09. IX Jornadas sobre Innovación Docente en Arquitectura (JIDA'21) | IX Workshop on Educational Innovation in Architecture (JIDA'21) | IX Jornades sobre Innovació Docent en Arquitectura (JIDA '21), Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Valladolid, 11 y 12 de Noviembre de 2021
Libro de actas completo: http://hdl.handle.net/2117/405055
Programa: http://hdl.handle.net/2117/405009
Call for papers: http://hdl.handle.net/2117/405010
Póster: http://hdl.handle.net/2117/405055
Vídeos de las jornadas: https://zonavideo.upc.edu/series/65f439d64f108c23bf7f3622
Hábitat, paisaje e infraestructura en el entorno de la presa de El Grado (Huesca)
Conference report
Open AccessDerived from a collaboration agreement with the Council of El Grado (Huesca), in which different actions were collected, they opened a space for debate and reflection, through a catalog of practices developed by students, ... -
Integration of Art-Based Research in Design Curricula
Conference report
Open AccessThis paper focuses on the use of art-based research to enrich active methodologies in design curricula. Based on the analysis of two case studies, it argues the need to further explore a hybridisation of methodologies and ... -
No se trata de ver videos: métodos de aprendizaje de la geometría descriptiva
Conference report
Open AccessApplication of an active methodology in the study of theory in the subject of Geometry as a starting point for improving the theoretical knowledge necessary for its direct application in practical exercise. The problem of ... -
Alternativas para enseñar arquitectura: del proyecto introspectivo al campo expandido
Conference report
Open AccessThe teaching experience carried out in the optional subject Digital Projects (Department of Architectural Projects, School of Architecture and Design, CEU Cardenal Herrera University) proposed the application of a ... -
Luvina, Juan Rulfo: materia de proyecto
Conference report
Open AccessThe project workshop exercise that is presented -corresponding to the fifth semester- proposes a collective immersion into a cultural imaginary from which to nurture the material reflection of the project. The thesis ... -
Una herramienta de apoyo a la docencia de las Matemáticas en los Estudios de Arquitectura
Conference report
Open AccessThe fundamental motivation for the proposed action is to improve the understanding of Mathematics by students studying Architecture. In this degree, the singular fact of the little homogeneity of the students occurs, which ... -
Lecciones espaciales de las instalaciones artísticas
Conference report
Open AccessThe international workshop “ESTETISEMAS (ET)” has been proposed as a continuation of a previous one, “The room is empty and the inhabitant enters”, both within the program of the Corso di Teorie dell'Architettura del corso ... -
Taller vertical, diseño de hábitat resiliente indígena: experiencia docente conectada
Conference report
Open AccessIn the field of teaching architecture and design, workshops are usually the space where all the learning and knowledge of a study plan converge. In this case, the didactic instrumentation established in the study plan of ... -
La Olla Común: una etnografía arquitectónica
Conference report
Open AccessIn a context of crisis characterized by the global pandemic and the State of Exception, a spatial practice of historical basis and associative tradition among popular communities in Chile resurfaced: la Olla Común (Common ... -
Integración de estándares sostenibles en proyectos arquitectónicos
Conference report
Open AccessThis article presents the experience of the work that has been developed within the subject Energy Optimization of Heritage of the degree in Foundations of Architecture of the UPV/EHU. For the first time, during the 2020/21 ... -
Desarrollo del Programa de Aprendizaje y Servicio en diversas asignaturas del grado de arquitectura
Conference report
Open AccessThe learning and service program allows the approach of university teaching in architecture to society. The methodology offers a formative experience where the student develops their social skills and evaluates the social ... -
Técnicas de animación para la comprensión y narración de procesos de montaje constructivos
Conference report
Open AccessThe inclusion of ICT in university teaching in the Degree in Architecture as well as the huge amount of information from various fields that students handle can divert the focus of attention from the general and basic ... -
Aprendizaje basado en proyecto en la arquitectura a través de herramientas online
Conference report
Open AccessThe content of this article focuses on an experience of the subject Environmental Conditioning II of the degree in Foundations of Architecture of the UPV/EHU. Due to the COVID crisis, it was necessary to reorganize the ... -
Aprendiendo a dibujar confinados: un método, dos entornos
Conference report
