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dc.contributor.authorMiró Recasens, José Rodrigo
dc.contributor.authorOrtiz Ripoll, Jorge
dc.contributor.authorMartínez Reguero, Adriana Haydée
dc.contributor.authorBotella Nieto, Ramón
dc.contributor.authorPérez Jiménez, Félix Edmundo
dc.contributor.authorLópez Montero, Teresa
dc.contributor.otherUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Civil i Ambiental
dc.identifier.citationMiro, R. [et al.]. A new proposal to assess shear fatigue resistance of asphalt pavement interfaces. "Road materials and pavement design", Maig 2021, vol. 22, núm. Sup 1, p. S462-S481.
dc.descriptionThis is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis Group in Road Materials and Pavement Design on 2021, available online at:
dc.description.abstractThe degree of adherence between two bituminous layers can be assessed from shear tests carried out at constant displacement speed, which allow the shear strength and stiffness of the interface to be obtained, being usual to specify a minimum strength. But stronger bonds will be more stressed, which could negatively affect their fatigue behaviour. In this work, the shear fatigue behaviour of two interfaces of different stiffness has been analysed, based on a cyclic compression test, performed at controlled stress, using the test device B described in the NLT-382 standard, included in the draft of the European pre-norm prEN 12697-48. From these tests, fatigue laws for each type of interface have been obtained. These laws, combined with a calculation method developed by the authors, have made it possible to obtain the number of cycles that each interface would withstand, under certain load hypotheses.
dc.description.sponsorshipPart of this study constitutes one of the activities carried out within the framework of the research project called SUPERBIT (Treatments for obtaining SUPERior properties and effectiveness of BITuminous coats to improve the durability of pavements) which has been included in the 2017 aid programme of the CDTI (Centre for Industrial Development and Technology), belonging to Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain. In addition, the authors would like to thank the company ARNÓ for the help received in carrying out the dynamic tests.
dc.subjectÀrees temàtiques de la UPC::Enginyeria civil::Infraestructures i modelització dels transports::Transport per carretera
dc.subject.lcshPavements, Asphalt--Fatigue
dc.subject.otherTack coat
dc.subject.otherBituminous interface
dc.subject.otherShear fatigue
dc.subject.otherShear stress
dc.subject.otherHorizontal reaction modulus
dc.subject.otherDisplacement speed
dc.titleA new proposal to assess shear fatigue resistance of asphalt pavement interfaces
dc.subject.lemacPaviments d'asfalt
dc.contributor.groupUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya. MATCAR - Materials de Construcció i Carreteres
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Reviewed
dc.rights.accessOpen Access
dc.description.versionPostprint (author's final draft)
local.citation.authorMiro, R.; Ortiz, J.; Martinez, A.; Botella, R.; Perez, F.; López-Montero, T.
local.citation.publicationNameRoad materials and pavement design
local.citation.numberSup 1

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