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A 2.5D automatic FEM-SBM method for the evaluation of free-field vibrations induced by underground railway infrastructures
Conference report
Open AccessThis paper presents an efficient method to predict underground railway-induced vibrations. The method uses the finite element method (FEM) to model the railway tunnel structure and the singular boundary method (SBM) to ... -
Acoustic emission at the wheel-rail contact with micro-slip and stick-slip
Conference report
Open AccessThe paper aimsto analyse the occurrence of acoustic emission at the wheel-rail contact during microslip. The experimental model allows the different loads and the low sliding speeds specific to the wheel-rail contact. It ... -
VIBWAY: A user-friendly computational tool for the prediction of railway-induced ground-borne noise and vibration
Conference report
Open AccessThis paper aims to introduce preliminary statement of methods of a computationally efficient and user-friendly toolbox, called VIBWAY, able to predict vibration and re-radiated noise levels in two situations. On the one ... -
Assessment of dynamic vibration absorbers efficiency as a countermeasure for ground-borne vibrations induced by train traffic in double-deck tunnels using an energy flow criterion
(Springer, 2019)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyDouble-deck tunnels are an innovative tunnel layout design useful to enhance the efficiency of underground railway transportation systems in which the tunnel is divided into two sections by an interior floor. However, ... -
Assessment of dynamic vibration absorber efficiency as a countermeasure for ground-borne vibrations induced by train pass-by in double-deck tunnels using an energy flow criterion
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyThe environmental problems due to ground-borne vibrations induced by underground railway traffic are an issue of growing concern in urban areas as the demand for underground railway network has been increased. The demand ... -
Revision of cancellation at the edge approach for active noise barrier
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyIn most of the investigations, the active noise barriers are configured placing both secondary sources and error sensors close to the edge of barriers, but it is unclear how far is this approach from the maximum theoretical ... -
Investigate the effect of the active noise barrier on the reduction of noise level at the shadow zone and the neighboring building
(Institute of Noise Control Engineering, 2020)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyBarriers are among the most widely used strategy to control the ambient noise in the urban areas. However, the previous studies approve the inefficiency of the barriers to degrade low-frequency spectra noise. The technique ... -
Efficiency of isolated concrete blocks applied in railway slab tracks as mitigation measures for railway-induced ground-borne vibration in tunnels
(Institute of Noise Control Engineering, 2020)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyThis paper presents a study of the efficiency of isolated concrete blocks as vibration mitigation measures for railway-induced ground-borne vibration problems in subway metro tunnels. The study is performed numerically, ... -
VIBWAY: A prediction toolbox for railway induced ground-borne vibrations
(Institute of Noise Control Engineering, 2020)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyThis paper aims to introduce a computationally efficient and user-friendly toolbox, called VIBWAY, able to predict vibration levels that a future railway line, either at-grade or underground, will generate on its nearby ... -
Experimental validation of a hybrid FE-SEA-experimental model
(Institute of Noise Control Engineering, 2020)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyModern manufacturers usually need to know at a design stage if their products will meet certain vibro-acoustic requirements. In many cases the use of physical prototyping becomes significantly expensive, and engineers opt ... -
Uncertainty assessment of a model to predict the vibration induced by train traffic in tunnels
(Institute of Noise Control Engineering, 2020)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyThe uncertainty assessment of ground-borne noise and vibration predictions is important to reduce risks when decisions are made based on simulation results. In addition, it provides robustness to the prediction framework ... -
On the use of experimental ensembles in a hybrid deterministic-statistical energy analysis method
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyThere is a clear need in modern industries for models that can predict the vibro-acoustic response of their manufactured products at the design stage. Models based on the hybrid deterministic-statistical method are a ...