Open AccessIn our experience, the practice of drawing enables the creative process that triggers the design process. The hybrid character of architectural drawing contributes particularly to this experimentation that encourages ... -
La crítica bypass: un taller experimental virtual
Conference report
Open AccessThe article postulates the relevance of using criticism as an operational device that, under extreme conditions for morphological experimental teaching, can facilitate and trigger three-dimensional learning in confinement ... -
El arquitecto ciego: método Daumal para estudiar el paisaje sonoro en la arquitectura
Conference report
Open AccessThey have spent more than 20 years teaching to listen to the soundscape of architecture and the city, applying the methodology of walking through architectural spaces blindfolded. This provides the student of Architecture ... -
Habitar la Post·Pandemia: una experiencia docente
Conference report
Open AccessThe past state of alarm, due to the global pandemic by COVID-19, which forced people to remain confined in homes for 99 days, revealed the lack of necessary conditions in housing, and the forced alteration of inhabiting ... -
La experiencia de habitar de los estudiantes de nuevo ingreso: un recurso docente
Conference report
Open AccessLa formació en valors dels futurs arquitectes i arquitectes i la seva presa de consciència sobre el paper que tindran en la societat no són temes sovint tractats de manera específica en els estudis superiors d'Arquitectura. ... -
El proceso didáctico en arquitectura es un problema perverso: la respuesta, un algoritmo
Conference report
Open AccessThe study of the discipline from the architecture itself runs the risk of self-theorization, of polarization affected by different discourses, interested approaches of the schools themselves, the relationship between ... -
Mecanismos de evaluación a distancia para asignaturas gráficas en Arquitectura
Conference report
Open AccessDue to the virulence of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have been forced to hastily modify teaching methodologies, the organisation of resources and competence assessment systems without prior reflection, which has been particularly ... -
Nuevos retos docentes en geometría a través de la cestería
Conference report
Open AccessAt the HTSA of the UPV/EHU, Geometry subjects continue to evolve in the study and control of geometric shapes. Starting from the basic forms, it delves into complex forms, linked to Architecture. Nowadays, this teaching ... -
Intercambios docentes online: una experiencia transdisciplinar sobre creación espacial
Conference report
Open AccessWith the health crisis of COVID-19, the application of digital tools to support teaching is a widespread fact in the university community. Based on this fact, the international project Professors for the world was developed. ... -
Proyectos orales
Conference report
Open AccessThe approach of using the oral history to share knowledge, experience, and understanding has long been understood and accepted as a valid construct in historic traditions. Introducing it into the architectural studio as a ... -
Urbanismo táctico como herramienta docente para transitar hacia una ciudad cuidadora
Conference report
Open AccessMoving towards a caring city requires transforming the starting point in urban design. To introduce this concept in teaching in public space and urban facilities, we work on a case study with a methodology based on ... -
Geogebra para la enseñanza de la geometría descriptiva: aplicación para la docencia online
Conference report
Open AccessThe purpose of this work is to show the implementation of a methodological proposal for the teaching of Descriptive Geometry, supported by the use of computer tools, such as Geogebra, which helps to enhance spatial ... -
Aprendiendo a vivir con los otros a través del diseño: otras conversaciones y metodologías
Conference report
Open AccessThis communication addresses the use of the social and cultural anthropology methodology; "participant observation" in the architectural studio course "The good arts of living with others through design", which took place ... -
Getaria 2020: inspirar, pintar, iluminar
Conference report
Open AccessSince 1996 the "Arkitektura Irudigintza" subject of second year innovates with a specific exercise called "Proiektuaren Aurkezpena" that identifies each promotion (Architectural Drawing / Project Presentation). When the ... -
Actividades de aprendizaje para sesiones prácticas sobre la construcción en arquitectura
Conference report
Open AccessAt present there are numerous alternatives for practical-professional learning at the university. Choosing the best set of activities for a specific course is a crucial multi-criteria complex problem, which depends on ... -
Habitar 3.0: una estrategia para (re)pensar la arquitectura
Conference report
