Recent Submissions

  • Overview on agent-based social modelling and the use of formal languages 

    Montañola Sales, Cristina; Cela Espín, José M.; Rubio Campillo, Xavier; Casanovas Garcia, Josep; Kaplan Marcusan, Adriana (IGI Global, 2013-07)
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    Open Access
    Transdisciplinary Models and Applications investigates a variety of programming languages used in validating and verifying models in order to assist in their eventual implementation. This book will explore different methods ...
  • Large-scale social simulation, dealing with complexity challenges in high performance environments 

    Montañola Sales, Cristina; Rubio Campillo, Xavier; Casanovas Garcia, Josep; Cela Espín, José M.; Kaplan Marcusan, Adriana (IGI Global Inc, 2014-04-01)
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    Advances on information technology in the past decades have provided new tools to assist scientists in the study of social and natural phenomena. Agent-based modeling techniques have flourished recently, encouraging the ...
  • SDL - The IoT Language 

    Sherratt, Edel; Ober, Ileana; Gaudin, Emmanuel; Fonseca Casas, Pau; Kristoffersen, Finn (2015-10-12)
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    Interconnected smart devices constitute a large and rapidly growing element of the contemporary Internet. A smart thing can be as simple as a web-enabled device that collects and transmits sensor data to a repository for ...
  • Conceptual modeling using Petri nets 

    Guasch Petit, Antonio; Figueras Jové, Jaume; Casanovas Garcia, Josep (IGI Global, 2013-07)
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    Transdisciplinary Models and Applications investigates a variety of programming languages used in validating and verifying models in order to assist in their eventual implementation. This book will explore different methods ...
  • Using simulation to compare Aircraft Boarding Strategies 

    Fonseca Casas, Pau; Juan-Pérez, Angel A.; Mas, Sílvia (Heinz Nixdorf Institut, 2013-10)
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    Open Access
    The boarding process has a very important role in the objective of increase the efficiency, profitability, and customer satisfaction of an airline industry. It is one of the significant elements of the turnaround time, ...
  • A simulation study regarding different aircraft boarding strategies 

    Mas, Sílvia; Juan Pérez, Angel Alejandro; Arias, Pol; Fonseca Casas, Pau (Springer, 2013-06-07)
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    Open Access
    The airline industry is constantly subject to the search of new methods in order to increase efficiency, profitability, and customer satisfaction. Since airlines only generate revenue when their airplanes are on the air, ...
  • Definition of virtual reality simulation models using specification and description language diagrams 

    Fonseca Casas, Pau; Pi Palomés, Xavier; Casanovas Garcia, Josep; Jové, Jordi (Springer, 2013-06-26)
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    A full representation of a simulation model encompasses the behavior of the elements that define the model, the definition of the probability distributions that define the delays of the events that control the model, ...
  • Modeling a Chilean Hospital using specification and description language 

    Leiva Olmos, Jorge; Fonseca Casas, Pau; Ocaña Rebull, Jordi (IGI Global, 2013-07)
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    In this chapter, the authors present a formal model of the Anesthesia Unit and Surgical Wards (UAPQ) of a Chilean hospital. The objective was to document and to understand its operation, to assist hospital management and ...
  • Specification and description language for discrete simulation 

    Fonseca Casas, Pau (IGI Global, 2013-07)
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    Designing a new simulation model usually involves the participation of personnel with different knowledge of the system and with diverse formations. These personnel often use different languages, making more difficult ...
  • Factor Analysis 

    Graffelman, Jan (Wiley, 2013)
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    Factor analysis is a multivariate statistical method for data reduction that originated in psychometrics and has found applications in many branches of science. The method aims to describe the correlation structure between ...
  • Competencias profesionales para el Grado en Ingeniería Informática 

    Sánchez Carracedo, Fermín; Sancho Samsó, María Ribera; Botella López, Pere; García Almiñana, Jordi; Aluja Banet, Tomàs; Navarro Guerrero, Juan José; Balcázar Navarro, José Luis (IEEE, Sociedad de Educación: Capítulos Español, Portugués y Colombiano, 2009)
    Part of book or chapter of book
    Open Access
    Degrees in the EHEA (European Higher Education Area) must be designed based on professional skills, so that when the students finish their studies they become competent professionals in the labour market. In this paper we ...