Accompanied self-renovation: a massive online course to meet the need of a professional rehabilitation expert in people-centered and low-cost renovations
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Document typeConference lecture
Defense date2021
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The improvement of the built housing stock, especially in areas of social vulnerability, has become a need to be addressed in recent years by public administrations. Consequently, the need to train professionals in transversal knowledge has become urgent, not only related to construction technology but also to issues of social content. This paper shows the design of a Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) entitled “Accompanied self-renovation. Habitability and safety conditions improvement” which is part of the Smart Rehabilitation 3.0, a project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Program that aims to mitigate and cover the gap between educational offer and the social reality, by defining, a new professional profile of “Building Rehabilitation Expert”.
CitationOnecha, B. [et al.]. Accompanied self-renovation: a massive online course to meet the need of a professional rehabilitation expert in people-centered and low-cost renovations. A: International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation. "ICERI2021 Proceedings". 2021, p. 1863-1869. ISBN 978-84-09-34549-6. DOI 10.21125/iceri.2021.0498.
Publisher version
- GAT - Grup d'Arquitectura i Tecnologia - Ponències/Comunicacions de congressos [86]
- REARQ - Rehabilitació i Restauració Arquitectònica - Ponències/Comunicacions de congressos [34]
- GICITED - Grup Interdiciplinari de Ciència i Tecnologia en l'Edificació - Ponències/Comunicacions de congressos [176]
- Departament de Tecnologia de l'Arquitectura - Ponències/Comunicacions de congressos [400]
- GREiP - Grup de Recerca d'Edificació i Patrimoni - Ponències/Comunicacions de congressos [60]
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