Open AccessWhat are the new game rules that the pandemic leaves us as learning to create healthy habitats with sensitive and participatory spaces? What is the role of architecture in this post-pandemic scenario? What are the challenges ... -
Los Archivos de Arquitectura en la docencia con perspectiva de género
Conference report
Open AccessArchitecture Archives are common tools in the professional practice of architects. Its indisputable value as a documentary heritage in Spain has prompted the creation of the Historical Archives of some Association of ... -
Otras agendas para el estudiante
Conference report
Open AccessNowadays, architecture has extended its area of influence to an interdisciplinary context, that is much broader than the purely building one. Therefore, it is important to question the professional framework that is ... -
¿Autómatas o autónomas? Juegos emocionales para el empoderamiento alineado y no alienado
Conference report
Open AccessThe pedagogy of the "contagion" of ecological and humanistic consciousness proposes to motivate to use our biology for decision-making according to ecological balance through neuroscientific tools applied to teaching. In ... -
Land Arch: el arte de la tierra como Arquitectura, la Arquitectura como arte de la tierra
Conference report
Open AccessThis text addresses the architectural methodology developed during the first term of the 2019 academic year at the Design Studio I-II, School of Architecture, San Sebastián University, Chile, in response to the XIV Corma ... -
Dibujar a través de una pantalla: la enseñanza de la arquitectura en un mundo digital
Conference report
Open AccessThe architect’s profession has been acquiring very varied nuances over the years. Along with traditional education, which is still necessary, the future architects have been asked to develop skills related to the digital ... -
De las formas a los flujos: aproximación a un proyecto urbano [eco]sistémico
Conference report
Open AccessThe awareness of the effects of climate change set significant challenges to urbanism, requiring transdisciplinary approaches capable of giving efficient responses for the contemporary city and territory. A teaching programme ... -
El paisajismo en la redefinición del espacio público en el barrio de San Blas, Madrid
Conference report
Open AccessThe health crisis resulting from COVID-19 has had major environmental, economic and social impacts. This is the context in which urban regeneration is born, as an instrument that aims to improve conditions in the urban ... -
Percepciones sobre la creatividad en el Grado de Arquitectura
Conference report
Open AccessIn a world dominated by standardization, the future of humanity depends on educating creative people. An original, useful and valuable idea cannot be obtained through standardized processes or an internet search. This ... -
Reflexión guiada como preparación previa a la docencia de instalaciones en Arquitectura
Conference report
Open AccessThe significance of facilities in Architecture is quite unknown in the society in which we live, even for future architecture students. Relegating the facilities to the background is habitual and it causes operation problems, ... -
Cartografía de Controversias como recurso para analizar el espacio habitado
Conference report
Open AccessIn the social construction of the city, complex controversies arise over socially live issues that affect the lives of citizens. One of these controversies, accentuated by the Covid-19 pandemic, arises around the use of ... -
Conference report
Open AccessThe pedagogical program of the first architecture workshop arises from an interdisciplinary approach focused on the "3c's" of educational innovation: creativity, curiosity and critical thinking. Where the main objective ... -
Implementación de la Metodología BIM en el Grado en Fundamentos de Arquitectura
Conference report
Open AccessIn the field of construction a change is taking place. The architectural project, its development system and the way in which the different agents are going to participate in the construction process will be transformed. ... -
Cómo integrar la creación de una biblioteca de materiales en la docencia
Conference report
Open AccessIn a time determined by the rise of virtual models, it seems appropriate to recall the sensory nature of architecture. In this sense, the materials library is presented as a basic tool to enjoy the physical experience with ... -
PhD: Grasping Knowledge Through Design Speculation
Conference report
Open AccessThis communication aims to bring to the foreground something academic discussion can’t ignore: rather than emulating other disciplines, why can’t architects rely on a methodological approach to doctoral practice that makes ... -
AndamiARTE: la Arquitectura Efímera como herramienta pedagógica
Conference report
Open AccessThe communication relates the experience of a Workshop held at the Patio Herreriano Museum of Spanish Contemporary Art in Valladolid, on the occasion of the celebration of World Architecture Day, in 2019. Through a ... -
