LARCA és un grup de recerca de nivell internacional en temes d'aprenentatge i mineria de dades, anàlisi de dades i lingüística matemàtica. Típicament, abordem els problemes des de principis matemàtics sòlids, usant eines de modelització i tècniques de l'algorísmia, complexitat computacional, teoria d'autòmats, lògica, matemàtica discreta, estadística, i sistemes dinàmics. Estem iniciant
col·laboracions amb empreses i altres institucions per tal d'aplicar les nostres solucions al problemes del món real.

LARCA es un grupo de investigación de nivel internacional en temas de aprendizaje y minería de datos, análisis de datos y lingüística matemática. Típicamente, abordamos los problemas desde principios matemáticos sólidos, usando técnicas de modelización de la algoritmia, la complejidad computacional, teoría de autómatas, lógica, matemática discreta, estadística y sistemas dinámicos. Estamos iniciando colaboraciones con empresas e instituciones para la aplicación de nuestras soluciones a contextos reales.

LARCA is an international research group working on data mining, machine learning, data analysis, and mathematical linguistics. We typically approach problems from sound mathematical principles, using modelling tools and techniques from algorithmics, computational complexity, automata theory, logic, discrete mathematics, statistics, and dynamic systems. We are also starting partnerships with companies and other institutions to apply our solutions to real-world problems.

LARCA is an international research group working on data mining, machine learning, data analysis, and mathematical linguistics. We typically approach problems from sound mathematical principles, using modelling tools and techniques from algorithmics, computational complexity, automata theory, logic, discrete mathematics, statistics, and dynamic systems. We are also starting partnerships with companies and other institutions to apply our solutions to real-world problems.

Recent Submissions

  • Bateria de afasias Western. Cuaderno de estímulos en castellano. 

    Zaragoza Cortés, Maite; Diéguez-Vide, Faustino; Gómez Ruiz, María Isabel; Rosell Clarí, Vicent; Catala Roig, Neus; Baixeries i Juvillà, Jaume; Hernández Fernández, Antonio (2022-09)
    Research report
    Restricted access - publisher's policy
    Quadern d'estímuls de la bateria d'afàsies Western adaptat per a la llengua castellana. Pensat per a passar a pacients amb afàsia. Es pot aplicar per a controls monolingües en l'estudi en contextos bilingües.
  • Impact of a Gamification Learning System on the Academic Performance of Mechanical Engineering Students 

    Pàmies Vilà, Rosa; Fabregat Sanjuan, Albert; Puig Ortiz, Joan; Jordi Nebot, Lluïsa; Hernández Fernández, Antonio (Tempus Publications, 2022-09-20)
    Open Access
    This study examines the effects of using a gamification tool as a teaching strategy. Specifically, Kahoot! is evaluated as a tool for enhancing student learning. The activities were part of the laboratory sessions of the ...
  • Compression principle and Zipf’s Law of brevity in infochemical communication 

    Hernández Fernández, Antonio; González Torre, Iván (2022-07)
    Open Access
    Compression has been presented as a general principle of animal communication. Zipf’s Law of brevity is a manifestation of this postulate and can be generalized as the tendency of more frequent communicative elements to ...
  • Desvelando los misterios de las feromonas 

    Hernández Fernández, Antonio; González Torre, Iván (2022-09-01)
    Open Access
    Aunque a los humanos nos llame más la atención todo lo audiovisual, la mayor parte de la comunicación que se da en los seres vivos se realiza mediante señales químicas. La vida es química, más que cualquier otra cosa. La ...
  • La ignorancia tecnológica 

    Hernández Fernández, Antonio (Sloper, 2022-09-05)
    Part of book or chapter of book
    Restricted access - publisher's policy
    La Tecnología fue una materia que entró por accidente en la Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) del sistema educativo español. Aunque los legisladores de la época puede que no lo reconozcan jamás, el pecado original de ...
  • A note on the query complexity of learning DFA 

    Balcázar Navarro, José Luis; Díaz Cort, Josep; Gavaldà Mestre, Ricard; Watanabe, Osamu (1992)
    Research report
    Open Access
    It is known that the class of deterministic finite automata is polynomial time learnable by using membership and equivalence queries. We investigate -- the query complexity -- the number of membership and equivalence queries ...
  • Categorical formalisation of relativisation : pied piping, islands, and extraction sites 

    Morrill, Glyn (1992-09-27)
    Research report
    Open Access
  • A first-order isomorphism theorem 

    Allender, Eric; Balcázar Navarro, José Luis; Immerman, Neil (1992)
    Research report
    Open Access
    We show that for most complexity classes of interest, all sets complete under first-order projections are isomorphic under first-order isomorphisms. That is, a very restricted version of the Berman-Hartmanis Conjecture holds.
  • Some structural complexity aspects of neural computation 

    Balcázar Navarro, José Luis; Gavaldà Mestre, Ricard; Siegelmann, H.; Sontag, Eduardo D. (1992)
    Research report
    Open Access
    Recent work by Siegelmann and Sontag has demonstrated that polynomial time on linear saturated recurrent neural networks equas polynomial time on standard computational models: Turing machines if the weights of the net are ...
  • The [Theta]-operator and the low hierarchy 

    Castro Rabal, Jorge; Seara Ojea, Carlos (1992-07)
    Research report
    Open Access
    Long and Sheu in their paper [LS-91] introduced a refinement of the low hierarchy based on the [Theta]-levels of the polynomial time hierarchy which gives a deeper sight of the internal structure of NP. In this paper we ...
  • Apuntes sobre el cálculo de la eficiencia de los algoritmos 

    Balcázar Navarro, José Luis (1993-09)
    Research report
    Open Access
  • Anàlisi d'un algorisme de multiplicació d'enters 

    Marco Gómez, Jordi; Balcázar Navarro, José Luis (1993-10)
    Research report
    Open Access
    Es proposa un algorisme de multiplicació d'enters basat en l'esquema "divideix i venç", però diferent del de Karatsuba i Ofman. Es fa l'anàlisi de la seva complexitat. Es troba que, encara que sembli millor que els ja ...

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