El Grup de Recerca en Enginyeria del Coneixement (GREC) fonamenta la seva activitat en la recerca i desenvolupament de tecnologies dins de l'àrea de la Intel·ligència Artificial, centrant-se en aspectes relatius al raonament qualitatiu, l'aprenentatge automàtic i els sistemes de decisió multicritèria. La finalitat del GREC és l'estudi i la recerca sobre sistemes basats en el coneixement i la seva natura qualitativa, tàcita o intangible.
El grup GREC impulsa una recerca interdisciplinària que incorpora àrees d'aplicació de rellevància social que suposin un augment de la qualitat de vida d'éssers, entorns i comunitats. En formació i difusió de coneixement, el GREC participa en programes de màster, formació doctoral, organització i participació en congressos, i publicació de resultats científics.
La nostra visió s'assoleix a través de continuar formant investigadors a nivell internacional en entorns de treball creatius i innovadors.

The Knowledge Engineering Research Group (GREC) was established in 1991 as a highly multidisciplinary research team. Most of the GREC¿s researchers work at two universities, the Technical University of Catalonia and Ramon Llull University, although they collaborate actively with researchers from the LAAS-CNRS and IIIA-CSIC research groups. The group¿s main fields of study are the theory and application of learning systems and qualitative reasoning. The group is involved in researching and developing ubiquitous soft computing technologies in areas of application that lead to the improvement of the quality of life of people and communities. The group¿s specific objectives are the following: 1. The study and development of computational paradigms with the aim of merging soft computing and pervasive computing paradigms. Soft computing techniques have proved useful in several fields, but the focus has not yet been on problems in which the improvement of people¿s lives is the greatest concern. It is in this respect that a combination of soft computing and pervasive computing techniques might prove particularly useful, because of the latter¿s distributed and intangible nature. 2. The application of technologies. Only by merging software and hardware technologies is it possible to develop the aforementioned paradigms. The GREC aims to analyse how to merge these technologies in order to design computational intelligence. Possible areas of application are those in which a community or environment requires solutions to improve quality of life, such as, for example, smart buildings, environmental control, the improvement of sustainability indicators, market research, etc. 3. Teaching and the dissemination of knowledge in the university community and society in general. To this end, the group collaborates on Master¿s and PhD courses with Ramon Llull University. 4. Technology transfer. The main objective of contact with industry is transferring the knowledge generated by the group¿s research. A further aim in developing computational intelligence paradigms is the design of electronic and computing devices that do not intrude on people¿s everyday lives and the environment. The user¿s social environment is also considered, as the approach to computational intelligence in a technological society must be both adaptive and adaptable.

The Knowledge Engineering Research Group (GREC) was established in 1991 as a highly multidisciplinary research team. Most of the GREC¿s researchers work at two universities, the Technical University of Catalonia and Ramon Llull University, although they collaborate actively with researchers from the LAAS-CNRS and IIIA-CSIC research groups. The group¿s main fields of study are the theory and application of learning systems and qualitative reasoning. The group is involved in researching and developing ubiquitous soft computing technologies in areas of application that lead to the improvement of the quality of life of people and communities. The group¿s specific objectives are the following: 1. The study and development of computational paradigms with the aim of merging soft computing and pervasive computing paradigms. Soft computing techniques have proved useful in several fields, but the focus has not yet been on problems in which the improvement of people¿s lives is the greatest concern. It is in this respect that a combination of soft computing and pervasive computing techniques might prove particularly useful, because of the latter¿s distributed and intangible nature. 2. The application of technologies. Only by merging software and hardware technologies is it possible to develop the aforementioned paradigms. The GREC aims to analyse how to merge these technologies in order to design computational intelligence. Possible areas of application are those in which a community or environment requires solutions to improve quality of life, such as, for example, smart buildings, environmental control, the improvement of sustainability indicators, market research, etc. 3. Teaching and the dissemination of knowledge in the university community and society in general. To this end, the group collaborates on Master¿s and PhD courses with Ramon Llull University. 4. Technology transfer. The main objective of contact with industry is transferring the knowledge generated by the group¿s research. A further aim in developing computational intelligence paradigms is the design of electronic and computing devices that do not intrude on people¿s everyday lives and the environment. The user¿s social environment is also considered, as the approach to computational intelligence in a technological society must be both adaptive and adaptable.

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