Recent Submissions

  • Interdisciplinary Engineering Project: Experimental and Numerical Optimization of a Sandwich Panel 

    Roure Fernández, Francisco; Pastor Artigues, María Magdalena; Bonada Bo, Jordi; Rodero de Lamo, Lourdes (2015-01)
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    A teaching-learning experience focused on the promotion of specific transversal competencies (self-learning, efficient oral and written communication and team working) integrated into the curriculum of Bachelor in Industrial ...
  • Long-term sampling of dioxin-like substances from a clinker kiln stack using alternative fuels 

    Rivera Austrui, Joan; Martínez, Karell; Marco Almagro, Lluís; Ábalos, Manuela; Abad, Esteban (2014-07-01)
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    The aim of this work is to characterize atmospheric emissions of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs)/polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (dl-PCBs) from a cement production ...
  • On left-truncating and mixing poisson distributions 

    Valero Baya, Jordi; Pérez Casany, Marta; Ginebra Molins, Josep (2014-02-01)
    Open Access
    The distributions obtained by left-truncating at k a mixed Poisson distribution, kT-MP, and those obtained by mixing previously left-truncated Poisson distributions, M-kTP, are characterized by means of their probability ...
  • A competitive variable neighbourhood search algorithm for the blocking flow shop problem 

    Ribas Vila, Immaculada; Companys Pascual, Ramón; Tort-Martorell Llabrés, Xavier (2013-12-23)
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  • Light consulting after design of experiments training: Lessons from a case study 

    Marco Almagro, Lluís; Grima Cintas, Pedro; Tort-Martorell Llabrés, Xavier (2014-04)
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    We present a case study to show some positive and some problematic points regarding light consulting—when none of the parts is fully committed—on Design of Experiments (DOE). The situation is not unusual and frequently ...
  • ¿Es pi un impostor? 

    Grima Cintas, Pedro (2012-07)
    Open Access
    Parece que sobre p está todo dicho y que su papel protagonista en el reino de los números es indiscutible pero… ¿son posibles unas matemáticas en las que el número pi no tenga un papel protagonista, en las que 3,14159… ...
  • The time has come: Statistics in bestselling books 

    Grima Cintas, Pedro; Marco Almagro, Lluís (Sociedad de Estadística e Investigación Operativa (SEIO), 2013-10)
    Open Access
    Beyond textbooks, statistics is also present in bestselling books, those that appear on the top 10 lists of bookshops and online bookstores. This paper discusses five of those books, highlighting the role of statistics ...
  • A Cluster analysis of vote transitions 

    Puig Oriol, Xavier; Ginebra Molins, Josep (2014)
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    To help settle the debate triggered the day after any election around the origin and destination of the vote of winners and losers, a Bayesian analysis of the results in a pair of consecutive elections is proposed. It is ...
  • On poisson-stopped-sums that are mixed poisson 

    Valero Baya, Jordi; Pérez Casany, Marta; Ginebra Molins, Josep (2013)
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    Maceda (1948) characterized the mixed Poisson distributions that are Poisson-stopped-sum distributions based on the mixing distribution. In an alternative characterization of the same set of distributions here the ...
  • An efficient iterated local search algorithm for the total tardiness blocking flow shop problem 

    Ribas Vila, Immaculada; Companys Pascual, Ramón; Tort-Martorell Llabrés, Xavier (Taylor & Francis, 2013-04-27)
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    This paper deals with the blocking flow shop problem and proposes an Iterated Local Search (ILS) procedure combined with a variable neighbourhood search (VNS) for the total tardiness minimisation. The proposed ILS makes ...
  • Twenty-five analogies for explaining statistical concepts 

    Behar, Roberto; Grima Cintas, Pedro; Marco Almagro, Lluís (2013-02)
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    The use of analogies is a resource that can be used for transmitting concepts and making classes more enjoyable. This article presents 25 analogies that we use in our introductory statistical courses for introducing concepts ...
  • An approach to disaggregating total household water consumption into major end-uses 

    Fontdecaba Rigat, Sara; Sánchez Espigares, Josep Anton; Marco Almagro, Lluís; Tort-Martorell Llabrés, Xavier; Cabrespina, Francesc; Zubelzu, Jordi (2013-01-27)
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    The aim of this project is to assign domestic water consumption to different devices based on the information provided by the water meter. We monitored a sample of Barcelona and Murcia with flow switches that recorded ...

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