VII International Conference on Adaptive Modeling and Simulation (ADMOS 2015) Nantes, France 8–10 June, 2015
Proceedings of the VII International Conference on Adaptive Modeling and Simulation
Held in Nantes, France 8–10 June, 2015
A publication of:
International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE) Barcelona, Spain
F. Chinesta, P. Díez, L. Chamoin (Eds.)
© The authors
Physics dependent de-featuring, is it a prerequisite for mesh generation?
Conference report
Open AccessThe use of numerical simulation as a design tool in engineering is nowadays routinely practiced. The initial stage of the simulation process is the generation of an appropriate mesh that is designed to capture ... -
Recent advances in hierarchical model (HiMod) reduction
Conference report
Open AccessHiMod is a model reduction technique to describe phenomena with a dominant dynamics,possibly featuring local relevant transverse components, like for blood flow in arteries,water in rivers, oil in pipes. In particular, ... -
The Multiscale Challenges in Modeling Fracture of Metals
Conference report
Open AccessEnergy dissipation by dislocation plasticity in metals provides the resistance against crack growth that makes metals tough engineering materials. However, homogenized plasticity constitutive laws must fail at a singular ... -
Convergent error-controlled mesh adaptation
Conference report
Open AccessThe proposed communication will address the following question: Find an approximate solution such that the approximation error norm in L2 is less than a prescribed ε. And indeed we are interested by a small complexity in ... -
Automatic patient specific simulation of trabecular bone by using h-adapted meshes with cartesian grid finite element method
Conference report
Open AccessIn this paper we presenta methodology to performelasticity analyses of trabecular bone fromhuman wrist micro CT scans, with the final purpose of providing datawhich can be used, together with other measures, to develop new ... -
Anisotropic error estimates for adapted dynamic meshes
Conference report
Open AccessThe simulation of real-life problems, with complex moving geometries evolving in unsteady flows in three dimensions, still remains a challenge. To reduce the CPU time of these simulations while preserving their accuracy, ... -
Improved conformal adaptation for hexahedral meshes
Conference report
Open AccessTo improve the quality of the results of a numerical simulation with a finite element method, mesh refinement is an effective solution. Various techniques have been implemented for many years. In the h-refinement method, ... -
A priori goal-based error estimation and anisotropic adaptive mesh controlapplied to compressible viscous flows
Conference report
Open AccessA basic feature in finite-element method (FEM) is the initial choice of an interpolation for the unknown and the building of an integration which keeps the exactness of the discretisation for a solution identical to its ... -
Can adaptive mesh refinement produce grid-independent solutions for complex flows?
Conference report
Open AccessOne of the trends in computational fluid dynamics today is the use of the ever-increasing computational resources for the high-fidelity simulation of more and more complex flows. For example, simulations are performed for ... -
Adaptive remeshing for industrial unsteady CFD
Conference report
Open AccessFLUSEPA is an advanced simulation tool which performs a large panel of aerodynamicstudies. It is the unstructured finite-volume solver developed by Airbus Defence& Space tocalculate compressible, multidimensional, unsteady, ... -
Anisotropic mesh adaptation for brittle fractures applied to a generalized Ambrosio-Tortorelli model
Conference report
Open AccessThe Francfort-Marigo model of quasi-static brittle fracture [1] is a very accurate model, but requires minimizing a highly irregular energy functional. However, this functional can be approximated by a suitable regularization, ... -
Adaptive strategies for viscous simulations
Conference report
Open AccessCapturing accurately the whole flow field around a complex geometry remains a challenge for viscous turbulent simulations. The use of quasi-structured boundary layer meshes is required in near-wall regions because of the ... -
Automatic geometric transformations over the input domain to produce abetter mesh with an Octree-based technique.
