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dc.contributor.authorLemus Cárdenas, Leticia
dc.contributor.authorAstudillo León, Juan Pablo
dc.contributor.authorBarbecho Bautista, Pablo Andrés
dc.contributor.authorAguilar Igartua, Mónica
dc.contributor.otherUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Doctorat en Enginyeria Telemàtica
dc.contributor.otherUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Telemàtica
dc.identifier.citationLemus, L. [et al.]. Tips and tools to automate OMNeT++ simulations and to facilitate post data management tasks. 2020.
dc.descriptionReport with tips and tools for PhD students who need to start working with tools like OMNeT++, SUMO; OpenStreetMaps. We collect here a list of tips to help them to speed up the learning process. Also, we introduce the researcher to machine learning techniques focusing on neural networks. We give tools, references and useful examples to start with. Finally, we also comment how to use latex editors easily.
dc.description.abstractNowadays, network simulators are frequently used by researchers to work with different kind of communication networks. In this context, the objective of this work is to introduce the user to the main used simulation tools for wireless networks, in particular vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). In this report, we gather some useful tools and tips for researchers, including installation and operation of OMNET++, SUMO and VEINS. We think this information will be useful for new users and will save them a lot of time and effort at the beginning of their research works. For this, we have used a widely known distribution of Linux (Ubuntu 16.X). We describe how to integrate simulators OMNET++, VEINS, and SUMO to test vehicular communication protocols and services in an urban environment. This tutorial includes a virtual machine as additional material to help researchers. Our final objective is to assist researchers with their tasks associated to the development of novel proposals that require to perform simulations to show the benefits of their approaches.
dc.format.extent26 p.
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Spain
dc.subjectÀrees temàtiques de la UPC::Enginyeria de la telecomunicació::Telemàtica i xarxes d'ordinadors
dc.subjectÀrees temàtiques de la UPC::Informàtica::Intel·ligència artificial::Aprenentatge automàtic
dc.subject.lcshMachine learning
dc.subject.otherData management tools
dc.subject.otherVehicular communications
dc.titleTips and tools to automate OMNeT++ simulations and to facilitate post data management tasks
dc.typeExternal research report
dc.subject.lemacAprenentatge automàtic
dc.contributor.groupUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya. SISCOM - Smart Services for Information Systems and Communication Networks
dc.rights.accessOpen Access
local.citation.authorLemus, L.; Astudillo, J.P.; Barbecho, P.; Aguilar Igartua, M.

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