7th BSC Severo Ochoa Doctoral Symposium, Spring 2020
The complete book is available at:
https://www.bsc.es/education/predoctoral-phd/doctoral-symposium/7thbsc- so-doctoral-symposium//
Editor: Carolina Olmo
Cover: Design based on artwork created by macrovector.com
Published by: Barcelona Supercomputing Center
Suported by: The “Severo Ochoa Centres of Excellence” programme
Model validation and data insertion with FALL3D-8.0: exploiting geostationary satellite retrievals of volcanic ash and SO2
Conference report
Open AccessThe new version of FALL3D has recently been released with several new features and improvements in model physics, solving algorithms, code accuracy and performance [1]. Among the new features are a data insertion scheme ... -
dislib: large scale high performance machine learning in Python
Conference report
Open AccessIn recent years, machine learning has proven to be an extremely useful tool for extracting knowledge from data. This can be leveraged in numerous research areas, such as genomics, earth sciences, and astrophysics, to ... -
Decadal climate prediction at the BSC
Conference report
Open AccessInitialised decadal climate predictions have been made available for users as a potential source of near-term climate information with the aim of supporting climate-related decisions in key economic and societal sectors ... -
Assessment of the impact of the Covid-19 lockdown on air pollution over Spain using machine learning
Conference report
Open AccessThe rapid spread of the Covid-19 pandemic over Spain recently forced the Spanish authorities to implement drastic measures of social distancing through a strict lockdown of the population starting on March 14th. As ... -
Exploring gender differences in bioinformatics research
Conference report
Open AccessWomen’s underrepresentation in science is an unfair situation apparent in different research fields. This article examines the problem of gender bias in the field of Bioinformatics. Through a quantitative study of more ... -
A compromise archive platform for monitoring infrastructures
Conference report
Open AccessThe great advancement in the technological field has led to an explosion in the amount of generated data. Many different sectors have understood the opportunity that acquiring, storing, and analyzing further information ... -
Towards integrated urban simulations
Conference report
Open AccessMore than half of the world population lives in urban areas. Urbanites are estimated to grow up to 68% of the population by 2050 [1]. This rapid growth requires new contributions from researchers and policy-makers to ... -
Natural disasters, remote sensing, and synthetic controls
Conference report
Open AccessSatellite imagery has been used for decades to study changes on Earth’s surface and understand the mechanisms that have shaped it as we know it today. Moreover, substantial improvements in computing power and the increase ... -
Specific-purpose globalizations for Newton’s method: anisotropic optimization of curved meshes
Conference report
Open AccessWe derive an optimization method to adapt straight-edged and curved piece-wise polynomial meshes to the stretching and alignment of a target metric. Two globalization strategies for the optimization method are proposed: ... -
Visualization of pentatopic meshes
Conference report
Open AccessWe propose a simple tool to visualize 4D unstructured pentatopic meshes. The method slices unstructured 4D pentatopic meshes (fields) with an arbitrary 3D hyperplane and obtains a conformal 3D unstructured tetrahedral ... -
Subdividing linear and curved meshes preserving sharp features of a model
Conference report
Open AccessTo provide straight-edged and curved piece-wise polynomial meshes that target a unique smooth geometry while preserving the sharp features and smooth regions of the model, we propose a new fast curving method based on ... -
Computing worst-case contention delays for networks on chip
Conference report
Open AccessComputing performance needs in domains such as automotive, avionics, railway, and space are on the rise. This is fueled by the trend towards implementing an increasing number of product functionalities in software that ... -
Modelling and predicting extreme behavior in critical real-time systems with advanced statistics
Conference report
Open AccessIn the last decade, the market for Critical Real-Time Embedded Systems (CRTES) has increased significantly. According to Global Markets Insight [1], the embedded systems market will reach a total size of US $258 billion ... -
OpenMP static TDG runtime implementation and its usage in heterogeneous computing
Conference report
Open AccessOpenMP being the standard to use in shared memory parallel programming, it offers the possibility to parallelize sequential program with accelerators by using target directive. However, CUDA Graph as a new, efficient ... -
Enhanced performance using hybrid programming models of task-based workflows and MPI
Conference report
Open AccessWhile MPI [1] + X (where X is another parallel programming model) has been proposed and used by the community, we propose a hybrid programming model that combines taskbased model + MPI. Task-based workflows offer the ... -
The atmospheric iron cycle in EC-earth
Conference report
Open AccessThe ocean is known to act as an atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) sink. About a quarter of the CO2 emitted to the atmosphere since the industrial revolution, has been captured by the ocean [1]. The capacity of the ocean ... -
Field observations of the variability of dust emission, its size-spectrum and mineralogy
Conference report
Open AccessAtmospheric mineral dust consists of tiny mineral particles that are produced by the wind erosion of arid and semi-arid surfaces of the Earth, and it is one of the most important aerosols in terms of mass in the global ... -
Multi-model assessment of the late-winter extra-tropical response to El Niño and La Nñna
Conference report
Open AccessEl Ni˜no-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is a natural phenomenon in the tropical Pacific and the dominant mode of climate variability on interannual timescales. The first term, El Ni˜no, refers to a recurring warming of the ... -
An integrated model system tool to evaluate the impact of urban mobility policies on air pollution: Barcelona case study
Conference report
Open AccessAir pollution remains as a key unresolved problem in many urban areas. Cities with such problem are gradually implementing Traffic Management Strategies (TMS) to reduce the total kilometers travelled by vehicles and ... -
Real-time communication support for over-water wireless multi-hop networks
Conference report
Open AccessThe prospect scenario for wireless communications and networking technologies in aquatic environments is nowadays promising. The growing interest around this subject in the last decades has recently been accelerated ... -
Game theoretic analysis of the slurm scheduler model
Conference report
Open AccessIn the context of High Performance Computing, scheduling is a necessary tool to ensure that there exists acceptable quality of service for the many users of the processing power available. The scheduling process can ... -
Memory-coherence between host and devices in a runtime
Conference report
Open AccessAs the end of the Moore’s law approaches, more specific devices such as GPUs, FPGAs or AI accelerators tend to steal the workload that was traditionally run on the CPU, allowing with this offload more specific solutions ... -
Design and implementation of an architecture-aware hardware runtime for heterogeneous systems
Conference report
Open AccessParallel computing has become the norm to gain performance in multicore and heterogeneous systems. Many programming models allow to exploit this parallelism with easy to use tools. In this work we focus on task-based ... -
Accelerating atmospheric models using GPUs
Conference report
Open AccessEnvironmental models are simplified representations of an object or a process [1]. These models provide valuable information on the nature of real-world phenomena and systems [2], with many applications in science and ... -
Non-linear MHD simulations of magnetically confined plasma using OpenFOAM
Conference report
Open AccessInvestigation of alternative energy resources for future is utmost important topic. One of the possibilities is nuclear fusion which powers the sun, being this very attractive since it is clean, safe and virtually ...