Recent Submissions

  • Equitable mitigation to achieve the 1.5º C goal in Latin America countries 

    Ramírez Padilla, Cindy Araceli; Turon Florenza, Albert; Alcaraz Sendra, Olga; Sureda Carbonell, Bàrbara (OmniaScience, 2022-02-02)
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    L’impacte del canvi climàtic a la regió llatinoamericana s’ha fet evident, afectant els recursos naturals i retardant el desenvolupament sostenible. Per als països d’aquesta regió, assolir l’objectiu de temperatura a llarg ...
  • Mundo 2.0: Wikileaks 

    Barceló Garcia, Miquel (2011-02)
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  • The role of transdisciplinarity in research and education for sustainable development 

    Segalàs Coral, Jordi; Tejedor Papell, Gemma (2016-01)
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    Sustainability problems are widely recognised as wicked problems. The scientific expertise needed to deal with multifaceted and complex sustainability problems requires innovation, creative thinking, action-orientated and ...
  • (Re)Shaping knowledge: the contribution of Sustainability Science 

    Segalàs Coral, Jordi; Tejedor Papell, Gemma; Cebrián Bernat, Gisela (Global Dimension in Engineering Education, 2014)
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    Global challenges faced by society in the 21st century - including climate change, resource limitations and extreme poverty - are complex and interconnected, transcending the confines of traditional scientific disciplines. ...
  • Key learning theories in GDEE 

    Segalàs Coral, Jordi (Global Dimension in Engineering Education, 2014)
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    This course will build on the existing experience of participants, including topics covered in the Course 7, to provide a framework for academics interested in developing undergraduate and postgraduate modules focusing on ...
  • Multicultural constructive community learning course for education in sustainable development applying backcasting 

    Segalàs Coral, Jordi; Tejedor Papell, Gemma (Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2015)
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    The International Seminar on Sustainable Technology Innovation is a course offered in the framework of the master of Sustainability of the UPC-Barcelona Tech University and financed by the ERASMUS Intensive Program scheme. ...
  • Being scared is not enough! Motivators for education for sustainable development 

    Mulder, Karel F.; Ferrer-Balas, Didac; Segalàs Coral, Jordi; Kordas, Olga; Nikiforovich, Eugene; Pereverza, Kateryna (Springer International Publishing, 2013)
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    This chapter presents an overview of positive motivators for students, lecturers, and educational managers to prioritize Sustainable Development in education. Very often, we implicitly assume that students and colleagues ...
  • European Project Semester: a semester of project based learning in sustainability with multicultural and multidisciplinary bachelor of engineering student groups 

    Segalàs Coral, Jordi; Benson Murphy, Patricia; Esbrí Solanas, Maria Eugènia (2012-08-01)
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  • Declaración de Luarca sobre el Derecho Humano a la Paz 

    Xercavins, Josep; Villán Durán, Carlos; Vega López, Jesús E.; Salado Osuna, Ana; Rueda Castañón, Carmen Rosa; Mancisidor, Mikel; Leret O'Neill, Carlota; Chueca Sancho, Angel; Faleh Pérez, Carmelo; Faúndez Ledesma, Héctor; Fernández Menéndez, Mercedes; Fernández Sánchez, Pablo Antonio; García Fernández, Román; Gómez Isa, Felipe; Hidalgo Tuñón, Alberto (Asociación Española para el Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos, 2010-03)
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  • Parte I. Cultura, patrimonio y sostenibilidad 

    Felipe Blanch, José Juan de (Observatorio de Sostenibilidad de España, 2009-10)
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