Fer recerca:
- per/cap a un desenvolupament humà sostenible.
- en polítiques tecnològiques i tecnologies per a un desenvolupament humà sostenible; en producció i consum sostenible; en polítiques energètiques i canvi climàtic; en economia verda.
- en gestió sostenible de recursos naturals i residus, i del medi natural en general; en sostenibilitat del medi urbà.
- en aprofundir, contextualitzar, mesurar, modelitzar, realitzar escenaris de futur, ... en el context del paradigma sostenibilista.
- en les dimensions social, ambiental i econòmica de la sostenibilitat, tot contribuint a vertebrar processos, línies i objectius de treball transversals amb i entre acadèmics de la sostenibilitat, de la tecnologia i de les ciències humanistes.
- sobre els desequilibris i les desigualtats en la globalització, així com en la seva evolució i governament democràtic per a un desenvolupament humà sostenible.
- en educació superior en sostenibilitat.
- en drets humans i sostenibilitat, en cooperació i sostenibilitat; en desenvolupament territorial i sostenibilitat.
- en polítiques, presa de decisions i governament democràtic de/per a la sostenibilitat, en el marc de les agendes internacionals seguides per les organitzacions internacionals.
- per incidir en el governament del canvi climàtic i en les agendes de treball de la UNFCCC.
- sobre els impactes socials de la ciència i la tecnologia.
- en fomentar la pau a través de l'educació, la ciència, la cultura i la comunicació (UNESCO)

Doing research:
- for/towards sustainable human development.
- in technology policies and technologies for a sustainable human development; sustainable consumption and production, in energy policy and climate change; in the green economy.
- sustainable management of natural resources and waste environment in general sustainability; in the urban environment.
- in deepen, context, measure, model, make future scenarios... in the context of the sustainability paradigm.
- in social, environmental and economic sustainability, contributing to structuring processes, objectives and lines of interdisciplinary work between academics and with sustainability, technology and humanistic sciences.
- about imbalances and inequalities in globalization, as well as the formation, development and democratic governance for a sustainable human development.
- in higher education in sustainibility.
- in human rights and sustainability in cooperation and sustainability in regional development and sustainability.
- in political decision-making and democratic governance/for sustainability in the context of international agendas pursued by international organizations.
- about the social impacts of science and technology.
- to promote peace through education, science, culture and communication (UNESCO)

Doing research:
- for/towards sustainable human development.
- in technology policies and technologies for a sustainable human development; sustainable consumption and production, in energy policy and climate change; in the green economy.
- sustainable management of natural resources and waste environment in general sustainability; in the urban environment.
- in deepen, context, measure, model, make future scenarios... in the context of the sustainability paradigm.
- in social, environmental and economic sustainability, contributing to structuring processes, objectives and lines of interdisciplinary work between academics and with sustainability, technology and humanistic sciences.
- about imbalances and inequalities in globalization, as well as the formation, development and democratic governance for a sustainable human development.
- in higher education in sustainibility.
- in human rights and sustainability in cooperation and sustainability in regional development and sustainability.
- in political decision-making and democratic governance/for sustainability in the context of international agendas pursued by international organizations.
- about the social impacts of science and technology.
- to promote peace through education, science, culture and communication (UNESCO)

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