An adaptive observer-based controller design for active damping of a DC network with a constant power load
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Document typeArticle
Defense date2021
Rights accessOpen Access
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This article explores a nonlinear, adaptive controller aimed at increasing the stability margin of a direct-current (dc), small-scale, electrical network containing an unknown constant power load (CPL). Due to its negative incremental impedance, this load reduces the effective damping of the network, which may lead to voltage oscillations and even to voltage collapse. To overcome this drawback, we consider the incorporation of a controlled dc-dc power converter in parallel with the CPL. The design of the control law for the converter is particularly challenging due to the existence of unmeasured states and unknown parameters. We propose a standard input-output linearization stage, to which a suitably tailored adaptive observer is added. The good performance of the controller is validated through experiments on a small-scale network.
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CitationMachado, J. [et al.]. An adaptive observer-based controller design for active damping of a DC network with a constant power load. "IEEE transactions on control systems technology", 2021, vol. 29, núm. 6, p. 2312-2324.
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