PUPP - Perspectives Urbanes: Aproximacions Comparades
Es proposa explorar noves Perspectives Urbanes i aportar nous elements crítics al debat sobre la ciutat, per articular visions alternatives a les que han servit de base a les polítiques habituals d’intervenció. Han interessat en especial les herències històriques estructurals.
El tema preferent de recerca ha estat l’evolució dels mercats de Barcelona en un context comparat que, per la seva paradoxal trajectòria històrica, ha estat un actiu que ha permès desplegar, durant els últims 25 anys una política totalment singular que permet contribuir al debat internacional. També s’han investigat els canvis en l’arquitectura de l’habitatge i en l’espai domèstic, la història de l’aprovisionament d’aigua i el sanejament de Barcelona, i s’ha encetat l’estudi de l’aprovisionament d’aliments a la ciutat. La combinació d’aquestes i d’altres aproximacions han contribuit a alimentar el debat i la reflexió al grup de recerca.
Current developments in our built environment should be studied from a historical perspective. The group?s research focuses on the relationships between urban processes, urbanism concepts and architecture. The group has a long history of collaboration and interest in comparative approaches to the theory and history of urbanism. The publication of the Historical Atlas of European Cities and the Planning Perspectives journal falls in with the research group?s aim to establish research networks, to become involved in those that are already in existence, such as the International Planning History Society, and to establish connections with the Spanish-speaking world, where research is less well-established.
Current developments in our built environment should be studied from a historical perspective. The group?s research focuses on the relationships between urban processes, urbanism concepts and architecture. The group has a long history of collaboration and interest in comparative approaches to the theory and history of urbanism. The publication of the Historical Atlas of European Cities and the Planning Perspectives journal falls in with the research group?s aim to establish research networks, to become involved in those that are already in existence, such as the International Planning History Society, and to establish connections with the Spanish-speaking world, where research is less well-established.
Collections in this community
Articles de revista [64]
Capítols de llibre [21]
Llibres [4]
Ressenyes [1]
Recent Submissions
Ricard Giralt Casadesus i la Urbanística Catalana
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The urban industrial impact on soils in the Mediterranean area
Restricted access - publisher's policyThe urbanization process in the northern basin of the Mediterranean has taken place in recent years, following some specific modalities which endanger the historic model of the central concept upon which urbanistic reasoning ... -
El model territorial de Catalunya i les ciutats intermèdies
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Los edificios de vivienda plurifamiliar en la arquitectura de Pere Benavent de Barberà
Conference lecture
Open AccessEn esta comunicación nos proponemos analizar técnica y constructivamente la evolución de la obra de Benavent. Para poder hacer este estudio hemos realizado una clasificación de su obra atendiendo a criterios formales ... -
Conclusions del congrés : una aproximació socioecològica des de la complexitat
(Cossetània Edicions, 2017)
Conference report
Open Access -
Meat consumption and nutrition transition in Barcelona, 1709–1935
Open AccessMeat consumption increase since the nineteenth century is a good indicator of the key stage of the so-called nutrition transition. This article is based on primary sources, predominantly municipal slaughterhouse bookkeeping ... -
Puig i Cadafalch i la reinvenció de Barcelona
Open Access -
El Polígono de Trinitat Nova en Barcelona. Primeros ensayos de modernidad en la vivienda social de los años cincuenta
Conference lecture
Open AccessLas primeras fases del Polígono de Trinitat Nova (1952-1953 y 1959), constituyen un ejemplo relevante de ensayo de nuevas propuestas de vivienda social que se enmarcan en uno de los debates más vivos entorno a la arquitectura: ... -
Malls and commercial planning policies : the case of Barcelona
(Bloomsbury Academic, 2017-04-13)
Part of book or chapter of book
Restricted access - publisher's policyThis chapter iterates the circumstances that informed the late arrival of new retail typologies in Spain and unravels the close relationship between commercial development and urban planning. Barcelona in particular became ... -
Barcelona food retailing and public markets, 1876–1936
Open AccessThis article is a contribution to comparative research between specific urban markets trajectories in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and it aims to juxtapose southern European food market experiences, particularly ... -
La gente: la urdimbre donde se trama la comunidad
(Ayuntamiento de Amorebieta-Etxano y Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2015-04)
Part of book or chapter of book
Open Access -
Rajoles de cartró pedra a l'aquitectura catalana
Open Access