A comprehensive review of control strategies and optimization methods for individual and community microgrids
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Document typeArticle
Defense date2022-01-13
PublisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Rights accessOpen Access
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Community Microgrid offers effective energy harvesting from distributed energy resources and efficient energy consumption by employing an energy management system (EMS). Therefore, the collaborative microgrids are essentially required to apply an EMS, underlying an operative control strategy in order to provide an efficient system. An EMS is apt to optimize the operation of microgrids from several points of view. Optimal production planning, optimal demand-side management, fuel and emission constraints, the revenue of trading spinning and non-spinning reserve capacity can effectively be managed by EMS. Consequently, the importance of optimization is explicit in microgrid applications. In this paper, the most common control strategies in the microgrid community with potential pros and cons are analyzed. Moreover, a comprehensive review of single objective and multi-objective optimization methods is performed by considering the practical and technical constraints, uncertainty, and intermittency of renewable energies sources. The Pareto-optimal solution as the most popular multi-objective optimization approach is investigated for the advanced optimization algorithms. Eventually, feature selection and neural network-based clustering algorithms in order to analyze the Pareto-optimal set are introduced.
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CitationSalehi, N. [et al.]. A comprehensive review of control strategies and optimization methods for individual and community microgrids. "IEEE access", 13 Gener 2022, vol. 10, p. 15935-15955.
Publisher versionhttps://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9681082
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