Conference report
Open AccessThe Octree [1] technique is one of the most popular methods to produce hex-dominantmeshes. It starts by computing the Bounding Box (Bbox) of the input domain; anhexahedron that will define the root Octant. Then, this Octant ... -
Camarón: a visualization tool for the quality inspection of polyhedrical meshes
Conference report
Open AccessThe numerical simulation of complex objects requires a good quality domain discretization (mesh). In 2D, meshes are usually composed of triangles and/or quadrilaterals and, in less frequent cases, of convex polygons. In ... -
The application of multi-scale and adaptive simulation methods to tidal energy systems
Conference report
Open AccessGenerating energy from clean renewable sources is clearly attractive for a number reasons. In stark contrast to other further developed and exploited resources such as wind, tidal-based energy conversion has the crucial ... -
Efficient 3d finite element analysis based on cartesian grids considering exact CAD geometries
Conference report
Open AccessThis contribution proposes a 3Dimmersed boundary method,based on Cartesian grids,modified to improve the accuracy along the boundary and the efficiency during the resolution.Onthe one hand, the embedded domain will be ... -
A study of anisotropic mesh adaptation through high-dimensional embeddings
Conference report
Open AccessIn [2,1] the authors provide a new re-meshing technique based on a higher dimensional embedding to get a curvature adapted anisotropic surface mesh. In this work we extend this new technique to anisotropic mesh adaptation ... -
Application of an automatic h-adaptive refinement algorithm in a second order immersed boundary code
Conference report
Open AccessAn automatic adaptive refinement algorithm is an important technique to reduce the computation time while increasing the local accuracy of the numerical simulation. For this goal, the Residual Least Squares (RLS) error ... -
High order anisotropic adaptive meshing by generalisation of the length distribution tensor paradigm
Conference report
Open AccessAnisotropic mesh adaptation techniques have been shown to be very efficient in the last decade with very convincing applications. In modern anisotropic Finite Element, the element stretching can attain very high level as ... -
Curved meshing for high Reynolds flows solved using high order framework
Conference report
Open AccessIn this work, we are interested in the mesh generation problem for simulation of compressible fluids using high order schemes. For this kind of simulation, it is well-known [1] that the subparametric discretization used ... -
Geometrical accuracy and numerical properties of high-order meshes
Conference report
Open AccessTIn the computational physics community, a consensus is forming on the superior efficiency of high-order numerical schemes for problems with high resolution requirements. However, manycontributions show that a linear ... -
High-order mesh untangling and smoothing using the hierarchical smoother
Conference report
Open AccessIn the last years, high-order methods are emerging to simulate physical phenomena in appliedsciences and engineering. However, these kind of methods rely on a high-order discretization. One ofthe most used methods to ... -
Direct numerical simulation from 3d imaging
Conference report
Open AccessIn the last decade, the finite element method has shown to be a powerful and accurate computational tool to deal with material behavior and fluid-structure interaction simulations, with the increase on the computational ... -
Geogram: a library for geometric algorithms
Conference report
Open AccessWe present a set of geometric algorithms for grid generation. Tehe implementation of the algorithms is available in the public GEOGRAM [1] library (BSD Open-Source License). The sey of algorithm comprises: ·Robust geometric ... -
Flow computations on urban environments built from 3D dense point clouds or triangulations using anisotropic adaptation and implicit functions
Conference report
Open Access3D scanning and mapping are useful in several applications and, in particular, for urban outdoor environment modelling. These models can be used, for example, in flow computations for pollutant dispersion studies, thermal ... -
Impact of mesh adaptivity on the interpretation of transport processes in porous media
Conference report
Open AccessAn accurate modeling of solute transport processes in the subsurface is a crucial issue with a view to several engineering applications. These include groundwater vulnerability assessment and modeling of hydrocarbon ... -
Prediction of ventricular boundary evolutionin hydrocephalic brain via a combined level set and adaptive finite element mesh warping method
Conference report
Open AccessHydrocephalus is a serious neurological disorder caused by abnormalities in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow, resulting in large brain deformations and neuronal damage. Treatments drain the excess CSF from the ventricles ... -
On explicit error estimates for the elastic wave propagation in heterogeneous media
Conference report
Open AccessThis work deals with explicit a posteriori error estimates for elastic wave propagation in heterogeneous media. Based on some previous works on acoustic problems ([1]), the proposed explicit error estimator is derived in ... -
Verification for eigenvalue problems
