El grup té una experiència de més de vint anys en el seu camp d’expertesa, la teoria de jocs i les seves aplicacions. El grup ha mantingut una línia creixent tant pel que fa a la producció científica contrastada com pel coneixement en l’àmbit. El grup és avui un referent internacional en àrees específiques com ara els sistemes de votació i els jocs cooperatius així com en les seves aplicacions: tecnològiques, econòmiques, polítiques i sociològiques.
Els seus treballs són matemàticament rigorosos i concisos, i els seus membres són bons coneixedors de l’àlgebra, la matemàtica discreta, la probabilitat, la complexitat o la computació. Nombroses situacions extretes de la vida quotidiana els han estimulat a modelitzar, simular i proposar propostes de solució o de millora.
Els seus membres comparteixen nombroses publicacions de prestigi, vetllen per la creixent internacionalització del grup, tenen cura de la formació i divulguen els seus treballs.

Research in the foundations and applications of game theory. The main theoretical lines are the following: (a) cooperative games and solution concepts; (b) collective decision-making mechanisms and power indices; (c) restrictions to cooperation; (d) multiplicity of alternatives; and (e) software. The areas of application include economics, political science, sociology, management, industrial scheduling and technologies such as cryptography and reliability.

Research in the foundations and applications of game theory. The main theoretical lines are the following: (a) cooperative games and solution concepts; (b) collective decision-making mechanisms and power indices; (c) restrictions to cooperation; (d) multiplicity of alternatives; and (e) software. The areas of application include economics, political science, sociology, management, industrial scheduling and technologies such as cryptography and reliability.

Recent Submissions

  • Legibilidad y letras 

    Molinero Albareda, Xavier; Laamiri, Arm (2022)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    In the present, there are different indices that measure the difficulty level of reading a text, i.e. the readability of a text. Different studies have been made on the frequency of occurrence of letters in several languages, ...
  • On weights and quotas for weighted majority voting games 

    Molinero Albareda, Xavier; Serna Iglesias, María José; Taberner Ortiz, Marc (2021-12)
    Open Access
    In this paper, we analyze the frequency distributions of weights and quotas in weighted majority voting games (WMVG) up to eight players. We also show different procedures that allow us to obtain some minimum or minimum ...
  • Numerical analysis of a problem involving a viscoelastic body with double porosity 

    Bazarra, Noelia; Fernández, Jose R.; Leseduarte Milán, María Carme; Magaña Nieto, Antonio; Quintanilla de Latorre, Ramón (2022-02)
    Restricted access - publisher's policy
    We study from a numerical point of view a multidimensional problem involving a vis- coelastic body with two porous structures. The mechanical problem leads to a linear system of three coupled hyperbolic partial differential ...
  • Extremal coalitions for influence games through swarm intelligence-based methods 

    Riquelme Csori, Fabián; Olivares Ordenes, Rodrigo; Muñoz Martínez, Francisco José; Molinero Albareda, Xavier; Serna Iglesias, María José (2022)
    Open Access
    An influence game is a simple game represented over an influence graph (i.e., a labeled, weighted graph) on which the influence spread phenomenon is exerted. Influence games allow applying different properties and parameters ...
  • Systematic analysis of dropout causes 

    Alsina Aubach, Montserrat; Domènech Blázquez, Margarita; Freixanet de la Iglesia, Maria Josep (International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED), 2021)
    Conference lecture
    Restricted access - publisher's policy
    Dropping out of first-year college students is a very common problem in universities in general, but especially in engineering and degrees in the STEM field. As a public university, we are committed to use resources as ...
  • A critical analysis on the notion of power 

    Freixas Bosch, Josep; Pons Vallès, Montserrat (Springer, 2021-08-12)
    Open Access
    In this paper we discuss on several ways to extend power indices defined on simple games to the context of (j, 2)-games, i.e., games with 2 possible outputs and j possible input levels. The purpose of this paper is more ...
  • Time decay for several porous thermoviscoelastic systems of Moore-Gibson-Thompson type 

    Bazarra, Noelia; Fernández, Jose R.; Magaña Nieto, Antonio; Quintanilla de Latorre, Ramón (2022-09)
    Open Access
    In this paper, we consider several problems arising in the theory of thermoelastic bodies with voids. Four particular cases are considered depending on the choice of the constitutive tensors, assuming different dissipation ...
  • On anonymous and weighted voting systems 

    Freixas Bosch, Josep; Pons Vallès, Montserrat (Springer Nature, 2021-04-27)
    Open Access
    Many bodies around the world make their decisions through voting systems in which voters have several options and the collective result also has several options. Many of these voting systems are anonymous, i.e., all voters ...
  • Weak null, necessary defender and necessary detractor players: characterizations of the Banzhaf and the Shapley bisemivalues 

    Domènech Blázquez, Margarita; Giménez Pradales, José Miguel; Puente del Campo, María Albina (Springer, 2021-06-16)
    Open Access
    We focus on bicooperative games, a variation of the classic cooperative games and, in particular, on the Banzhaf and the Shapley bisemivalues defined on these games. We consider three special classes of players: weak null, ...
  • On the axiomatic characterization of the coalitional multinomial probabilistic values 

    Carreras Escobar, Francisco; Puente del Campo, María Albina (Springer Nature, 2021-05-13)
    Open Access
    The coalitional multinomial probabilistic values extend the notion of multinomial probabilistic value to games with a coalition structure, in such a way that they generalize the symmetric coalitional binomial semivalues ...
  • An a priori error analysis of a porous strain gradient model 

    Baldonedo, Jacobo; Fernández, José Ramón; Magaña Nieto, Antonio; Quintanilla de Latorre, Ramón (Wiley-VCH, 2022-01)
    Open Access
    In this work, we consider, from the numerical point of view, a boundary-initial value problem for non-simple porous elastic materials. The mechanical problem is written as a coupled hyperbolic linear system in terms of ...
  • Influence decision models: from cooperative game theory to social network analysis 

    Molinero Albareda, Xavier; Riquelme Csori, Fabián (Elsevier, 2021-02)
    Open Access
    Cooperative game theory considers simple games and influence games as essential classes of games. A simple game can be viewed as a model of voting systems in which a single alternative, such as a bill or an amendment, is ...

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