FLUMEN - Dinàmica Fluvial i Enginyeria Hidrològica
FLUMEN és un institut universitari de recerca de titularitat mixta entre la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya i el Centre Internacional de Mètodes Numèrics en Enginyeria. FLUMEN té com objecte desenvolupar activitats de recerca, assessorament, formació i transferència de tecnologia en els camps de la Dinàmica Fluvial i de l'Enginyeria Hidrològica. FLUMEN fou creat per la Generalitat de Catalunya mitjançant l'ordre ECO/305/2012 de 3 d'octubre (DOGC de 17 d'octubre de 2012).
The group's main goal is research and consultation in river dynamics and surface hydrology. For over fifteen years, the group has worked in R&D in these areas. At present, the consolidated working lines are as follows:
1) Urban hydrology. Large-scale rainwater drainage systems and flooding in urban environments.
2) The effect of reservoirs on natural river behaviour.
3) Impact of infrastructures on natural hydrological characteristics.
4) Floods and measures for minimising the risk of inundation.
5) River restoration.
6) Physical limnology of reservoirs.
7) Dam hydraulics.
8) Design and automation of channels.
A further objective is to organise a multidisciplinary team in river dynamics. Ten years ago, the group began to cooperate with members of the Department of Ecology at the University of Barcelona. The cooperation is based on lecturing, PhD supervision, scientific publications, research projects and consulting. UPC and the UB have recently signed a framework agreement that aims to strengthen t
The group's main goal is research and consultation in river dynamics and surface hydrology. For over fifteen years, the group has worked in R&D in these areas. At present, the consolidated working lines are as follows:
1) Urban hydrology. Large-scale rainwater drainage systems and flooding in urban environments.
2) The effect of reservoirs on natural river behaviour.
3) Impact of infrastructures on natural hydrological characteristics.
4) Floods and measures for minimising the risk of inundation.
5) River restoration.
6) Physical limnology of reservoirs.
7) Dam hydraulics.
8) Design and automation of channels.
A further objective is to organise a multidisciplinary team in river dynamics. Ten years ago, the group began to cooperate with members of the Department of Ecology at the University of Barcelona. The cooperation is based on lecturing, PhD supervision, scientific publications, research projects and consulting. UPC and the UB have recently signed a framework agreement that aims to strengthen t
Collections in this community
Articles de revista [101]
Llibres [8]
Recent Submissions
Using surface flow image velocimetry to analyse flow approaching grated inlets
(Emerald Publishing Limiting, 2020-06)
Open AccessThis paper describes the use of surface flow image velocimetry (SFIV) to analyse flow velocity fields near grated inlets. This will help to understand the flow-capture process of grated inlets and improve their design. The ... -
Experimental investigation to estimate the discharge coefficient of a grate inlet under surcharge conditions
Open AccessPressure pipe flow conditions appear in sewer systems when flow exceeds the hydraulic capacity of the conduit, causing some outflow to be produced. In these cases, water exits through manholes and inlets causing surface ... -
Normas de explotación y planes de emergencia de presas. Experiencia empresa hidroeléctrica
Conference report
Open Access -
Presa y central de Caruachi (Venezuela). Diseño y ensayos de las compuertas para las maniobras de desvío y cierre
Conference report
Open AccessEl proyecto hidroeléctrico de Caruachi (Venezuela), incorpora una de-licada maniobra de desvío del río a través de 18 conductos de 9 x 5,5 mts en la parte inferior del aliviadero. En la última etapa de este proyecto estos ... -
La presa de la Llosa del Cavall. Estudio en modelo reducido del funcionamiento hidráulico del aliviadero y del cuenco reparador
Conference report
Open AccessEn esta comunicación se presentan los resultados obtenidos en el estudio en modelo reducido del aliviadero y cuenco amortiguador de la presa de La Llosa del Cavall, que actualmente se construye en el río Cardener (principal ... -
IberWQ: new simulation tool for 2D water quality modelling in rivers and shallow estuaries
Open AccessThis paper presents a new freeware simulation tool (IberWQ) for 2D water quality modelling in rivers and non-stratified estuaries. The model computes the spatial and temporal evolution of several species and variables which ... -
Physical modeling of a stepped spillway without sidewalls
Open AccessThe interest of a consulting company in designing stepped spillways in roller compacted concrete (RCC) dams led us to propose the possibility of building this type of spillway without sidewalls. Previous research on stepped ... -
Large wood transport-related flood risks analysis of Lourdes city using iber-wood model
(Springer, 2022)
Part of book or chapter of book
Restricted access - publisher's policyLarge wood (LW) accumulations can cause several damages, especially if the recruited wood is transported during floods down to urban areas, like Lourdes (France). One of the most serious problems concerning bridges and ... -
Iber v3: manual de referencia e interfaz de usuario de las nuevas implementaciones
(International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), 2022)
Open AccessIber is a two-dimensional hydraulic model for the simulation of free surface flow in rivers and estuaries, and the simulation of environmental processes in fluvial hydraulics. Since the release of the first version of Iber, ... -
A machine learning-based surrogate model for the identification of risk zones due to off-stream reservoir failure
Open AccessApproximately 70,000 Spanish off-stream reservoirs, many of them irrigation ponds, need to be evaluated in terms of their potential hazard to comply with the new national Regulation of the Hydraulic Public Domain. This ... -
Extension of 2D shallow water models to hydrological modelling
(International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR), 2022)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyIn this paper we discuss some critical aspects that should be considered in order to extend and apply a numerical model based on the 2D shallow water equations(2D-SWE) to distributed hydrological modelling. We also detail ... -
A machine learning-based surrogate model for the identification of risk zones due to off-stream reservoir failure
(International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR), 2022)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyWith the modification of the Regulations of the Hydraulic Public Domain of Spain in 2008, approximately 70.000 owners of off-stream reservoirs are obligated to present a classification assessment on the potential risk due ...