[3] Third International Workshop on the Deductive Approach to Information Systems and Databases: Roses-Costa Brava (Catalonia), 28-30 September, 1992
Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on the Deductive Approach to Information Systems and Databases
Roses-Costa Brava (Catalonia), 28-30 September, 1992
[Publicat originalment com a Report de recerca LSI-92-19]
Verification and validation of temporal business rules
Conference report
Open AccessIn this paper the development of an analysis tool for verification and validation of temporal business rules is described. The fonnalism for expressing the business rules is the Conceptual Rule Language developed as part ... -
The Odissea project: an environment for the development of information systems from DCM
Conference report
Open AccessToe main purpose of this paper is to present the ODISSEA project, which aims at exploring the issues involved in the specification, design and implementation of Information Systems by means of Deductive Conceptual Models. ... -
Specification of information systems by state machine deduced from deductive conceptual models
Conference report
Open AccessWe propose a transformation from declarative approach to conceptual information system modelling onto an operational implementation. We will introduce an alternative way to obtain the mínimum model of the Herbrand ... -
A note on the limitations of utilizing modal logic for federated information systems
Conference report
Open AccessRecently much effort has been put into using modal logic representation lan guages for different kinds of distributed database and distributed problem solving systems. We have ourselves presented an architecture realizing ... -
On the use of algebras as semantic domain of object societies
Conference report
Open AccessOn the main current research topics is to find a semantic domain for the Object-Oriented (OO) model. The interpretation of OO concepts has to reflect in a precise way the properties of the model, keeping at the same time ... -
Combining the object-oriented approach and the deductive approach for conceptual modelling
Conference report
Open AccessWe propose a language which takes the advantages of the deductive and the object-oriented approaches. This language is easier to use than apure object oriented language because it does not require an explicit specification ... -
Is there a "right" semantics for negation as failure?
Conference report
Open AccessNegation as Failure (NAF) as a nonmonotonic reasoning mechanism has become a central feature of advanced deductive systems. Monotonic deductive systems are not able to express severa! important queries such as those involving ... -
Deduction-based data understanding using graphic logic
Conference report
Open AccessIn recent years there have been substantial improvements in the speed, power, and functionality of computer hardware and database management software. Similarly, there has been rapid growth in an ever widening variety of ... -
Query optimization in object-oriented a Deductive DBMS
Conference report
Open AccessThis paper studies the various aspects of query optimization in deductive object-oriented databases. First, a rule language is proposed for object- oriented databases. This language is a pragmatic C++ ad ... -
A complete proof procedure for efficient integrity checking in deductive databases
Conference report
Open AccessWe present proof procedure for checking the integrity of a deductive database. We follow the proposal of Sadri and Kowalski. Our procedure replaces the latter's meta-level rules by inference rules that are implemented more ... -
Knowledge assimilation in deductive databases
Conference report
Open AccessDeductive databases, also called knowledge bases, generalize traditional data bases as well as expert systems. Semantic foundations of knowledge bases are summarized. Knowledge assimilation comprises the topics of integrity ... -
An abductive proof procedure for hypothetical reasoning in computational theories
Conference report
Open AccessIn this paper. we develop a resolution-based proof procedure, called SLY resolution. far hypothetical reasoning in computational theories. SLY coincides with SLD resolution in the case of definite programs and when hypotheses ... -
Deriving consistency-preserving transaction specifications for (view-)updates in relational databases
Conference report
Open AccessWe propase a new method for generating transaction specifications for (view-)updates in relational databases that are guaranteed to preserve integrity constraints. The method augments the relational database with a set of ... -
Aspects of consistency driven planning
Conference report
Open AccessA new planning paradigm called consistency driven planning was introduced in [1]. It builds on current deductive database technology, especially on consistency maintenance. This paper extends the approach and discusses ... -
Integrity maintenance systems: an architecture
Conference report
Open AccessIn conventional database systems, consistency is preserved either by forbidding operations that violate integrity constraints or by rolling back transactions that produce inconsistent database states. A third way to maintain ...