Departament de Tecnologia de l'Arquitectura
Zonavídeo UPC Series
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Recent Submissions
Smart Rehabilitation 3.0 Project: Conservation and environmental sustainability of vernacular architecture
Open AccessEnglish subtitles. This online course (MOOC) is part of a wider effort to bridge the knowledge gap between the offer of higher education in most European universities and the practical skills and competencies needed in ... -
Smart Rehabilitation 3.0 Project: Conservation and environmental sustainability of vernacular architecture
Open AccessThis online course (MOOC) is part of a wider effort to bridge the knowledge gap between the offer of higher education in most European universities and the practical skills and competencies needed in the rehabilitation ... -
Smart Rehabilitation 3.0 Project: Conservation and environmental sustainability of vernacular architecture
Open AccessGreek Subtitles. This online course (MOOC) is part of a wider effort to bridge the knowledge gap between the offer of higher education in most European universities and the practical skills and competencies needed in the ... -
Smart Rehabilitation 3.0 Project: Auto-rehabilitación asistida y mejora de las condiciones de habitabilidad y seguridad
Open AccessEste curso en línea (MOOC) forma parte de un esfuerzo más amplio para salvar la brecha de conocimiento existente entre la oferta de educación superior en la mayoría de las universidades europeas y las habilidades prácticas ... -
Smart Rehabilitation 3.0 Project: Wooden built heritage as a renewable resource for local development
Open AccessThis online course (MOOC) is part of a wider effort to bridge the knowledge gap between the offer of higher education in most European universities and the practical skills and competencies needed in the rehabilitation ... -
Smart Rehabilitation 3.0 Project: Approaches, techniques and interventions for the rehabilitation or restoration of architectural heritage
Open AccessThis online course (MOOC) is part of a wider effort to bridge the knowledge gap between the offer of higher education in most European universities and the practical skills and competencies needed in the rehabilitation ... -
Benvinguda i presentació del projecte "RE-INHABIT Retos Investigación 2019-2021"
Open AccessBenvinguda a la Jornada i presentació del projecte "RE-INHABIT Retos Investigación 2019-2021", a càrrec de Pilar García-Almirall (Departament Tecnologia de l'Arquitectura ETSAB | UPC) i Pere Joan Ravetllat (Projectes ... -
Mundo 4.0 | Smart city. Regreso a la escala humana
Open AccessEn aquesta segona sessió del cicle 'Món 4.0' presentada per Magdalena Plocikiewicz, s'analitzarà la idea del retorn a l'escala humana, el concepte "walkability" de la ciutat, el protagonisme del vianant, de la bicicleta, ... -
Mundo 4.0. Smart City. Regreso a la escala humana
Open Access -
Mundo 4.0. Smart City. Regreso a la escala humana
Open Access -
Mundo 4.0. Smart City. Regreso a la escala humana
Open Access -
01. Disseny dels aspectes lumínics naturals d'un espai individual amb DIAlux. Part I: Modelat espai
Open Access