Recent Submissions

  • Resilience analysis of a bus line in Barcelona 

    Costas Mañero, Ariadna (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2024-05-21)
    Master thesis
    Open Access
    L’objectiu d´aquest treball de fi de màster és estudiar la resiliència d´una línia d’autobús a Barcelona, en concret l’H12, una de les línies més llargues i amb més passatgers de la ciutat. Per fer-ho, el mètode utilitzat ...
  • Nudging behavioural change. A comparative analysis on implementing Nudges towards sustainable mobility patterns in the City of Turku 

    Junghanns, Lukas (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2024-05-27)
    Master thesis
    Open Access
    Efforts to address mobility challenges, including behavior changes, are recognized. Nudges are increasingly used to promote sustainability, but empirical studies on their effectiveness, especially in integrated packages, ...
  • A framework for understanding winter cycling culture: case study from Finland 

    Scherer, Isabel Louisa (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2024-03-11)
    Master thesis
    Open Access
    Cycling in winter is often considered to be a sports activity, only for the ‘tough’ ones. Despite these preconceptions, cycling year-round brings benefits for the individual and society and could therefore be promoted as ...
  • Impact of input dataset size and fine-tuning on faster R-CNN with transfer learning 

    Zheng, Wei (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2023-11-15)
    Master thesis
    Open Access
    Covenantee:   Tartu Ülikool
    Deep learning models are widely used for machine learning tasks such as object detection. The lack of available data to train these models is a common hindrance in many industrial applications, where data gathering/annotation ...
  • Best-route formula for kids and teens between schools and public spaces in Lima 

    Dextre Polo, Cesar Fernando (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2023-10-18)
    Master thesis
    Open Access
    L'objectiu d'aquesta recerca és crear una eina que trobi el camí més segur per als nens en el context de la ciutat de Lima. Es proposa utilitzar un algorisme que busqui el camí més curt i que serà modificat perquè el "cost" ...
  • Study case of implementing DRT service in low-density neighborhoods in Bergen, Norway 

    Pasaribu, Mulia Andreas (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2023-10-18)
    Master thesis
    Open Access
    Covenantee:   Kungliga Tekniska högskolan / EIT Urban Mobility
    En diverses regions on les opcions de transport públic són molt limitades, cal l’existència de trànsit sensible a la demanda (DRT) per fer que el viatge sigui més atractiu per als residents i augmentar l’ocupació de cada ...
  • Investigating cologistics hubs: business models, added values, flows, perceptions and scalability 

    Venkatesh, Pawan Seshadri (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2023-11-28)
    Master thesis
    Open Access
    Multi-service transport hubs provide a potential opportunity to achieve sustainability and emission goals and have been in contemporary research and policy discussions, however, mostly in the passenger transportsector. In ...
  • Industry acceptance of alternative delivery methods for last mile distribution 

    Mishra, Sachin (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2023-07-17)
    Master thesis
    Open Access
    Covenantee:   EIT Urban Mobility / Kungliga Tekniska högskolan
    The logistics industry is changing rapidly with new delivery strategies and modes being tested every day for urban goods distribution. Due to growth in e-commerce, urban systems are under excessive stress due to the increased ...
  • Comparing the performance of dynamic and semi-flexible Demand-responsive Transport models under varying demand scenarios 

    Van Lent, Goos Milan (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2023-06-28)
    Master thesis
    Open Access
    As authorities worldwide are cutting public transportation funds, finding cost-effective means to provide public transport in underserved areas has become ever important. One of such means is Demand-responsive Transport ...
  • Modelling cycling demand for the city of Zurich 

    Villarroya Saladié, Albert (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2023-07)
    Master thesis
    Open Access
    Covenantee:   Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich
    In the present work, which contributes to the E-Bike City Project, machine learning and multiple linear regression models are implemented to predict trip generation and trip attraction on cycling demand. The spatial scope ...
  • Post covid mobility in cities: mobility of people in a shifting paradigm 

    Rajagopalan, Arun Barathwaj (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2023-10-18)
    Master thesis
    Open Access
    Companies and municipalities had to impose severe restrictions on people while reintroducing flexible work methods such as remote working/teleworking to prevent the spread of the virus during the pandemic and keep business ...
  • Exploration of the active mobility on children's school commute in the city of Barcelona 

    Xu, Jie (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2023-07-17)
    Master thesis
    Open Access
    La tesi explorarà els desplaçaments a peu i amb bicicleta en el context dels trajectes escolars dels nens. Barcelona com a àrea destudi, utilitzant enfocaments quantitatius i qualitatius. quantitatius i qualitatius. L'estudi ...

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