Conference report
Open AccessIn this paper, the approach proposed by Ladevèze and Pelle in 1989 [1] for deriving computable, sharp and guaranteed lower bounds for eigenvalues is revisited. The key lies in a static ... -
Adaptive space time finite element methods for dynamic nonlinear thermomechanical coupled problems
Conference report
Open AccessIn this contribution, we consider nonlinear thermomechanical coupled problems of the following type: Find a displacement field and a temperature distribution, which fulfil the equation of motion with a temperature ... -
Adaptive finite element simulation of multi-physics turbulent flow with applications in aerodynamics
Conference report
Open AccessThe error magnitude and the order of accuracy of a new unsteady Variational MultiScale (VMS) solver are examined. Indeed, while vast majority of industrial simulations today are restricted to only computing a statistical ... -
Complementarity in structural dynamics: a new procedure for bounding eigenfrequencies
Conference report
Open AccessPairs of approximations of complementary nature, one being compatible and the other equilibrated, are commonly used for the determination of bounds of the exact solution of elastic problems. The main advantage of the ... -
Adaptive modeling and numerical approximation for a simple example of multiscale hyperbolic relaxation system
Conference report
Open AccessThe present work considers the mathematical and numerical analysis of a new adaptive goal-oriented strategy based on local hpm discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method (h for grid, p for accuracy of shape function and m ... -
Multiscale hybrid methods for time-domain electromagnetics
Conference report
Open AccessIn this work, we are interested in the propagation of electromagnetic waves in complex media. More precisely, we would like to study time dependent wave propagation problems with strong multiscale features (possibly in ... -
Goal-oriented error control within non-overlapping domain decomposition methods to solve elliptic problems
Conference report
Open AccessIn this work, we are interested in designing an adaptive version of domain decomposition algorithms [1] to control the error on the estimation of quantities of interest [2] for elliptic problems solved by the finite element ... -
Constitutive relation error estimator : an admissible field construction using a domain decomposition strategy
Conference report
Open AccessWe are interested in error estimate using the constitutive relation error concept. The construction of an admissible fields is a pillar of the method and is revisited in this work using a domain decomposition ... -
Controlling parallel adaptive sparse grid collocation simulations with chiron
Conference report
Open AccessNonintrusive UQ methods, roughly describing, use a (expected small) number of runs of a deterministic computational model, each one having as inputs judiciously chosen points of the stochastic input space. Statistics of ... -
Supercomputer simulation of gas flow properties in metallic microchannel
Conference report
Open AccessIn our work we consider gas flows into metallic microchannels of technical systems. The gas consists of two components: nitrogen and hydrogen. The material which is often used for microchannels production is nickel and its ... -
Optimized approximation space for Trefftz-discontinuous Galerkin methods
Conference report
Open AccessHelmholtz equation is classically encountered when modelling waves and vibrations. The numerical approximation of its solution is complex because of the generally small characteristic wavelength and of the potential ... -
PRACE project results : performing calculations on full Tier0 supercomputers with mesh adaptation and FEM very large linear systems resolution
Conference report
Open AccessIn this paper we will present works and results obtained during the one year PRACE project Cim128Ki [1]. This project aims to make computation on full Tier0 supercomputers or at least up to 131,072 cores. The goal of ... -
Verification of reduced-order models for real-time applications with haptic feedback
Conference report
Open AccessReal-time simulation systems equipped with haptic peripherals, like those employed in virtual surgery or industry lay-out design, require feedback rates on the order of 1kHz. Such an impressive requirement for a simulation ... -
A posteriori verification of PGD reduced models with application to engineering computation
Conference report
Open AccessDespite the important progress in computer sciences, the cost associated with the resolution of multi-parametric problems can be extremely prohibitive. This is especially important when dealing with problems depending on ... -
Mathematical and numerical study on the parametric sensitivity of a structural dynamic hyper-reduction
Conference report
Open AccessWe consider the Hyper-reduction technique [1], in the framework of parametric structural dynamic problems. Efficient parametric models in hyper-reduction of structural design allow to act towards real time computations. ... -
Improving the k-compressibility in hyper reduced order models with moving sources
Conference report
Open AccessNowadays, the use of Hyper Reduced Order Models (HROMs) to tackle the high computational complexity of problems found in science and in engineering is becoming an interesting option to reach real-time computations. These ... -
