ... -
A comprehensive ship weather routing system using CMEMS products and A* algorithm
Open AccessWe describe the implementation of a comprehensive software for Ship Weather Routing referred to as SIM- ROUTE. The A* pathfinding algorithm is used to optimize the sailing route as a function of the wave action. The aim ... -
Blockchain-based innovation in post-COVID-19 trade finance
Open AccessWhile trade finance has been recognized as a key enabler in international trade, there is a persistent gap between supply and demand. This gap threatens to widen after the shocks suffered during the COVID-19 pandemic, which ... -
A ship routing system applied to the statistical analysis of the western mediterranean wave trends
(MDPI, 2021-05-31)
Open AccessThe Western Mediterranean basin is a busy route by Short Sea Shipping with an important route between Barcelona (Spain) and Genoa (Italy), where climatic patterns show similarities but vary during the year. One essential ... -
Development of a citizen monitoring program for the Barcelona coastal waters: the Scientific Patí Vela
Conference report
Open AccessThe first results of the PATI CIENTIFIC project are presented. This is a collaborative project funded by a Barcelona Institute of Culture’s grant for research and innovation under the 2019 Barcelona Science Plan. The main ... -
Ship emissions reduction using weather ship routing optimisation
Open AccessA significant proportion of global carbon dioxide emissions are attributed to ocean-sailing ships and shipping emissions are predicted to double in less than 30 years. This paper investigates the benefit of using weather ... -
Open-loop exhaust-gas cleaning system: analysis of effects produced on Barcelona port water pH
Open AccessThe implementation of a 0.5% mass/mass sulphur cap in fuels used by ships has become a reality. Furthermore, regulation 14 of the MARPOL Convention–Annex VI (amended) establishes that the limit on fuel used by ships operating ... -
Adapting the existing coastal patí a vela fleet for scientic purposes
(Universidad de Cantabria, 2020-12)
Open AccessThis paper presents the first results of the Barcelona Institute of Culture’s grant for research and innovation projects under the 2019 Barcelona Science Plan entitled “Development of a citizen monitoring program for the ... -
COVID-19 impact on maritime traffic and corresponding pollutant emissions. The case of the Port of Barcelona
Open AccessThe impact of the SARS-CoV pandemic has gone well beyond health concerns, reaching the maritime industry. The study on the environmental impact of shipping industry during COVID-19 pandemic can provide useful insights to ...