Recent Submissions

  • Proximity and temporality: the role of weekly markets in the metropolitan food system of Barcelona 

    Gómez Escoda, Eulalia Maria; Fuertes Pérez, Pere (Lodz University of Technology, 2024)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    This paper analyses the role of weekly markets in the food supply system in metropolitan Barcelona, understanding their form, measures and urban role in relation to market halls and other grocery stores. Quantitative – in ...
  • La dimensión urbana de la comida: Barcelona como pretexto 

    Sauquet Llonch, Roger Joan; Salvadó Aragonès, Núria; Fuertes Pérez, Pere (2023)
    Conference report
    Open Access
  • Alejandro Zohn: structure & form 

    Rueda Velazquez, Claudia; De Renteria Cano, Maria Isabel; Mària Serrano, Magdalena (Docomomo International, 2022)
    Conference report
    Restricted access - publisher's policy
    Alejandro Zohn (1930-2000) studied both at the same time civil engineering and architecture in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. From his student times he became interested in the plastic and formal qualities of ruled structures ...
  • Market halls as activators of public space: Barcelona's metropolitan food system 

    Gómez Escoda, Eulalia Maria; Fuertes Pérez, Pere (2021)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Barcelona is characterized by a unique food supply system based on 38 public market halls, 2,331 supermarkets, 1,997 food stores and 1,562 bakeries evenly dispersed in the urban fabric. The city is a model of what happens ...
  • Local as available: redefining tradition 

    Fuertes Pérez, Pere; Farré Moreto, Raimon (2017)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    The meaning of local in architecture cannot be conceived today without considering the effects of a global world. Available materials are not produced locally, as they used to be, and tradition — as a collective knowledge ...
  • Patio as a structural invariant. Buildings with patio facing adaptive reuse in Barcelona 

    Fuertes Pérez, Pere; Sauquet Llonch, Roger Joan; Salvadó Aragonès, Núria (International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), 2021)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Certain architectural structures have the ability to persist over time when a building undergoes a change of use. This is the case of patios, according to the conclusions of a study focused on the reused buildings of ...
  • Satellite Rooms: Francesc Mitjans’ Modern Housing Resilience in Barcelona 

    Mària Serrano, Magdalena; Rentería Cano, Isabela; Rueda Velazquez, Claudia (Docomomo International, 2021)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Barcelona has a large number of apartment buildings built throughout the twentieth century, whose sizes exceed the current needs and possibilities of its inhabitants. The new variants in lifestyles, combined with housing ...
  • The Reuse of Housing Buildings in Barcelona. The Versatility of Old Constructive Structures 

    Mària Serrano, Magdalena; Monteys Roig, Xavier (2021)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    There are 1,463 buildings in Barcelona, from different times from the first century to the present day, that have changed their functions once or more times throughout their life. This paper analyses those cases in which ...
  • Learning by comparing 

    Mària Serrano, Magdalena; Musquera Felip, Sílvia (2021)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    The subject Comparative Architecture, carried out in the MBArch Master of the ETSAB (UPC), proposes the comparison of 10 pairs of images as a methodology for learning architecture. Throughout the course, students elaborate ...
  • Ordenanzas en base metabólica: el replanteo de las ordenanzas de densificación en tres urbanizaciones del Vallés (Barcelona) 

    Sauquet Llonch, Roger Joan; Castiñeira Palou, Isabel; Gómez, Nieves; Donés, Chantal (2019)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Las áreas de baja densidad residencial en Cataluña toman el nombre de ‘urbanizaciones’. Algunas nacidas a principio de siglo XX y muchas otras de forma ilegal durante el tardo-franquismo, estos asentamientos se caracterizan ...
  • The construction of an Urban Food System. Barcelona 1957-2020 

    Fuertes Pérez, Pere; Gómez Escoda, Eulalia Maria (AMPS, 2020)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    The urban form of Barcelona can be explained through the distribution of food supply systems. Thirty-eight public food market halls — reachable at a walking distance of five minutes from half of the city's households — are ...
  • Conservation of the urban heritge and sustainability: Barcelona as a paradigm 

    Mària Serrano, Magdalena; Salvadó Aragonès, Núria (Elsevier, 2017)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    The legislation in force provides for the protection of natural areas, not only for their scenic qualities but also as agricultural or environmental reserves. However, this strategic conservation of the rural landscape is ...

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