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dc.contributor.authorRapún, Mará-Luisa
dc.contributor.authorTerragni, Filippo
dc.contributor.authorVega, José M.
dc.identifier.citationRapún, M.-L.; Terragni, F.; Vega, J.M. Mixing snapshots and fast time integration of PDEs. A: COUPLED IV. "COUPLED IV : proceedings of the IV International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering". CIMNE, 2011, p. 861-872. ISBN 978-84-89925-78-6.
dc.description.abstractA local proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) plus Galerkin projection method was recently developed to accelerate time dependent numerical solvers of PDEs. This method is based on the combined use of a numerical code (NC) and a Galerkin system (GS) in a sequence of interspersed time intervals, INC and IGS, respectively. POD is performed on some sets of snapshots calculated by the numerical solver in the INC intervals. The governing equations are Galerkin projected onto the most energetic POD modes and the resulting GS is time integrated in the next IGS interval. The major computational effort is associated with the snapshots calculation in the first INC interval, where the POD manifold needs to be completely constructed (it is only updated in subsequent INC intervals, which can thus be quite small). As the POD manifold depends only weakly on the particular values of the parameters of the problem, a suitable library can be constructed adapting the snapshots calculated in other runs to drastically reduce the size of the first INC interval and thus the involved computational cost. The strategy is successfully tested in (i) the one-dimensional complex Ginzburg-Landau equation, including the case in which it exhibits transient chaos, and (ii) the two-dimensional unsteady lid-driven cavity problem.
dc.format.extent12 p.
dc.subjectÀrees temàtiques de la UPC::Matemàtiques i estadística::Anàlisi numèrica::Mètodes en elements finits
dc.subject.lcshFinite element method
dc.subject.lcshCoupled problems (Complex systems) -- Numerical solutions
dc.subject.otherReduced Order Models, Proper Orthogonal Decomposition, Galerkin Projection, Partial Differential Equations
dc.titleMixing snapshots and fast time integration of PDEs
dc.typeConference report
dc.subject.lemacElements finits, Mètode dels
dc.rights.accessOpen Access
local.citation.contributorCOUPLED IV
local.citation.publicationNameCOUPLED IV : proceedings of the IV International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering

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