MPI - Modelització i processament de la Informació
L'activitat científica del grup se centra en la investigació, la transferència tecnològica i la formació en temes lligats a la modelització i el processament de la informació, com ara la modelització conceptual, la qualitat de les dades, la intel·ligència del negoci, la mineria de dades o l'enginyeria de serveis. En el marc d'aquesta activitat, els membres del grup han aconseguit en el període 2009-2013 12 projectes de R+D competitius i 26 contractes o convenis amb empreses i administracions, amb un ingrés total que supera els 4,1 milions d'euros. També han publicat més de 40 articles en revistes indexades al Journal Citation Reports (JCR) i més de 100 articles a congressos de reconegut prestigi internacional. A nivell formatiu, coordinen tres Erasmus Mundus (un de doctorat) i han dirigit 14 tesis doctorals en els últims cinc anys. A més, compten amb nombroses col·laboracions internacionals i duen regularment a terme accions de divulgació científica dels resultats de la recerca.
The group works in the following fields: the conceptual modelling and design of information systems; database schema and information systems validation; and database update processing.
The group works in the following fields: the conceptual modelling and design of information systems; database schema and information systems validation; and database update processing.
Collections in this community
Articles de revista [48]
Computer program [1]
Reports de recerca [46]
Software [1]
Recent Submissions
A proposal to develop and assess professional skills in Engineering Final Year Projects
(Tempus Publications, 2018-03)
Restricted access - publisher's policyIn this paper we discuss the result of piloting a methodology for Engineering Final Year Projects (FYP) assessment that takes into consideration professional skills acquisition. The FYP is structured around three milestones; ... -
Using simulation to estimate critical paths and survival functions in aircraft turnaround processes
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2017)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyIn the context of aircraft turnaround processes, this paper illustrates how simulation can be used not only to analyze critical activities and paths, but also to generate the associated survival functions –thus providing ... -
A heuristic method for a congested capacitated transit assignment model with strategies
Open AccessThis paper addresses the problem of solving the congested transit assignment problem with strict capacities. The model under consideration is the extension made by Cominetti and Correa (2001), for which the only solution ... -
Using specification and description language for life cycle assesment in buildings
Open AccessThe definition of a Life Cycle Assesment (LCA) for a building or an urban area is a complex task due to the inherent complexity of all the elements that must be considered. Furthermore, a multidisciplinary approach is ... -
SETL: A programmable semantic extract-transform-load framework for semantic data warehouses
Open AccessIn order to create better decisions for business analytics, organizations increasingly use external structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data in addition to the (mostly structured) internal data. Current ... -
An integration-oriented ontology to govern evolution in big data ecosystems
(, 2017)
Conference lecture
Open AccessBig Data architectures allow to flexibly store and process heterogeneous data, from multiple sources, in its original format. The structure of those data, commonly supplied by means of REST APIs, is continuously evolving, ... -
Virtual mobility lab: a systemic approach to urban mobility challenges
Research report
Open Access -
Validation of Service Blueprint models by means of formal simulation techniques
(Springer, 2017)
Conference report
Open AccessAs service design has gained interest in the last years, so has gained one of its primary tools: the Service Blueprint. In essence, a service blueprint is a graphical tool for the design of business models, specifically ... -
Table identification and reconstruction in spreadsheets
(Springer, 2017)
Conference report
Open AccessSpreadsheets are one of the most successful content generation tools, used in almost every enterprise to perform data transformation, visualization, and analysis. The high degree of freedom provided by these tools results ... -
Big data management challenges in SUPERSEDE
(, 2017)
Conference report
Open AccessThe H2020 SUPERSEDE ( project aims to support decision-making in the evolution and adaptation of software services and applications by exploiting end-user feedback and runtime data, with the overall goal ... -
SM4MQ: a semantic model for multidimensional queries
(Springer, 2017)
Conference report
Open AccessOn-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) is a data analysis approach to support decision-making. On top of that, Exploratory OLAP is a novel initiative for the convergence of OLAP and the Semantic Web (SW) that enables the use ... -
A visualization tool based on traffic simulation for the analysis and evaluation of smart city policies, innovative vehicles and mobility concepts
Conference lecture
Open AccessThe CitScale tool is a software platform for visualizing, analyzing and comparing the impacts of smart city policies based on innovative mobility concepts in urban areas. It places emphasis on new automotive vehicles aimed ...