SPPT - Superfícies, Productes i Processos Tèxtils
Innovació amb superfícies de materials polimèrics i fibres. Recerca de productes i processos tèxtils d?alt valor afegit.
The group carries out research in polymeric materials, fibre surface innovation and textile products and processes of a high added value.
The group carries out research in polymeric materials, fibre surface innovation and textile products and processes of a high added value.
Collections in this community
Articles de revista [52]
Recent Submissions
Electrical properties of PECVD amorphous silicon-carbon alloys from amorphous-crystalline heterojunctions
Restricted access - publisher's policyHeterojunction diodes fabricated by plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition of n-type amorphous silicon carbide on p-type crystalline silicon are analysed by measuring their current-voltage characteristics. Two carrier ... -
A new biosorbent with controlled grain (I). Efficient elimination of cationic dyes from textile dyeing wastewater
Open AccessEnvironmental care is an increasing concern in our society, and therefore integrated, circular economy allowing to close the industrial cycle is an urging demand. This project employs a residue of the food industry to ... -
La fricción de los tejidos como estrategia para evaluar un proceso de acabado
(Asociación Española de Químicos y Coloristas Textiles, 2018-03-21)
Open AccessEn tecnología textil, el estudio de los fenómenos de fricción de fibras, hilos y tejidos tiene un gran interés puesto que permite conocer y predecir su comportamiento a lo largo del ciclo textil. El acabado silk-like es ... -
Kinetics of low temperature polyester dyeing with high molecular weight disperse dyes by solvent microemulsion and agrosourced auxiliaries
Open AccessThis work focused on the evaluation of the kinetics of dyeing polyester fabrics with high molecular weight disperse dyes, at low temperature by solvent microemulsion. This study also compared the effect of two non-toxic ... -
Assessing friction in silk-like finished polyester fabrics
Open AccessThe influence of the silk-like finishing process on the frictional properties of polyester fabrics was examined by assessing fibre-to-metal friction through parameter R in a 100% polyester woven fabric processed under ... -
Influence of silk-like finishing process variables on fabric properties
Restricted access - publisher's policyA 100% PES woven fabric was subjected to a silk-like finishing treatment using a two-factor (soda concentration and vaporisation time), three-level experimental design on a pilot plant in order to examine the influence of ... -
The influence of enzymatic pretreatment on apparel design
Conference lecture
Open AccessEnzymatic processing contributes to a better touch and comfort of knitted fabrics. Therefore, in this paper, the influence of pretreatment time to process efficiency was researched. After pretreatment, few creations were ... -
Evaluating drape shape in woven fabrics
Open AccessA search of the scientific literature for the period 1950–2013 retrieved 36 different drape indicators. Despite the large number of indicators currently available, the drape ratio (%DR) continues to be the most widely used, ... -
Low-temperature plasma treatments in the design of polypropylene surgical meshes for hernia repair
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyOne of the new trends in textile biomaterials research is to deliver active compounds locally in the surgical site from the medical device. One way to manage post-operatory infections associated with mesh implants in ... -
Correlation analysis between the Kawabata System (KES-F) and the UPC ring methods of fabric analysis
Open AccessA total of 37 commercial woven fabrics of variable composition, weave type and aerial weight were studied by using the Kawabata Evaluation System for Fabrics (KES-F) and a modified version of the ring method called the ... -
Reutilización de un residuo agrícola como bioadsorbente para la eliminación de colorantes catiónicos de las aguas residuales de tintura
Open AccessSe ha comprobado la viabilidad de la cáscara de naranja químicamente modificada como medio de biosorción de colorantes catiónicos en las aguas residuales de la industria textil. De este modo, se ha utilizado y revalorizado ... -
Application of discriminant analysis to parameters describing the drape for two types of woven fabrics
Open AccessA total of 33 commercial drapery and lining fabrics were used to determine the drape indicators drape ratio and R-factor. The slope of a plot of one indicator against the other was found not to afford complete characterization ...