Recent Submissions

  • On alpha-roughly weighted games 

    Freixas Bosch, Josep; Kurz, Sascha (2011-12-13)
    Research report
    Open Access
    Very recently Gvozdeva, Hemaspaandra, and Slinko (2011) h ave introduced three hierarchies for simple games in order to measure the distance of a given simple game to the class of weighted voting games or roughly weighted ...
  • The complexity of testing properties of simple games 

    Freixas Bosch, Josep; Molinero Albareda, Xavier; Olsen, Martin; Serna Iglesias, María José (2008-04-04)
    Research report
    Open Access
    Simple games cover voting systems in which a single alternative, such as a bill or an amendment, is pitted against the status quo. A simple game or a yes-no voting system is a set of rules that specifies exactly which ...
  • Measuring satisfaction in societies with opinion leaders and mediators 

    Molinero Albareda, Xavier; Riquelme Csori, F.; Serna Iglesias, María José (2016-05-14)
    Research report
    Open Access
    An opinion leader-follower model (OLF) is a two-action collective decision-making model for societies, in which three kinds of actors are considered:
  • Generic algorithms for the generation of combinatorial objects 

    Molinero Albareda, Xavier; Martínez Parra, Conrado (2003-06)
    Research report
    Open Access
    This report briefly describes our generic approach to the exhaustive generation of unlabelled and labelled combinatorial classes. Our algorithms receive a size n and a finite description of a combinatorial class A using ...
  • An Efficient generic algorithm for the generation of unlabelled cycles 

    Martínez Parra, Conrado; Molinero Albareda, Xavier (2003-06-06)
    Research report
    Open Access
    In this report we combine two recent generation algorithms to obtain a new algorithm for the generation of unlabelled cycles. Sawada's algorithm lists all k-ary unlabelled cycles with fixed content, that is, the number ...
  • Some advances in the theory of voting systems based on experimental algorithms 

    Freixas Bosch, Josep; Molinero Albareda, Xavier (2006-01)
    Research report
    Open Access
    In voting systems, game theory, switching functions, threshold logic, hypergraphs or coherent structures there is an important problem that consists in determining the weightedness of a voting system by means of trades ...
  • Minimal representations for majority games 

    Freixas Bosch, Josep; Molinero Albareda, Xavier; Roura Ferret, Salvador (2007-02)
    Research report
    Open Access
    This paper presents some new results about majority games. Isbell (1959) was the first to find a majority game without a minimum normalized representation; he needed 12 voters to construct such a game. Since then, it has ...
  • Bisemivalues, binomial bisemivalues and multilinear extension for bicooperative games 

    Domènech Blázquez, Margarita; Giménez Pradales, José Miguel; Puente del Campo, María Albina (2015-10-05)
    Research report
    Open Access
    We introduce bisemivalues for bicooperative games and we also provide an interesting characterization of this kind of values by means of weighting coefficients in a similar way than given for semivalues in the context of ...
  • On the complexity of exchanging 

    Molinero Albareda, Xavier; Olsen, Martin; Serna Iglesias, María José (2015-03-24)
    Research report
    Open Access
    We analyze the computational complexity of the problem of deciding whether, for a given simple game, there exists the possibility of rearranging the participants in a set of j given losing coalitions into a set of j winning ...
  • Decisiveness of decisive symmetric games 

    Carreras Escobar, Francisco; Freixas Bosch, Josep; Puente del Campo, María Albina (2011-04-08)
    Research report
    Open Access
    Binary voting systems, usually represented by simple games, constitute a main DSS topic. A crucial feature of such a system is the easiness with which a proposal can be collectively accepted, which is measured by the ...
  • Symmetric coalitional binomial semivalues 

    Carreras Escobar, Francisco; Puente del Campo, María Albina (2011-02-02)
    Research report
    Open Access
    We introduce here a family of mixed coalitional values. they extend the binomial semivalues to games endowed with a coalition structure, satisfy the property of symmetry in the quotidient game and the quotient game ...
  • Maximum tolerance and maximum greatest tolerance 

    Freixas Bosch, Josep; Molinero Albareda, Xavier (2009-09-23)
    Research report
    Open Access
    An important consideration when applying neural networks is the sensitivity to weights and threshold in strict separating systems representing a linearly separable function. Two parameters have been introduced to ...

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