Accuracy assessment of PGD-latin method for power flow problems in electric grids
Conference report
Open AccessA “Smart Grid” is an efficient management of the electricity that uses computer technology in order to achieve a safe and sustainable electricity supply. They promise to improve the efficiency of power grid systems through ... -
Effectivity and limits of PGD computational techniques
Conference report
Open AccessMechanics, like other domains, continues to supply numerous engineering problems that, despite the impressive progress of computational simulation techniques, remain intractable today. RB, POD and PGD model reduction methods ... -
A ``Tuning-free” multi-field reduced basis method with application to multiscale modelling
Conference report
Open AccessThe reduced basis method [1,2] is an increasingly popular reduced order modeling technique for parameterized partial differential equations. In this talk, we will present a new reduced reduced basis method for affinely ... -
Effect of the separated approximation of input data in the accuracy of the resulting PGD solution
Conference report
Open AccessSeparated representations are commonly used to avoid the so-called curse of dimensionality, that is, an exponential increase in the number of degrees of freedom with the number of dimensions. In order to use separated ... -
Interpolation of the inverse of parameter dependent operator for preconditioning parametric and stochastic equations
Conference report
Open AccessWhen solving partial differential equations with parametrized (or random) coefficents, one usually needs to solve high dimensional problems for a large number of realizations of the coefficients, which is computationaly ... -
Adomian decomposition method in free vibration of stepped beam with restraint edges and resting on Winkler foundation
Conference report
Open AccessThis work deals with free transverse vibration characteristics of an Euler-Bernoulli stepped beam resting on Winkler foundation. The ends of beam are elastically restrained against translation and rotation. A semi-analytical ... -
A method of analytical decomposition in analyses of elastic structures of complex geometry
Conference report
Open AccessThe paper addresses the new numerical-analytical method for analyzing two-dimensional linearly elastic heterogeneous structures composed of a number of contiguous rectangles. For each rectangle we can build a common solution ... -
Utilizing adjoint-based error estimates to adaptively resolve response surface approximations
Conference report
Open AccessUncertainty and error are ubiquitous in predictive modeling and simulation due to unknown model parameters and various sources of numerical error. Consequently, there is considerable interest in developing efficient and ... -
Adaptive methods for efficient sampling in molecular dynamic simulations
Conference report
Open AccessI will present some numerical challenges raised by the simulation of materials at the atomistic level. One of the main difficulties is related to a timescale problem: at the molecular level, the typical timescale is much ... -
Goal-based adaptive control of stochastic and deterministic errors in compressible CFD
Conference report
Open AccessThe purpose of this paper is to control both deterministic discretisation error and stochastic error for compressible CFD simulations when a quantity of interest is targeted. Recent works [2,4] have extended goal-based ... -
Fast r-adaptivity for multiple queries of heterogeneous stochastic materialfields
Conference report
Open AccessThe Monte Carlo approach in stochastic modeling requires multiple queries to numerical (typicallyfinite element) solutions of similar problems. In the case of random material fields, only the materialproperties vary between ... -
A posteriori error estimation for partial differential equations with small uncertainties
Conference report
Open AccessAbstract. Partial differential equations (PDEs) are widely used for modelling problems in many fields such as physics, biology or engineering. In general, any problem is affected by a certain level of uncertainty, ... -
Variance reduction in random homogenization: special quasirandom structures
Conference report
Open AccessIn this work, we introduce a variance reduction approach for the homogenization of a random, linear elliptic second order partial differential equation set on a bounded domain in Rd. The random diffusion coefficient ... -
Uncertainty quantification in porous media with multi-level Monte Carlo
Conference report
Open AccessGeological storage of CO2 is an attempt at controlling future climate changes. Modelling and simulation of underground CO2 storage are however subjected to significant sources of geological uncertainties, which requires ... -
Spectral-based numerical method for Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equations in infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces
Conference report
Open AccessWe propose a numerical method for approximate the solution of a class of infinite dimensional parabolic problems. In particular, for the Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov (FPK) equations in an infi- nite ... -
A real time solution reconstruction and material identification with data obtained from measures in combination with the proper generalized decomposition
