Es proposa explorar noves Perspectives Urbanes i aportar nous elements crítics al debat sobre la ciutat, per articular visions alternatives a les que han servit de base a les polítiques habituals d’intervenció. Han interessat en especial les herències històriques estructurals.
El tema preferent de recerca ha estat l’evolució dels mercats de Barcelona en un context comparat que, per la seva paradoxal trajectòria històrica, ha estat un actiu que ha permès desplegar, durant els últims 25 anys una política totalment singular que permet contribuir al debat internacional. També s’han investigat els canvis en l’arquitectura de l’habitatge i en l’espai domèstic, la història de l’aprovisionament d’aigua i el sanejament de Barcelona, i s’ha encetat l’estudi de l’aprovisionament d’aliments a la ciutat. La combinació d’aquestes i d’altres aproximacions han contribuit a alimentar el debat i la reflexió al grup de recerca.

Current developments in our built environment should be studied from a historical perspective. The group?s research focuses on the relationships between urban processes, urbanism concepts and architecture. The group has a long history of collaboration and interest in comparative approaches to the theory and history of urbanism. The publication of the Historical Atlas of European Cities and the Planning Perspectives journal falls in with the research group?s aim to establish research networks, to become involved in those that are already in existence, such as the International Planning History Society, and to establish connections with the Spanish-speaking world, where research is less well-established.

Current developments in our built environment should be studied from a historical perspective. The group?s research focuses on the relationships between urban processes, urbanism concepts and architecture. The group has a long history of collaboration and interest in comparative approaches to the theory and history of urbanism. The publication of the Historical Atlas of European Cities and the Planning Perspectives journal falls in with the research group?s aim to establish research networks, to become involved in those that are already in existence, such as the International Planning History Society, and to establish connections with the Spanish-speaking world, where research is less well-established.

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