Diseño e implementación de un servicio de seguimiento del vuelo a bordo para los pasajeros
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The objective of this work is to develop a technology for flight tracking by passengers traveling on this type of airlines and that has a low implementation cost for them. This technology consists of the creation of a graphical interface that passengers can access to view in real time the geographic location of their flight, as well as other information. The application will be developed on a Raspberry Pi, which must be programmed and prepared for this purpose. For the development of this project, a setting of the objectives to be achieved will first be named, also making a study of the state of the art and the technologies necessary to bring this work to reality. After that, the work will be structured in the different phases that must be developed to finally implement them jointly and thus test the correct functioning of this technology. Thanks to the use of the Raspberry Pi board and the positioning sensor, and to the knowledge acquired on networks and web application development, it has been possible to develop a functional and useful application suitable for use and installation in commercial aircraft in which passengers can follow the trajectory of their flight so they enhance their travel experience.
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