El grup desenvolupa línies de recerca relacionades amb el processament de la informació òptica continguda en imatges i d'altres aplicacions de l’òptica visible, amb extensió a les bandes espectrals de l’infraroig pròxim i l’ultravioleta. Abasta la formació investigadora d'estudiants de màster i doctorat. Comprèn temes relacionats amb: la imatge (formació, presentació i anàlisi), la visió, el color i el processat amb làser. Cobreix aplicacions diverses en els camps de la salut visual, la inspecció de teixits tèxtils, la seguretat òptica, la visió artificial, la inspecció automàtica, el tractament i l’anàlisi d’imatges, el reconeixement de formes, la qualitat òptica i visual, les lents intraoculars, la imatge mèdica, el disseny d’instruments, les tècniques de caracterització i mesura, la fotometria, la colorimetria, el color digital, el processat de materials per irradiació làser i temes afins.

The group?s aim is to carry out research related to the applications of visible optics, including near infrared and ultraviolet spectral bands. It deals with images, vision, colour and laser processing. It embraces a variety of applications in the fields of machine vision, automatic inspection, image analysis and processing, pattern recognition,optical and visual qualities, intraocular lenses, instrumentation and measuring techniques, photometry, colour measurement, digital colour, laser processing of materials, laser marking, waveguides, etc.
The aims of the group involve the following three areas:
- Image processing. The acquisition, analysis, display and processing of images. Optical, digital and hybrid operations performed for a given application, such as pattern recognition, feature extraction, image improvement, fault detection, identification, classification, discrimination, codification, characterisation, etc. Systems, devices and illumination environments for image capturing and display. Human vision models applied to

The group?s aim is to carry out research related to the applications of visible optics, including near infrared and ultraviolet spectral bands. It deals with images, vision, colour and laser processing. It embraces a variety of applications in the fields of machine vision, automatic inspection, image analysis and processing, pattern recognition,optical and visual qualities, intraocular lenses, instrumentation and measuring techniques, photometry, colour measurement, digital colour, laser processing of materials, laser marking, waveguides, etc.
The aims of the group involve the following three areas:
- Image processing. The acquisition, analysis, display and processing of images. Optical, digital and hybrid operations performed for a given application, such as pattern recognition, feature extraction, image improvement, fault detection, identification, classification, discrimination, codification, characterisation, etc. Systems, devices and illumination environments for image capturing and display. Human vision models applied to

Recent Submissions

  • Impact of image resolution on retinal vessel tortuosity assessment 

    Ramírez Cano, Natalia; Rallo Capdevila, Miguel; Millán Garcia-Varela, M. Sagrario (2024-03-31)
    Open Access
    Several ocular and cardiovascular disorders are characterized by an elevated tortuosity of retinal blood vessels. Objective tortuosity measurements can be obtained through the computation of a set of tortuosity indices ...
  • Analytical study on typeface visual identification 

    Molinero Albareda, Xavier; Freixas Bosch, Josep; Tàpias Anton, Montserrat (SciTePress, 2024)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    In this study, our objective is to explore methodologies for the identification of diverse typefaces. Utilizing the gathered data, we conducted a thorough analysis of the outcomes, distinguishing between successes and ...
  • Central and peripheral corneal sagittal height in keratoconus and healthy eyes 

    Larrosa Expósito, Manel; Gispets Parcerisas, Joan; Lupón Bas, Núria; Cardona Torradeflot, Genís; Sempere Esteve, Anaïs (2024-03)
    Restricted access - publisher's policy
    Purpose: To determine central and peripheral corneal sagittal height (z) values in keratoconus and healthy eyes with the Oculus Pentacam point-by-point data extraction software. Methods: Forty eyes from patients with central ...
  • Astigmatism-induced image degradation in a model eye with a monofocal intraocular lens 

    Azor Morón, Juan Antonio; Vega Lerín, Fidel; Armengol Cebrian, Jesús; Millán Garcia-Varela, M. Sagrario (2024-03-31)
    Open Access
    The influence of astigmatism on the image formed by a model eye with an intraocular lens (IOL) inserted is analysed. Toric (T-) and non-toric (N-) versions of the same monofocal spherical aberration-free IOL (20 D) were ...
  • Chromatic changes in vision with diffractive ophthalmic optics 

    Clavé Cerezo, Laura; Faria-Ribeiro, Miguel; Millán Garcia-Varela, M. Sagrario (Optical Society of American (OSA), 2024-03-11)
    Open Access
    Diffractive optics is a valuable technique for designing presbyopia-correcting lenses, but its effectiveness is wavelength-dependent. This study investigates the spatio-chromatic alterations in visual resolution associated ...
  • New designs of spectacle lenses for the control of myopia progression: a scoping review 

    Lupón Bas, Marta; Nolla Colomer, Carme; Cardona Torradeflot, Genís (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2024-02-19)
    Open Access
    Myopia control with new designs of spectacle lenses is a flourishing area of research. The present work reviews the effectiveness of new designs (DIMSs, defocus-incorporated multiple segments; CARE, cylindrical annular ...
  • Accuracy of a Large Language Model as a new tool for optometry education 

    Cardona Torradeflot, Genís; Argilés Sans, Marc; Pérez Maña, Luis (2023-12-03)
    Restricted access - publisher's policy
    Clinical relevance: The unsupervised introduction of certain Artificial Intelligence tools in optometry education may challenge the proper acquisition of accurate clinical knowledge and skills proficiency. Background: Large ...
  • Tolerance to residual astigmatism of an isofocal intraocular lens 

    Pérez Sanz, Lidia; Vega Lerín, Fidel; Azor Morón, Juan Antonio; Cuellar Santiago, Fátima; Millán Garcia-Varela, M. Sagrario; Garzón Jimenez, Nuria (Springer Nature, 2023-11-11)
    Restricted access - publisher's policy
    Purpose To evaluate the impact of residual astigmatism on the optical and visual performance of an enhanced-monofocal isofocal intraocular lens (EM Isopure, BVI medical, Belgium) compared to a monofocal one (Micropure, BVI ...
  • Gender distribution in publishing in five leading optometry journals 

    Cardona Torradeflot, Genís; Herrera, Aitor (John Wiley & sons, 2024-05)
    Open Access
    Purpose: To explore gender distribution in authorship and citation parameters of articles published in five optometry journals included in the Ophthalmology category of Journal Citation Reports. Methods: The Scopus database ...
  • Image formation with lenses, pinholes and slits in an optical box 

    Escofet Soteras, Jaume; Pérez Cabré, Elisabet (Hands-on Science Network, 2023)
    Conference lecture
    Restricted access - publisher's policy
    Images formed by systems with small apertures, such as pinholes and slits, have very weak illumination. It is advisable an object with a high luminance and with considerable size to see these images. Besides, the device ...
  • Spatio-chromatic vision with multifocal diffractive intraocular lens 

    Millán Garcia-Varela, M. Sagrario; Clavé Cerezo, Laura; Torrents Gómez, Aurora; Armengol Cebrian, Jesús; Vega Lerín, Fidel (Elsevier, 2023-08-01)
    Open Access
    Background This study aims to detect alterations in the spatio-chromatic pseudophakic vision produced by multifocal diffractive intraocular lenses (IOLs) and provides a physical interpretation. Methods In vitro characterization ...
  • El sueño como factor de riesgo en el avance de la miopía 

    Fambuena Muedra, Isabel; Díez Ajenjo, Mª Amparo; Ordiñaga Monreal, Enrique; Peris Martínez, Cristina; Puertas Cuestas, Francisco Javier (Dolores María Peñalver García, 2021)
    Conference lecture
    Open Access

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