In Harmony. Virtual Power Plants: Predicting, Optimising and Leveraging Residential Electrical Flexibility for Local and Global Benefit
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Realizado en/conInstituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires
Tipo de documentoProjecte Final de Màster Oficial
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Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 3.0 España
Electrical demand flexibility is a key component to enabling a low cost, low carbon grid. In this study,
residential electricity demand and flexibility is explored from the lens of a virtual power plant operator.
Individual and aggregate asset consumption is analysed using a pool of >10,000 household assets over
6 years. Key safety, comfort and availability limitations are identified per asset type. Pool flexibility
is analysed using a combination of past data and principled calculations, with flexibility quantified for
different products and methods of control. A machine learning model is built for a small pool of 200
assets, predicting consumption 24 hours in advance. Calculated flexibility and asset limitations are then
used within an optimisation model, leveraging flexibility and combining the value of self consumption
and day ahead price optimisation for a residential home.
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timryan-thesis-final-with-trita.pdf | 13,03Mb | Ver/Abrir |