Enviaments recents

  • Áreas de aplicación de big data e inteligencia de negocios 

    Granados Pemberty, Elizabeth; Chaguendo Benavides, Juan Manuel (2022-03-03)
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    Big data, es una tecnología que se refiere a grandes conjuntos de datos complejos tanto estructurados como no estructurados, que los sistemas de procesamiento convencionales no pueden gestionar. Por otro lado, la inteligencia ...
  • The impact of animations in the perception of a simulated crowd 

    Molina López, Elena; Ríos Jerez, Alejandro; Pelechano Gómez, Núria (Springer, 2021)
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    Simulating virtual crowds is an important challenge in many areas such as games and virtual reality applications. A lot of effort has been dedicated to improving pathfinding, collision avoidance, or decision making, to ...
  • Sentiment analysis of financial news: mechanics and statistics 

    Arratia Quesada, Argimiro Alejandro; Ávalos Villaseñor, Gustavo Eduardo; Cabaña Nigro, Ana Alejandra; Duarte López, Ariel; Renedo Mirambell, Martí (Springer, 2021-06-11)
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    This chapter describes the basic mechanics for building a forecasting model that uses as input sentiment indicators derived from textual data. In addition, as we focus our target of predictions on financial time series, ...