Erwin Broner and the rural architecture of Ibiza
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Tutor / directorFerrer Sala, Manuel
Document typeBachelor thesis
Rights accessOpen Access
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Quan Erwin Broner arriba a Eivissa, queda tan enamorat de l'arquitectura rural del lloc que decideix dur a terme un estudi dels diferents tipus de vivenda que s'anava trobant. Després d'això, la seva arquitectura quedara influenciada per els mecanismes que ell mateix interpreta a l'estudi i els utilitzarà a les seves obres junt amb idees seves mes innovadores i modernes. La arquitectura de Broner es converteix amb una obra de linies pures i sencilles, amb la traducio de la vivenda rural junt amb les idees mes modernes i vanguardistes del moment. When Erwin Broner arrived in Eivissa, he became so enamoured of the rural architecture of the area that he decided to carry out a study of the different types of houses he came across. After that, his architecture would be influenced by the mechanisms that he himself interpreted in the study and he would use them in his works together with his more innovative and modern ideas. Broner's architecture becomes a work of pure and simple lines, with the translation of the rural house together with the most modern and avant-garde ideas of the moment.
SubjectsBroner, Erwin, Architects -- Germany, Vernacular architecture -- Ibiza and Formentera (Spain), Housing, Single family -- Ibiza and Formentera (Spain), Broner, Erwin, Arquitectes -- Alemaya, Arquitectura vernacular -- Illes Balears -- Eivissa, Habitatges unifamiliars -- Illes Balears -- Eivissa
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