Els principals objectius científics del CUV són els següents: 1. Ser un punt de referència en les àrees de recerca relacionades amb les ciències de la visió: òptica, optometria clínica, contactologia i microbiologia aplicada, oftalmologia i biologia molecular. 2. Oferir una infraestructura que permeti potenciar i incentivar la integració d'equips i línies de recerca, per impulsar la col·laboració amb els investigadors del programa de doctorat en Enginyeria Òptica, el qual ha obtingut la menció de qualitat del MECD. 3. Promoure la transferència de resultats i coneixement per aplicar-los a l'assistència clínica. 4. Col·laborar amb els departaments de R+D+I de les principals empreses del sector de l'òptica, l'optometria, l'oftalmologia i la biologia molecular. 5. Oferir una plataforma que permeti la realització de les tesis doctorals al Departament d'Òptica i Optometria en els camps de l'òptica, l'optometria, l'oftalmologia i la biologia molecular.


The aims of the University Vision Centre (CUV) may be summarised as follows: 1. To be a point of reference in research areas related to the vision sciences (optics, clinical optometry, applied contactology and microbiology, ophthalmology and molecular biology). 2. To encourage the integration of the groups and research areas related to the PhD Degree in Optical Engineering, which has been awarded a "quality distinction" by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science. 3. To transfer research results and knowledge that will be applied in clinical care. 4. To collaborate with the research, development and innovation departments of companies working in the fields of optics, clinical optometry, applied contactology and microbiology, ophthalmology and molecular biology. 5. To produce PhD theses at the Department of Optics and Optometry in the fields of ophthalmic optics, physiological optics and biomedicine. 6. To establish interdepartmental links between UPC departments and other universities.


The aims of the University Vision Centre (CUV) may be summarised as follows: 1. To be a point of reference in research areas related to the vision sciences (optics, clinical optometry, applied contactology and microbiology, ophthalmology and molecular biology). 2. To encourage the integration of the groups and research areas related to the PhD Degree in Optical Engineering, which has been awarded a "quality distinction" by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science. 3. To transfer research results and knowledge that will be applied in clinical care. 4. To collaborate with the research, development and innovation departments of companies working in the fields of optics, clinical optometry, applied contactology and microbiology, ophthalmology and molecular biology. 5. To produce PhD theses at the Department of Optics and Optometry in the fields of ophthalmic optics, physiological optics and biomedicine. 6. To establish interdepartmental links between UPC departments and other universities.


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