MOVING - Grup de Recerca en Modelatge, Interacció i Visualització en Realitat Virtual
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Recent Submissions
Structural stability of planar bimodal linear systems
Open AccessStructural stability ensures that the qualitative behavior of a system is preserved under small perturbations. We study it for planar bimodal linear dynamical systems, that is, systems consisting of two linear dynamics ... -
Robust treatment of degenerate elements in interactive corotational FEM simulations
Restricted access - publisher's policyWe address the problem of robust and efficient treatment of element collapse and inversion in corotational FEM simulations of deformable objects in two and three dimensions, and show that existing degeneration treatment ... -
Coupling camera-tracked humans with a simulated virtual crowd
(SciTePress, 2014)
Conference report
Open AccessOur objective with this paper is to show how we can couple a group of real people and a simulated crowd of virtual humans. We attach group behaviors to the simulated humans to get a plausible reaction to real people. We ... -
CAVAST: The crowd animation, visualization, and simulation testbed
(European Association for Computer Graphics (Eurographics), 2014)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policySimulation, animation and rendering of crowds has become an important part of real-time applications such as videogames. Virtual environments achieve higher realism when being populated by virtual crowds as opposed to ... -
Data-aware picking for medical models
(Springer, 2014-09-30)
Part of book or chapter of book
Open AccessMedical doctors are often faced with the problem of selecting anchoring points in 3D space. These points are commonly used for measurement tasks, such as lengths of bones, or dimensions of pathological structures (e.g. ... -
Anisomorphic ray-casting manipulation for interacting with 2D GUIs
Open AccessThe accommodation of conventional 2D GUIs with virtual environments (VEs) can greatly enhance the possibilities of many VE applications. In this paper we present a variation of the well-known ray-casting technique for fast ... -
Contenido colónico fisiológico medido por resonancia magnética
Restricted access - confidentiality agreement -
NightLighting: a nocturnal urban illumination approach
(European Association for Computer Graphics (Eurographics), 2013)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyReal time rendering of cities with realistic global illumination is still an open problem. In this paper we propose a two-step algorithm to simulate the nocturnal illumination of a city. The first step computes an approximate ... -
Interactive visualization of medical volume models in mobile devices
Restricted access - publisher's policyInteractive visualization of volume models in standard mobile devices is a challenging present problem with increasing interest from new application fields like telemedicine. The complexity of present volume models in ... -
A generalized exact arbitrary clearance technique for navigation meshes
(ACM, 2013)
Conference report
Open AccessThere are two frequent artifacts in crowd simulation, the first one appears when all agents attempt to traverse the navigation mesh sharing the same way point over portals, increasing the probability of collision against ... -
Introductory graphics for very diverse audiences
(European Association for Computer Graphics (Eurographics), 2013)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyThis paper presents our first experience teaching WebGL in a master’s degree for a class of students with very different backgrounds. The main challenge was to prepare a course that would be engaging for students with ... -
Structural stability of planar bimodal linear systems
(American Institute of Physics (AIP), 2013)
Conference report
Open AccessWe consider bimodal linear dynamical systems consisting of two linear dynamics acting on each side of a given hyperplane, assuming continuity along the separating hyperplane. Focusing in the planar case, we describe which ...