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Informàtica bàsica II, ETSEIB. Memòria del curs 1994-1995
Research report
Open AccessMemòria de l'assignatura d'Infomàtica bàsica II del curs 94-95. -
To be or nought to be: una qüestió irrellevant?
Research report
Open Access -
About the attribute relevance's nature
Research report
Open AccessThe notion of relevance of an attribute in machine learning is of common use in the construction of classfication rules in inductive learning processes. In this work a formal definition of the relevance concept for a given ... -
Enabling interpretation of the outcome of a human obesity prediction machine learning analysis from genomic data
Research report
Open AccessIn this brief paper, we address the medical problem of human obesity prediction from genomic data. Genomic datasets may contain a huge number of features and they often have to be analyzed within the realm of Big Data ... -
Similarity networks for classification: a case study in the Horse Colic problem
Research report
Open AccessThis paper develops a two-layer neural network in which the neuron model computes a user-defined similarity function between inputs and weights. The neuron transfer function is formed by composition of an adapted logistic ... -
Exploiting the accumulated evidence for gene selection in microarray gene expression data
Research report
Open AccessMachine Learning methods have of late made signicant efforts to solving multidisciplinary problems in the field of cancer classification using microarray gene expression data. Feature subset selection methods can play an ... -
Similarity and dissimilarity concepts in machine learning
Research report
Open AccessSimilarity and dissimilarity are rarely formalized concepts in Artificial Intelligence (AI). Similarity and dissimilarity have a psychological origin, and they have been adapted to AI. In this field, however, similarity ... -
Studying embedded human EEG dynamics using generative topographic mapping
Research report
Open AccessA method has recently been proposed [1] to extract multiple signal source information from single-channel electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings. A dynamical systems approach is used to analyze the resulting EEG time series, ... -
Exploring dopamine-mediated reward processing through the analysis of EEG-measured gamma-band brain oscillations
Research report
Open AccessThe central role of the dopamine system on reward brain processing is now quite well delimited. Its influence on other brain areas for learning and decision-making is still a matter of intense research. Most of this is ... -
Generative topographic mapping as a constrained mixture of student t-distributions: theoretical developments
Research report
Open AccessThe Generative Topographic Mapping (GTM: Bishop et al. 1998a), a non-linear latent variable model, was originally defined as constrained mixture of Gaussians. Gaussian mixture models are known to lack robustness in the ... -
Maximizing the margin with feed-forward neural networks
Research report
Open AccessFeed-forward Neural Networks (FNNs) and Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are two machine learning frameworks developed from very different starting points of view. The solutions obtained by the respective frameworks may ... -
Predicción a largo plazo de la concentración de ozono usando la metodología de razonamiento inductivo difuso
Research report
Open AccessEn este reporte se ha realizado un primer estudio para conocer la capacidad de la metodología de Razonamiento Inductivo Difuso (FIR), en la identificación de modelos para la predicción a largo plazo de las concentraciones ...