Conference report
Open AccessSome industrial processes, such as polymer curing, require control algorithms in order to guarantee a certain level of quality for the components that are being processed. These control algorithms work in a real time ... -
Real-time model updating using modified CRE, Kalman filtering, and PGD-reduced models
Conference report
Open AccessThe DDDAS concept has received an increasing interest during the last decade, in particular in the Computational Mechanics community [1]. The main idea is to create a feedback loop between a real system and its numerical ... -
Identification of heterogeneous elastoplastic behaviors using constitutive equation gap method
Conference report
Open AccessCohesive zones models are commonly used in numerical simulations to take into account the onset and the propagation of microcracks leading to the fracture of materials. Their numerical implementation in finite element ... -
Real-time object tracking based on sequential frames
Conference report
Open AccessAlthough real-time object tracking is not a new problem in research in the field of computer vision, it still remains a problem that continues to receive much attention from researcher. Many approaches have been developed ... -
A study of the sensitivity of a sequential variational data assimilation algorithm to the errors of the input data
Conference report
Open AccessAn automated system of air monitoring is being developed in Ust-Kamenogorsk city. This system should be able to model contamination and asses air condition. It contains data assimilation module for chemistry composition ... -
Sparse grid, reduced basis approximation for bayesian inverse problems
Conference report
Open AccessBayesian inversion has emerged in recent years as a very effective and versatile methodology for solving inverse problems in, e.g. oil recovery, weather forecasting, medical imaging etc. It amounts to predict, for given ... -
On the predictive capabilities of multiphase Darcy flow models
Conference report
Open AccessDarcy’s law is a widely used model and the limit of its validity is fairly well known [1]. When the flow is sufficiently slow and the porosity relatively homogeneous and small, Darcy’s law is the homogenized equation arising ... -
Adaptive response surface approximation method for bayesian inference
Conference report
Open AccessThe need for surrogate models and adaptive methods can be best appreciated if one is interested in parameter estimation using a Bayesian calibration procedure for validation purposes [1,2]. We extend our work on error ... -
A posteriori analysis for nonlinear eigenvalue problems, application toelectronic structure calculations
Conference report
Open AccessMany mathematical models aiming at the determination of electronic structures give rise tononlinear eigenvalue problems whose resolutions require very large computational resources [1]. Thecomplexity of these computations ... -
A discontinuous Galerkin goal-oriented error estimator based on orthogonal discrete dual spaces
Conference report
Open AccessGoal-oriented error estimation [1] has seen increasing interest for adaptive discretizations of engineering problems, as these methods aim to minimize the error in the quantity of interest that motivates the engineering ... -
An adaptive inexact Uzawa algorithm based on polynomial-degree-robust a posteriori estimates for the Stokes problem
Conference report
Open AccessIn this paper, we are interested in designing an adaptive version of the inexact Uzawa algorithm [4] applied to the linear Stokes problem solved by the finite element method. We present an a posteriori error estimate ... -
An adaptive scheme for homogenised domains
Conference report
Open AccessIn this paper, we extend the concept of modelling error estimation for the homogenisation of ellipticPDEs. In order to do so, we fully acknowledge that the rapid spatial variation of microscopicdiffusion constants cannot ... -
A posteriori estimation of modelling error for a building thermal model
Conference report
Open AccessIn the past decade, efficient energy use for civil buildings receives big attention, especially through optimal control which is meant to minimize energy consumption and maintain occupant comfort. Different thermal models ... -
Space-time decomposition of a posteriori error estimate for linear and nonlinear parabolic equations with semi-implicit schemes
Conference report
Open AccessIn recent years there has been a growing interest in a particular class of nonlinear parabolic equations known as phase-field models, which is characterised by evolving diffuse interfaces instead of sharp interfaces. These ... -
Active learning surrogate models for the conception of systems with multiple failure modes
Conference report
Open AccessThe conception (or risk assessment) of complex mechanical systems has to take into account a series of constraints. Such constraints can be due to certification criteria, performance objectives, cost limitations, and so ... -
Sparse generalized polynomial chaos expansion for non-intrusive uncertainty quantification in aerodynamic computations
Conference report
Open AccessBecause of the high complexity of steady-state or transient fluid flow solvers, non-intrusiveuncertainty propagation techniques have been developed in aerodynamic simulations for theconsideration of random inputs such as ...