GAECE - Grup d'Accionaments Elèctrics amb Commutació Electrònica
L'activitat científica del Grup d’Accionaments Elèctrics amb Commutació Electrónica (GAECE) es centra en l'estudi de motors, generadors i accionaments elèctrics amb commutació electrònica. Així com en la fabricació assistida amb polsos de corrent i per vibració mecànica. Les principals capacitats tecnològiques son:
• La concepció, anàlisi i posada en servei de noves estructures de màquines elèctriques alimentades a través de convertidors de potència.
• La modelització i simulació de accionaments elèctrics amb commutació electrònica.
• El desenvolupament de software pel càlcul assistit d’accionaments elèctrics.
• Els estudis d’estalvi energètic en accionaments elèctrics.
• La possibilitat de desenvolupar accionaments elèctrics, així com equips auxiliars adaptats a unes necessitats i aplicacions concretes.
• La realització de proves, assaigs i tests de diagnòstic accionaments.
• El desenvolupament de nous processos de fabricació convencionals amb polsos de corrent i vibració mecànic
Collections in this community
Articles de revista [50]
Llibres [1]
Recent Submissions
An appropriate index to assess the global cancellation level of the harmonic currents consumed by a set of single-phase uncontrolled rectifiers and a set of fluorescent lamps
Open AccessAn in-depth study of harmonic current reduction in European commercial buildings due to the harmonic cancellation effect when a set of single-phase uncontrolled rectifiers and a set of fluorescent lamps are connected at ... -
State-space model of qZSI based PMSG-WPGSs for transient dynamic studies
Conference lecture
Restricted access - publisher's policyThe use of permanent magnet synchronous generators (PMSGs) with full-scale back-to-back converters is rising as a common option in wind power generation systems (WPGSs). An efficient grid integration of PMSG-WPGSs is ... -
Technical and professional communication in the European Project Semester (EPS)
(IGI Global, 2022-03-08)
Part of book or chapter of book
Restricted access - publisher's policyIn the European Project Semester (EPS), communication is key. It is through continuous communication that project teams can plan and develop their projects, involving supervisors and companies in internationalized contexts. ... -
Frequency domain stability assessment of photovoltaic power generation systems with quasi-z-source inverters
Open AccessPhotovoltaic power generation systems are one of the main renewable power sources, and quasi-Z-source inverters are becoming powerful devices to integrate these systems in AC grids. However, stability issues due to the ... -
Control e instrumentación de un mecanismo de Retorno Rápido de Withworth como recurso didáctico para prácticas docentes
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyEste trabajo expone el diseño de un dispositivo para controlar el funcionamiento de una maqueta de un mecanismo de retorno rápido de Withworth, previamente diseñado, y la instrumentación para registrar información sobre ... -
Diseño, fabricación y motorización de un mecanismo de retorno rápido de Withworth
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyEste trabajo expone el diseño, la fabricación, la motorización y el control del funcionamiento de una maqueta de un mecanismo de retorno rápido de Withworth. En su diseño se ha utilizado el paradigma de diseño modular. En ... -
Characterization of the volume and thickness of DIEP flap by CTA image processing
Conference report
Open AccessBreast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer worldwide and is the leading cause of cancer-related death in more than 100 countries. Breast cancer surgery, especially when it involves a mastectomy, is associated with ... -
Experimental technique to analyze the influence of cutting conditions on specific energy consumption during abrasive metal cutting with thin discs
(Springer, 2021-08-09)
Open AccessSpecific energy consumption is an important indicator for a better understanding of the machinability of materials. The present study aims to estimate the specific energy consumption for abrasive metal cutting with ultra-thin ... -
Application work using software tools and didactic equipment of electrical machines in electrical engineering studies
Open AccessThis article describes the use of software tools and didactic equipment of electrical machines applied to the teaching in electrical engineering, specifically in the realization of an application work consisting of the ... -
Two-phase linear hybrid reluctance actuator with low detent force
Open AccessIn this paper, a novel two-phase linear hybrid reluctance actuator with the double-sided segmented stator, made of laminated U cores, and an interior mover with permanent magnets is proposed. The permanent magnets are ... -
Linear switched reluctance motors
(InterChopen, 2020-09-09)
Part of book or chapter of book
Open AccessThis chapter deals with linear switched reluctance machines (LSRMs). Linear switched reluctance machines are the counterpart of the rotary switched reluctance machine (SRM), and now they have aroused great interest in the ... -
Surface damaging of brass and steel pins when sliding over nitrided samples cut by finishing and roughing EDM conditions
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2020-07-17)
Open AccessIn the forging industry, surface quality and surface treatments of dies are crucial parameters to extend their life. These components are usually machined by milling or by Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM), and the final ...