Desenvolupament científic i tecnològic d'equips i sistemes d'adquisició remota de dades, emfasitzant la instrumentació virtual i oceanogràfica, incloent-hi els mètodes de simulació i anàlisi estadística i fent ús de les tècniques d'avantguarda en disseny electrònic.

The aim of the group is the scientific and technological development of remote acquisition systems and equipment, with a particular emphasis on virtual instrumentation and oceanography, including simulations and statistical analysis methods, using advanced electronic design techniques.

The aim of the group is the scientific and technological development of remote acquisition systems and equipment, with a particular emphasis on virtual instrumentation and oceanography, including simulations and statistical analysis methods, using advanced electronic design techniques.

Recent Submissions

  • Fixed-switching frequency interleaved sliding mode eight-phase synchronous buck converter 

    Repecho del Corral, Víctor; Biel Solé, Domingo; Ramos Lara, Rafael Ramón (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2018-01-01)
    Open Access
    This paper describes the design of an interleaved sliding mode control for a multiphase synchronous buck converter, which inherits the properties of sliding mode control, operates with fixed switching frequency in the ...
  • Good practice guide for calibrating a hydrophone "in situ" with a non-omnidirectional source at 10 kHz (26-34) 

    Garcia Benadí, Albert; Cadena Muñoz, Francisco Javier; Río Fernández, Joaquín del; Roset Juan, Francesc Xavier; Manuel Lázaro, Antonio (2015-02-13)
    Open Access
    The aim of this paper is to provide the basis for the calibration of a hydrophone
  • Acquisition system for the “EMSO Generic Instrument Module” (EGIM) and analysis of the first data obtained during its deployement at OBSEA (Spain) 

    Garcia, Oscar; Toma, Daniel; Dañobeita Canales, Juan José; Río Fernández, Joaquín del; Bartolome de la Peña, Rafael; Martínez Padró, Enoc; Nogueras Cervera, Marc; Bghiel, Ikram; Lanteri, Nadine; Francois Rolin, Jean; Beranzoli, Laura; Favali, P. (European Geosciences Union (EGU), 2017)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    The EMSODEV project (EMSO implementation and operation: DEVelopment of instrument module) is an Horizon-2020 UE project whose overall objective is the operation of eleven sea¿oor observatories and four test sites. These ...
  • Experimental validation and modelling of electromagnetic kinetic harvester for oceans drifters 

    Toma, Daniel; Jané, Quim; Carbonell Ventura, Montserrat; Massana Hugas, Immaculada; Río Fernández, Joaquín del (2017)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Harvesting the mechanical energy of ocean motion are finding different applications for offshore exploration and ocean monitoring. Because of the very low and varying frequency, from 0.1Hz to 2Hz, harvesting this energy ...
  • Otterboard hydrodynamic performance testing in flume tank and wind tunnel facilities 

    Mellibovsky Elstein, Fernando; Prat Farran, Joana d'Arc; Notti, Emilio; Sala, Antonello (2018-02-01)
    Open Access
    © 2017 Elsevier LtdTwo pelagic otterboards, previously tested in a wind tunnel, have been tested in a flume tank prior to their analysis in real working conditions in sea trials. This intermediate step aims at providing ...

    Masmitjà Rusiñol, Ivan; Garcia Benadí, Albert; Gomáriz Castro, Spartacus; Río Fernández, Joaquín del (2017)
    Conference lecture
    Open Access
    En la actualidad se realizan numerosos estudios en el medio marino, muchos de ellos utilizan vehículos que se desplazan por el fondo marino. En este entorno los sistemas de posicionamiento por satélite no son operativos ...
  • Design a vectorial propulsion system for Guanay II AUV 

    Galarza Bogotá, Cesar Mauricio; Masmitjà Rusiñol, Ivan; Prat Tasias, Jordi; Gomáriz Castro, Spartacus (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2017)
    Conference lecture
    Open Access
    The autonomous underwater vehicle(AUV) Guanay II was designed to navigate on the surface of the sea, and to realize a vertical immersion in specific points. This vehicle has three thrusters located on stern, oriented ...
  • Underwater mobile target tracking with particle filter using an autonomous vehicle 

    Masmitjà Rusiñol, Ivan; Bouvet, Pierre-Jean; Gomáriz Castro, Spartacus; Aguzzi, Jacopo; Río Fernández, Joaquín del (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2017)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    This paper describes an underwater mobile target localization and tracking by using an autonomous surface vehicle for which the successive ranges between the target and the reference are the only information. In a dynamic ...
  • Accuracy and precision studies for range-only underwater target tracking in shallow waters 

    Masmitjà Rusiñol, Ivan; Bouvet, Pierre-Jean; Gomáriz Castro, Spartacus; Aguzzi, Jacopo; Río Fernández, Joaquín del; Toma, Daniel (2017)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    This paper studies the precision, and the accuracy, of an underwater target tracking system, using range-only and single-beacon methods, in shallow waters environments. For this study, different field tests have been ...
  • New Vectorial Propulsion System and Trajectory Control Designs for Improved AUV Mission Autonomy 

    Masmitjà Rusiñol, Ivan; González Agudelo, Julián; Galarza Bogotá, Cesar Mauricio; Gomáriz Castro, Spartacus; Aguzzi, Jacopo; Río Fernández, Joaquín del (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2018-04-17)
    Open Access
    Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV) are proving to be a promising platform design for multidisciplinary autonomous operability with a wide range of applications in marine ecology and geoscience. Here, two novel contributions ...
  • L’home de la Lluna. Una visió de la Lluna des de la tradició popular 

    Munné-Jordà, Antoni; Moreno Lupiáñez, Manuel (INSTITUT D'ESTUDIS CATALANS. BARCELONA, 2017)
    Conference lecture
    Open Access
  • The module for ocean observatory data analysis of EMSO 

    Bardají Benach, Raúl; Bartolomé de la Peña, Rafael; Dañobeita Canales, Juan José; García, Oscar; Río Fernández, Joaquín del; Piera, Jaume (2017)
    Conference lecture
    Open Access
    The European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water-column Observatory (EMSO) is a large-scale, distributed, Marine Research Infrastructure (RI). EMSO consists of ocean observation systems for long-term, high-resolution, ...

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