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Climate change and health interlinkages for urban resilience: a gray literature review
(REsilienceLAB, 2023-03-01)
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Open AccessThe causes and effects of climate change are strongly interrelated with human health. As a result, public and private international organizations have been addressing the issue, especially in urban areas, studying the ... -
Framing digital mobility gap: a starting point in the design of inclusive mobility eco-systems
(Springer, 2023-02-27)
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Open AccessDigital transport eco-systems worldwide provide great advantages to many but also carry a risk of excluding population groups that struggle with accessing or using digital products and services. The DIGNITY project (DIGital ... -
Reusing computer devices: The social impact and reduced environmental impact of a circular approach
(Asociación para el Progreso de las Comunicaciones (APC), 2021)
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Open AccessAcross the world there are many more end-user computing devices – including laptops, desktops, mobiles – than citizens; but still some citizens (3.7 billion, according to the ITU)1 cannot effectively participate in society ... -
Equitable mitigation to achieve the 1.5º C goal in Latin America countries
(OmniaScience, 2022-02-02)
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Open AccessL’impacte del canvi climàtic a la regió llatinoamericana s’ha fet evident, afectant els recursos naturals i retardant el desenvolupament sostenible. Per als països d’aquesta regió, assolir l’objectiu de temperatura a llarg ... -
Prevention of Failures in the Footwear Production Process by Applying Machine Learning
(Springer, 2021-09-18)
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Restricted access - publisher's policyAt present, the handcrafted footwear sector is affected by the high competitiveness due to the increasing automation of companies. In this sense, in order to improve its competitiveness, a system was proposed to predict ... -
Impactos sociais e ambientais do uso de sistemas de armazenamento de energia para substituição de plantas de pico em minirredes multifontes sustentáveis
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