Fourth Barcelona-Ulm Workshop on Probabilistic Complexity Classes and Nonuniform Computational Models: Barcelona, 13-17 September, 1993
Proceedings of the 4th Barcelona-Ulm Workshop on Probabilistic Complexity Classes and Nonuniform Computational Models
Barcelona, September 13-17, 1993
Organized by:
- Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Llenguatges i Sistemes Informàtics
- Universität Ulm
[Publicat originalment com a Report de recerca LSI/93/24/R]
Bounded queries to arbitrary sets
Conference report
Open AccessWe prove that if P^(A [k])= P^(A [k+1]) for some k and an arbitrary set A, then A is reducible to its complement under a relativized nondeterministic conjunctive reduction. This result shows the first known property of ... -
The Ø-operator and the low hierarchy
Conference report
Open AccessLong and Sheu in their paper [LS-91] introduced a refinement of the low hierarchy based on the Θ-levels of the polynomial time hierarchy which gives a deeper sight of the internal structure of N P. In this paper we show ... -
On dlogtime and polylogtime reductions
Conference report
Open AccessWe investigate properties of the relativized NC and AC hierarchies in their DLOGTIME-. respectively, ALOGTIME-uniform setting and show that these hierarchies can be characterized in terms of adaptive reducibility in ... -
On the learnability of output-DFA: a proof and an implementation
Conference report
Open AccessThis paper presents an algorithm that learns Output-DFA by making Evaluation and Equivalence queries. The correctness and termination of the algorithm are discussed. A description of the implementation of the algorithm ... -
ALMOST-R: characterizations using different concepts of randomness
Conference report
Open AccessWe study here the classes of the form ALMOST-R, for R a reducibility. This includes among other the classes BPP, P and PH. We give a characterization of this classes in terms of reducibility to n-random languages, a ... -
The structure of a logarithmic advice class
Conference report
Open AccessThe complexity class Full-P / log, corresponding to a form of logarithmic advice for polynomial time, is studied. In order to understand the inner structure of this class, we characterize Full-P /log in terms of Turing ... -
Separation of two-query-adaptive from two-query-non-adaptive completeness if NP is not small
Conference report
Open AccessUnder the hypothesis that NP does not have p-measure O (roughly, that NP contains more than a negligible subset of exponential time), it is shown that there is a language that is ≤ P/2-T complete but not ≤ P/2-tt complete ... -
Sequential and parallel complexity of learning DFA
Conference report
Open AccessIt is known that the class of deterministic finite automata is polynomial time learnable by using membership and equivalence queries. We investigate the query complexity of learning deterministic finite automata, i.e., ... -
On sets bounded truth-table reducible to P-selective sets
Conference report
Open AccessWe show that if every NP set is ≤ P btt -reducible to some P-selective set, then NP is contained in DTIME(2nO(1/logn√)). The result is extended for some unbounded reducibilities such as ≤ P polylog-tt -reducibility. -
Sparse sets, simplicity, and lowness
Conference report
Open Access -
On average case complexity
Conference report
Open AccessThe airn of this talk is to give an introduction to the notion of Levin's average case complexity and then show sorne of the fields were recent research in this area is focused on. The first part is motivated by the ...