Recent Submissions

  • Impact of a Gamification Learning System on the Academic Performance of Mechanical Engineering Students 

    Pàmies Vilà, Rosa; Fabregat Sanjuan, Albert; Puig Ortiz, Joan; Jordi Nebot, Lluïsa; Hernández Fernández, Antonio (Tempus Publications, 2022-09-20)
    Open Access
    This study examines the effects of using a gamification tool as a teaching strategy. Specifically, Kahoot! is evaluated as a tool for enhancing student learning. The activities were part of the laboratory sessions of the ...
  • Compression principle and Zipf’s Law of brevity in infochemical communication 

    Hernández Fernández, Antonio; González Torre, Iván (2022-07)
    Open Access
    Compression has been presented as a general principle of animal communication. Zipf’s Law of brevity is a manifestation of this postulate and can be generalized as the tendency of more frequent communicative elements to ...
  • Desvelando los misterios de las feromonas 

    Hernández Fernández, Antonio; González Torre, Iván (2022-09-01)
    Open Access
    Aunque a los humanos nos llame más la atención todo lo audiovisual, la mayor parte de la comunicación que se da en los seres vivos se realiza mediante señales químicas. La vida es química, más que cualquier otra cosa. La ...
  • Lorentz and Gale-Ryser theorems on general measure spaces 

    Boza Rocho, Santiago; Krepela, Martin; Soria de Diego, Francisco Javier (2021-08-09)
    Open Access
    Based on the Gale–Ryser theorem [2, 6], for the existence of suitable (0,1) -matrices for different partitions of a natural number, we revisit the classical result of Lorentz [4] regarding the characterization of a plane ...
  • Optimality of syntactic dependency distances 

    Ferrer Cancho, Ramon; Gómez Rodríguez, Carlos; Esteban Ángeles, Juan Luis; Alemany Puig, Lluís (American Institute of Physics (AIP), 2022-01-01)
    Open Access
    It is often stated that human languages, as other biological systems, are shaped by cost-cutting pressures but, to what extent? Attempts to quantify the degree of optimality of languages by means of an optimality score ...
  • The advent and fall of a vocabulary learning bias from communicative efficiency 

    Carrera Casado, David; Ferrer Cancho, Ramon (Springer, 2021-11-26)
    Open Access
    Biosemiosis is a process of choice-making between simultaneously alternative options. It is well-known that, when sufficiently young children encounter a new word, they tend to interpret it as pointing to a meaning that ...
  • Speech pause distribution as an early marker for Alzheimer’s disease 

    Pastoriza-Domínguez, Patricia; González Torre, Ivan; Diéguez-Vide, Faustino; Gómez Ruiz, María Isabel; Geladó Muñoz, Sandra; Bello-López, Joan; Ávila-Rivera, Asunción; Matías-Guiu, Jordi; Pytel Córdoba, Vanesa; Hernández Fernández, Antonio (2022-01)
    Restricted access - publisher's policy
    Background: Pause duration analysis is a common feature in the study of discourse in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) since this patient group has shown a consistent trend for longer pauses in comparison to healthy controls. This ...
  • La reflexión tecnoética a través del cine de ciencia ficción 

    Hernández Fernández, Antonio (2021)
    Restricted access - publisher's policy
    La tecnoética estudia los aspectos morales y éticos de la tecnología en la sociedad, en un sentido amplio: nos incumben tanto el diseño como la creación y el uso de la tecnología. Si seguimos la poliédrica definición de ...
  • Zipf’s laws of meaning in Catalan 

    Catala Roig, Neus; Baixeries i Juvillà, Jaume; Ferrer Cancho, Ramon; Padró, Lluís; Hernández Fernández, Antonio (Public Library of Science (PLOS), 2021-12-16)
    Open Access
    In his pioneering research, G. K. Zipf formulated a couple of statistical laws on the relationship between the frequency of a word with its number of meanings: the law of meaning distribution, relating the frequency of a ...
  • Minimum projective linearizations of trees in linear time 

    Alemany Puig, Lluís; Esteban Ángeles, Juan Luis; Ferrer Cancho, Ramon (2022-03)
    Open Access
    The Minimum Linear Arrangement problem (MLA) consists of finding a mapping π from vertices of a graph to distinct integers that minimizes {u,v}∈E |π(u) − π(v)|. In that setting, vertices are often assumed to lie on a ...
  • Infographics, a better medium than plain text for increasing knowledge 

    Hernández Fernández, Antonio; Morera Vidal, Francesc (2022)
    Open Access
    Infographics in social networks present more elaborate proposals than simple text. In this study we analyze the general patterns of Twitter infographic messages to determine its main characteristics. Subsequently, we ...
  • Can Menzerath’s law be a criterion of complexity in communication? 

    González Torre, Ivan; Debowski, Lukasz; Hernández Fernández, Antonio (Public Library of Science (PLOS), 2021-08-20)
    Open Access
    Menzerath’s law is a quantitative linguistic law which states that, on average, the longer is a linguistic construct, the shorter are its constituents. In contrast, Menzerath-Altmann’s law (MAL) is a precise mathematical ...

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