POLYCOM - Polimers i compòsits: tecnologia
Contribució al coneixement científic i tecnològic dels materials plàstics i compòsits. En aquest sentit, les prioritats s'han definit al voltant de set activitats o àrees: caracterització fisicoquímica, caracterització mecànica, impacte i fractura, disseny de materials multifàsics, processos de transformació de plàstics, reciclatge i impacte ambiental i simulació i modelització. En cada una d'aquestes àrees es pretén potenciar la col·laboració amb empreses per desenvolupar conjuntament projectes de R+D+I.
The aim is to contribute to scientific and technological knowledge of plastic materials and composites. We focus on the following areas: a) physical and chemical characterisation, b) mechanical characterisation, c) impact and fracture, d) recycling and environmental effects, and e) simulation and modelling. In each of these areas, close collaboration with related companies on research, development and innovation projects is encouraged.
The aim is to contribute to scientific and technological knowledge of plastic materials and composites. We focus on the following areas: a) physical and chemical characterisation, b) mechanical characterisation, c) impact and fracture, d) recycling and environmental effects, and e) simulation and modelling. In each of these areas, close collaboration with related companies on research, development and innovation projects is encouraged.
Collections in this community
Altres [4]
Articles de revista [96]
Presentacions [2]
Recent Submissions
Cheaper membrane materials for microalgae dewatering
(Springer, 2014-10-01)
Open AccessAmong different strategies to reduce costs in microalgae dewatering process via cross-flow filtration, the one related to membrane material was investigated in order to be decreased. Several materials were tested, starting ... -
Properties of POSS blends with pCBT, PMMA, PC and POM thermoplastics
Restricted access - publisher's policyThe influence of the functionalisation of fully or partially condensed POSS cages on the properties of engineering thermoplastic-based nanocomposites is studied. POSS with different organic substituents were selected ... -
Influence of polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes on thermal and mechanical properties of melt-mixed poly(methyl methacrylate)/polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes composites
Restricted access - publisher's policyIn this study, the influence of the functionalization of fully or incomplete condensed polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes composites (POSS) nanoparticles on the properties of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA)-based ... -
Characterisation and modelling of prestrained viscoelastic films
Restricted access - publisher's policyThe goal of the present work is to characterise the influence of static prestrain on the elastic and dissipative properties of constrained viscoelastic films. Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) technique is considered for ... -
El marc competencial del professorat universitari i el redisseny de la formació docent
Conference lecture
Open AccessEl procés de convergència europea està generant canvis en les funcions i rols del professorat universitari. D’altra banda, els Sistemes de Garantia Interna de Qualitat (SIGQ) estableixen l’obligació de les universitats ... -
Toughened carbon fibre fabric-reinforced thermoplastic composites
(Universidad de Sevilla. Grupo de Elasticidad y Resistencia de Materiales, 2014)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyToughened carbon fibre fabric-reinforced composites were obtained by compression moulding of powder prepregs, using a modified cyclic butylene terephthalate (pCBT) matrix and a bi-directional [0°/90°] carbon fibre fabric. ... -
Microstructural characteristics of graphene/polycarbonate nanocomposite foams
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyThe microstructural characteristics of polycarbonate-graphene nanocomposite foams prepared using supercritical CO2 foaming are investigated using small and wide angle X-ray diffraction to understand the effect of graphene, ... -
Estudio de la presión interna en el molde de inyección en la producción de materiales poliméricos microcelulares de etileno-propileno con espumación física
Conference report
Open AccessSe efectuó el estudio de la presión en la cavidad de un molde de inyección en dos posiciones diferentes respecto al punto de inyección para evaluar los efectos de los parámetros del proceso y la distancia de dicho punto ... -
Viabilidad del reaprovechamiento de residuos de PVC provenientes de cables eléctricos: propiedades mecánicas
Restricted access - publisher's policyEn este trabajo se han evaluado las propiedades mecánicas de desechos de cloruro de polivinilo (PVC) provenientes de cables eléctricos. El residuo contenía 60% de PVC, 30% de polietileno, 7% de goma y 3% de fracción metálica. ... -
Comportamiento mecánico dinámico de espumas de policarbonato
(Centre Internacional de Mètodes Numèrics en Enginyeria (CIMNE), 2014)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policySe caracterizan por DMTA espumas de policarbonato (PC) y de policarbonato con nanopartículas de grafeno, producidas mediante dos procesos diferentes de disolución de CO2 supercrítico con posterior expansión en una o en dos ... -
Isocyanate toughening of pCBT/organoclay nanocomposites with exfoliated structure and enhanced mechanical properties
Restricted access - publisher's policyCyclic butylene terephthalate (CBT (R)) is an interesting matrix material for the preparation of nanocomposites due to its very low, water-like melt viscosity which favours clay exfoliation. Nevertheless, polymerized CBT ... -
Improvement of the thermal stability of branched poly(lactic acid) obtained by reactive extrusion
Restricted access - publisher's policyOne-step reactive extrusion-calendering process (REX-calendering) has been used in order to obtain sheets of 1 mm from poly(lactic acid) modified with a styrene-acrylic multifunctional oligomeric agent. In a preliminary ...