A payoff dynamics model for equality-constrained population games
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Document typeArticle
Defense date2022
Rights accessOpen Access
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This letter proposes a novel form of continuous-time evolutionary game dynamics for generalized Nash equilibrium seeking in equality-constrained population games. Using Lyapunov stability theory and duality theory, we provide sufficient conditions to guarantee the asymptotic stability, non-emptiness, compactness, and optimality of the equilibria set of the proposed dynamics for certain population games. Moreover, we illustrate our theoretical developments through a numerical simulation of an equality-constrained congestion game.
CitationMartinez, J.; Quijano, N.; Ocampo-Martinez, C. A payoff dynamics model for equality-constrained population games. "IEEE Control Systems Letters", 2022, vol. 6, p. 530-535.
Publisher versionhttps://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9438615