El laboratorio de investigación como forma de enseñanza: un caso de aprendizaje recíproco
Conference report
Open AccessDue to the initial pandemic context of the year 2020, a series of pedagogical explorations began to be carried out in institutions of higher education around the world. The physical distance between teachers and students, ... -
El aprendizaje del hábitat colectivo a través del seguimiento del camino del refugiado
Conference report
Open AccessThe experience described here addresses the learning of the architectural design of collective housing using combined teaching strategies to overcome certain limitations of second year architecture students. It starts from ... -
Imaginarios Estudiantiles de Barrio Universitario
Conference report
Open AccessThis work is the result of an undergraduate thesis carried out at the School of Architecture of the University of Bío-Bío. It constitutes a first approach towards the visual imagery that resides in the university's students ... -
Arquitectura e ingeniería: una visión paralela de la obra arquitectónica
Conference report
Open AccessThe contribution of engineering was fundamental in the evolution of the modern form. Many of the advances introduced by the masters of the modern movement were accompanied by technical improvements that made it possible ... -
Punto de encuentro interdisciplinar: el Museo Universitario de la Universidad de Navarra
Conference report
Open AccessThe Museum of the University of Navarra (MUN) is a centre dedicated to the dissemination of contemporary art through exhibitions, events, programmes, multidisciplinary research and education. Furthermore, as a university ... -
Craft-based methods for robotic fabrication: a shift in Architectural Education
Conference report
Open AccessThis article discusses robotic fabrication as a tool, beyond an innovative mode of production, to reinterpret the traditional methodology of craftsmanship, such as painting or stereotomy, offering new design potentials ... -
Cuaderno de empatía: una buena práctica para conocer al usuario desde el inicio del proyecto
Conference report
Open AccessThe importance of understanding the end user for the development of an architecture or design project is now indisputable. Their needs, expectations and aspirations, investigated through empathy, allow to define (or redefine) ... -
Participación activa del estudiante: gamificación y creatividad como estrategias docentes
Conference report
Open AccessThe methodological revolution of the Bologna Plan has placed students at the center of the teaching-learning processes, encouraging their participation based on a symmetrical dialogue with the teaching staff. The methodologies ... -
El portafolio como estrategia para facilitar el aprendizaje significativo en Urbanismo
Conference report
Open AccessThe direct applicability of the theoretical contents exposed in the master classes of Urban Planning subjects are not always clear in their practical development. This makes difficult the complete learning of the students. ... -
Urbanismo participativo: una herramienta docente para tiempos de incertidumbre
Conference report
Open AccessCrises and uncertainties characterise the current life space of future professionals while there is a widening gap between academia and the territorial governance system and society. The teaching of urban planning is ... -
Paisajes Encontrados: docencia remota y pedagogías experimentales confinadas
Conference report
Open AccessEn el context sanitari de confinament i docència remota, la proposta de pedagogies experimentals en ambients confinats, aplicat a un exercici de el primer curs de Projectes d'Arquitectura, indaga en l'impacte d'entorns ... -
Los proyectos colaborativos como estrategia docente
Conference report
Open AccessService-based learning, project-based and collaborative learning today are integrated into the collaborative-project development experience carried out by the architecture career at the San Sebastian University. Today, the ... -
Taller de las Ideas
Conference report
Open AccessThis publication aims to communicate the teaching experience carried out during the Ideas Workshop; a workshop developed with students from the first courses of Architectural Projects with the purpose of activating the ... -
Hyper-connected hybrid educational models for distributed learning through prototyping
Conference report
Open AccessThe emergence of virtual classrooms has deeply impacted and transformed the educational methodologies and protocols, in particular since the dawn of the COVID19 pandemic. This sudden change from on-campus to virtual learning ... -
Conference report
Open AccessThis teaching action, carried out in parallel to the development of the End of Degree Project, has been organized with the aim of providing students with sufficient tools to be able to define project ideas as clear and ...